Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 524

Li Qieyou felt that he really had a bit of fate with the prison since he passed through the Tang Dynasty.

For more than half a year, this is his second time in prison.

For a later generation of five good young people, in addition to handling ID cards, this has been very frequent for small white-collar workers who rarely go into the police station.

Although he was ready to go to the prison of Chang\'an County last time, even to pit the Li clan, he was unprepared this time.

The imperial palace is also in the Imperial City, and the Taiwan prison is naturally in the imperial city.

The prison car slowly drove into the rosefinch gate. It was the first time for him to enter the imperial city inside the rosefinch gate in this way. He felt a very novel experience.

However, most of the imperial city were officials. Naturally, they all knew him. Li forgot to worry, and they also knew that he was ordered by Li Er to arrest him and step down from prison.

Since the prison car entered the Imperial City, there were many officials pointing at him in the prison car. Many petty officials and officials who should work in various yamen also ran out to watch the excitement.

There are also many Taoist guards and officials from aristocratic families who even spit thick phlegm on the ground with resentment. They look like they can\'t let Li forget his worries and be pushed to Dongshi for questioning and execution now.

The cage was opened only after the prison car drove into the official yard of the censor\'s platform. Li forgets to get out of it and exercise his muscles and bones with great effort. The short journey made him feel that his bones were about to break.

"Huxian uncle, go ahead. I\'ve arranged a prison for you, and I won\'t let you suffer. As long as you don\'t leave the prison, I won\'t restrict your movement. When the matter calms down, I\'ll let you go." Wei Zhengchao waved to the cell head of the prison and motioned him to take Li forget you to the cell.

"Hey, hey, thank you for your kindness."

Li forgets his worries and wants to be able to open it. If he comes, he will be at ease. Anyway, Li Er has issued an edict and his own people have come to this prison. It\'s no use crying and mourning again.

This is the first time that the prison head of Taiwan prison has encountered such a situation.

In this prison, all the officials arrested by the censor station are detained.

During Li Yuan\'s reign, the Zhongcheng and the assistant censor of the imperial Taiwan arrested people respectively. All those interrogated were removed from the prison, which often caused overcrowding in the Taiwan prison.

Since Wei Zheng became the censor doctor of the censor\'s platform, it is natural that the censor\'s platform can\'t tolerate such recklessness.

There is a lot of cleanliness in the Taiwan prison, and there are not so many criminals. However, none of the people who can be arrested in the Taiwan prison is not a criminal with conclusive evidence.

Since they are criminals, it is natural not to be polite to them. Even ordinary prison guards in Taiwan often abuse and scold these high-ranking officials, and even use some lynching.

But today, the prison head of this prison received the notice of the censor early and asked him to lead people to find a dry and ventilated cell, clean it and let some dignitaries check in.

The prison head almost thought he had heard wrong, sir?

This is a prison in Taiwan, not a hostel in chongrenfang. What is check-in? Shouldn\'t it be jail?

Inexplicably, the prison head could only lead a group of prison guards to clean up a cell in the prison. When I heard that someone had committed the crime, I hurried out to pick someone up.

But the scene in front of him made the prisoner\'s legs tremble.

Li QIAOYOU doesn\'t know him, but he knows Wei Shuyu! The eldest son of the big boss at the head of the imperial censor\'s platform. He can\'t see it anymore and can\'t help but know it.

But just now he clearly saw that the "noble man" who was going to be locked up in Taiwan prison kicked Prince Wei\'s ass, but Prince Wei just laughed and didn\'t think it was wrong.

Even the Duke of Wei just didn\'t see it and led a group of censors to leave.

The jailer of Taiwan prison immediately understood that he was really a "noble man" who could not afford to offend. Others came to Taiwan prison to stay.

The dandies didn\'t leave. They surrounded Li niangyou and went to Taiwan prison. The prison head quickly and attentively led the way. If people who didn\'t know saw it, they would not believe that it was the prison head of Taiwan prison, but would treat it as the waiter of the hotel.

Wei Shuyu carelessly pointed to the prison head: "you, come here. This is the uncle of Kaiguo County, Huxian county. He wants to stay with you for a few days and serve me carefully. What needs to be met? Do you understand? If there is any mistake, be careful of your bones!"

"Yes, yes, I understand. Huxian uncle, ladies and gentlemen, please be careful that the ground is wet and slippery. These lazy bones, go down and clean them up when you turn back and let them clean up the moss on the ground."

The environment in Taiwan prison is much better than that in Chang\'an County prison where Li forgot to worry last time.

After all, the prisoners here are all criminal officials, and they always have to save some face.

At least there was no foul smell in the prison of Chang\'an County, and there were no mice running around on the ground.

But it was still a dark cell, lit by torches on the wall. Even if the outside is sunny, it still looks dark and humid.

The prison head and the jailer have helped Li forget worry to clean a cell and replace it with dry and fresh straw.

But when Wei Shuyu saw the cell, he was furious and scolded: "you kill talents, Tian Shirang, is that how you do things? Is this where people live? Don\'t you know that the things to be arranged are complete? Zhiniang thief, it\'s really itchy!"

He said this, but scolded the prison head and a group of prison guards, who wanted to cry without tears. The cell is clean and the straw has been replaced. What else? Do you really think this prison is a hostel? This Huxian uncle is really on vacation?

Li forgot to worry and stopped Wei Shuyu with a smile. "Brother Shuyu, don\'t worry about these people. I guess my episode will come soon. Let them handle it."

As soon as he had finished speaking, he heard the noise coming from the entrance of the prison.

A jailer from Taiwan prison trotted over and said to the prison head, "prison head, someone has come to visit Huxian uncle. Wei Xianggong has spoken. All those who come to visit Huxian uncle will be released. If Huxian uncle needs anything, let us do it."

The prison head only thinks he has a headache. Is it still Taiwan prison?

He did not dare to say anything more, but asked the jailer to invite people in quickly.

Not long after, I saw the beautiful boss, leading aphlo, Peilan, Niu Yong, Niu Wu, and a group of Li\'s episodes into the Taiwan prison.

"Changqing, you\'re here? Eh? Alfred and Perrin, I told you to stay in the house well? Why did you come to Chang\'an City?" Li forgetful asked curiously after seeing the second daughter.

Aphrodite and Perrin looked wronged. If there were not too many outsiders at this time, they would probably cry again.

"Lang Jun, after you left, the old housekeeper worried that you had no one to take care of you, so he asked us to ride to Chang\'an city with some handmaids and the family trilogy."

Li forgot to worry, nodded and looked at the beautiful boss: "Changqing, this time, the family asked you to take care of it."

The beauty boss is very calm, but there is a trace of anger on her pretty face.

"Forget your worries. I heard Niu Wu say that you were arrested in this prison because of the road toilet?"

Li forgets to worry about looking at the beautiful boss\'s beautiful face with a trace of blush because of his anger. He has no choice but to nod