Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 525

The beauty boss didn\'t get angry, but took a few deep breaths to calm his mood.

"Forget your worries. Leave it to me. I can\'t let those people trap you like this. Hum, I don\'t believe it. They all jumped out of the crack of the stone?"

Li forgets worry is to know his beautiful boss. Although he is not a feminist, how many beautiful women in future generations are good friends?

All kinds of jokes about men hiding private money on the Internet in later generations are ridicule, but they are also reality.

The beauty boss who can hold up half the sky now learns that Li forgets worry only has the idea of building a women\'s toilet, so he is trapped in Taiwan prison. How can he not be annoyed.

"Don\'t mess around, Changqing. It\'s better to think about it in the long run. As you can see, I\'m fine. Wei Zheng and Li Shimin don\'t really want to shut me down, they just look like it." Li forgot to worry, lowered his voice and whispered to the beautiful boss\'s ear.

He is afraid of doing something impulsive when his boss is angry.

The beauty boss gave him a white look: "hum, would I be so stupid? All right, leave it to me."

She looked at the environment in the Taiwan prison and frowned: "since you want to live here for a while, you can\'t wronged yourself. I\'ll let Niu Yong and Niu Wu bring things in."

Li forgot to worry, but shrugged his shoulders, as if you were looking at it.

Seeing that they had finished whispering, Chumo laughed and said, "Ziyou, it\'s all right. Our brother will accompany you. Prison head, go and prepare wine and vegetables. I won\'t be drunk today!"

The prisoner\'s face is getting more and more bitter. NIMA, do you want to prepare wine and vegetables? Song and dance girl? The key is who pays the money?

Naturally, he dare not ask the dandies for money, but he can\'t afford to let him pay for it himself. As for going to ask Wei Zheng for money, isn\'t that even worse?

Seeing the embarrassment of the prison head, Li forgot to worry and said with a laugh, "brother Chumo, don\'t embarrass the prison head. I\'ll ask Niu Yong to send them later. Besides, what\'s good for the food in the restaurant outside? Peilan, take someone back to Kaihua workshop to cook some food and send it."

"Nuo, Lang Jun, I know. I\'ll go now." Perrin nodded, immediately turned and left.

Although Peilan is only twelve or thirteen years old now, she has the best craftsmanship in Li\'s house except for her beautiful boss. Now, where the beauty boss has time to cook in person, Peilan is in the house, leading several cooks to prepare food for everyone.

Niu Yong, Niu Wu, and others were also instructed by the beauty\'s boss. They led a group of episodes back to Kaihua workshop and were ready to carry things to Taiwan prison.

Before long, in the ghost like expression of the prison head and a group of prison guards, several four-wheel carriages drove into the censor\'s platform again and stopped in front of the gate of the prison.

The carriage was loaded with various styles of exquisite furniture and furnishings.

At this time, several maidservants of Li\'s house had thrown all the straw out of the cell, removed several thick carpets from the carriage and laid them on the ground of the cell.

Then several cases, bookshelves, Hu benches and even a large bed were brought into the cell.

As for candlesticks and incense, I can see that the prison head and the mouths of the prison guards can\'t be closed for a long time.

The candle with thick arms lit up, and a little smoke smell came out of the incense stove. Even around the cell, in order to repel mosquitoes, the maid sprayed some toilet water from the house.

Even the maidservants of Li\'s house hung thick curtains around the cell to block their sight.

Not long after, the cell where the prisoners were originally held has become a new look.

A jailer asked foolishly, "prison head, is this still the Taiwan prison of Yushitai? Won\'t it be changed into another hospital of Huxian uncle?"

"Go away, don\'t talk nonsense here. Listen up, you bastards. You don\'t dare to offend this noble man. Be careful! You don\'t dare to make any mistakes. You\'ll lose your head."

"Prisoner, don\'t worry. Can our brother still have this eyesight? Tut Tut, I heard that the Huxian uncle came to earth as the God of wealth. Now it seems true. I\'ve seen the carpet in the Hushang shop in Dongshi just now. It\'s all shipped from the western regions. How much do you guess?"

"How much is it? I\'m afraid it won\'t last for several times?"

"Bah, I want to buy a few copper coins. What\'s your dream? I tell you, there\'s a lot of money for a hundred copper coins!"

"My mother, isn\'t this Huxian uncle just spreading money on the ground? In this cell alone, I just saw that at least three carpets were paved. Isn\'t that 300 copper coins?"

"Cut, what\'s this? You forget that this Huxian uncle threw ten thousand gold at the two workshops of Da\'an and zhaohang."

"Tut Tut, isn\'t there really a golden mountain and a silver mountain in this Huxian Bofu? The layout of this cell is many times more luxurious than my family."

"You know a fart. Your kennel is also interesting. Compare it with others? See the candles with thick arms there? One is several copper coins. All the things in your kennel have been sold. Can it be worth copper coins?"

For the luxury of Li\'s residence, several prison guards and prison heads are not only envious, but also envious

After a while, the food and drinks from Li\'s house were also sent in. A group of dandies laughed with Li forgetful, took off their shoes and socks and went to the table. They felt more comfortable than in their own house.

Although the censor\'s platform is in the Imperial City, no one can enter it.

But after all, all prisoners in Taiwan prison are prisoners. Even prisoners\' officials are allowed to visit their families. The Taiwan prison is close to the jingfengmen in the east of the Imperial City, and the chongrenfang is separated by a street.

In order to facilitate the families of prisoners to visit, the Taiwan prison opened a small door at the Jingfeng gate to give public examinations to the families of prisoners for them to enter and leave the Taiwan prison.

With so many people in Li\'s house, it was only with the permission of Wei Zheng that they could swagger and transport so many things into the Taiwan prison in the imperial city.

Seeing that everything was arranged properly, the beautiful boss left Niu Wu and several episodes here to accompany Li forget worry. He led others back to Kaihua workshop first.

Li forgets worry and a group of dandies, without fear, eat, drink, row and drink in the prison of the imperial history platform.

While they were drinking, they saw another group of people pouring in at the gate of the Taiwan prison, still swearing. Behind them, the prison head and the jailer were smiling.

Li forgot to worry about their "luxury version" cell, which naturally attracted the attention of this group of people. Then someone pointed to the cell where Li forgetful sorrow lived and quarreled with the prison head and the jailer.

A jailer seemed to be explaining to them with a smile, but the leader slapped the jailer\'s face and made a slap, which attracted the dandies and Li forgetful to look at them one after another.

Li forgot to worry and stared at the group, but he was so angry that his wine cup hit the ground directly.

"Zhiniang thief, why are these Japanese so rampant?"