Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 523

Hearing that Wei Zheng, the imperial envoy doctor, wanted to take his husband out of prison, the whole Li house was in a mess.

The old housekeeper Li Heng was so frightened that he was at a loss. The old man knelt down directly to Wei Zheng: "I dare ask Mr. Wei, what law has my husband committed? He\'s going to be taken out of prison?"

Niu Wu stopped Li forgetting to worry and didn\'t let Wei Zheng take him away.

Li forgot his worries and was calm. He pushed Niu Wu away and helped Li Heng up. Then he bowed to Wei Zheng and said, "dare you ask Duke Wei, what\'s the matter? If you want to die, you have to let my nephew die to understand, don\'t you?"

Wei Zheng stared at him angrily: "it\'s not the trouble caused by your boy\'s toilet!"

To make a long story short, he told the story of what happened in Chang\'an city today, but he heard that Li forgetful and all the dandies were staring at each other. He thought it was too inexplicable.

The old man named Tuoba Zhengyang is also a psychopath!

Even though he was going to build a women\'s toilet, after Li Er spoke, he had no choice but to give up the idea.

Now, even a road toilet in Chang\'an City has not started. What does the old man mean by inexplicably seeking death?

"Boy, I know I can\'t blame you for this. However, the Tuoba Gong died because of you, and the sage can\'t pretend to be invisible anymore. It\'s good for you to let you live in the Taiwan prison for some time. When this is over, the Tuoba Gong will release you after he is buried. Don\'t worry. The sage also told me that he won\'t treat you badly. Even in the Taiwan prison, it\'s not bad I won\'t let you, Huxian uncle, be wronged. You should change a place to cultivate your self-cultivation. "

Sue your sister!

Who is particularly willing to go to prison for self-cultivation?

For Wei Zheng\'s words, Li forgot to worry about nothing but turning his eyes. Now that Wei Zheng has come forward, what else can he say?

"In that case, let\'s go. Please take care of Duke Wei."

Li Qieyou turned around and gave orders to Li Heng and Niu Wu, asking them to obey the orders of the beauty\'s boss and look after the door.

Just as they were about to turn over and get on the horse, when they left with Wei Zheng, two little girls, Aphrodite and Perrin, were informed by the maidservant in the house and trotted all the way with their skirt corners.

The two women were crying with tears, and I felt pity at first sight.

"Lang Jun, what happened? Why did Wei Xianggong arrest you from prison?"

"Lang Jun, I\'ll go with you. I\'m not afraid of going to jail. I\'ll go with you."

The sound of the two women\'s crying made the dandies wink at Li forgetful, with an obscene expression on their faces. They now know that Li forgets worry. It\'s no big deal this time. It\'s just a terrible disaster.

In order to calm down the public anger, the saints asked Li forgetful to live in Taiwan prison for some time. They couldn\'t stand the crime, and there was no big problem, so they began to make fun of Li forgetful one by one.

Li forgot to worry and jumped off the horse. He reached out and took Aphrodite and Perrin into his arms. He was relieved. At the same time, I didn\'t forget to raise my middle finger at the dandies behind the two women to show my "admiration" for them.

Li forgot to worry and repeatedly promised that he was all right. He just went to live in the small and medium-sized prison in Taiwan for a few days, which made Aphrodite and Perrin stop crying with suspicion.

"Lang Jun, it\'s really all right? You won\'t cheat slaves, will you?"

"Don\'t worry, how can I deceive you? Be good and obedient, and listen to Changqing\'s words in the house." Li forget worry comforted the two little women, and then turned over and mounted the horse again. He rode to Chang\'an city with Wei Zheng and a group of censors from the censor\'s station.

Where would the dandies want to stay in Dingzhou village? They greeted their own episodes one after another and returned to Chang\'an city with Wei Zheng, Li forgetful and others.

Li Heng, the old housekeeper, was a little distracted at the moment. He pulled Niu Wu: "come on, take someone to follow up. You must ensure that your husband is safe, and then go to Dongshi to inform lady Su and let her make a decision quickly."

Niu Wu naturally did not dare to neglect. He quickly led more than a dozen episodes and chased them all the way.

The party rushed to the outside of Chang\'an City, but Wei Zheng reined in his horse: "huxianbo, the rules can\'t be abolished. Since the saint ordered me to take you out of prison, I can\'t ride in like this. I\'ve asked people to prepare a prison car. Huxianbo is wronged. Change to that prison car."

With a finger in his hand, Li forgot to worry and noticed that this prison car made of rough wood had already stopped on the roadside.

Li forgot to worry and smiled bitterly. Come on, do the whole play. Don\'t embarrass the old man yourself. Obediently climbed down from the horse, walked over by himself, opened the door of the prison car and got in.

After entering the prison car, Li forgot to worry and found that the person who designed the prison car was really immoral. This height, in any case, can not make people stand up, can only stoop.

Fortunately, he is not a real prisoner. He doesn\'t have to be chained, let alone shackled in a prison car. Otherwise, you will have to take off the skin if you sit in this prison car, which is as bumpy as a trampoline.

He crossed his legs in the prison car, and all the dandies pointed at him and laughed heartlessly, as if he were an orangutan in the zoo. Angry, Li forgot to worry, closed his eyes and simply ignored these bastards.

Wei Zheng waved his hand, and the prison car slowly went to Mingde gate under the drag of two Qianniu.

When the prison car drove into Chang\'an City, it immediately attracted the attention of many people. Fortunately, there are no photos these days, and few people know Li forget you. They don\'t know that the famous Huxian Bo Li forget you is detained in the prison car.

After entering the city, the dandies didn\'t play any more. They just drove the horses to guard around Li forgetful\'s prison car.

The prison car slowly moved along Zhuque street. Along the way, people in Chang\'an City pointed at the prison car. When they came near Anye square, they suddenly rushed out of the crowd by the roadside and knelt down directly next to the prison car.

His move startled the dandies around the prison car. Chumo\'s horses almost hit him.

Disturbed by him, the prison car stopped.

"Eunuch, is that you? Eunuch, what\'s the matter with you? Why did they catch eunuch you?"

Hearing the sound, Li forgot to worry, but he was a middle-aged man. He looked familiar, but he couldn\'t remember where he had seen him for a moment.

"Do you know me?" Li Qieyou asked curiously.

The middle-aged man nodded again and again: "eunuch, I\'m the shopkeeper of Ren Ji saddle bridle shop who won the lottery. Do you remember me?"

As soon as he said this, Li forgot to worry about it immediately. He couldn\'t help laughing and said, "it\'s shopkeeper Ren. Ha ha, you don\'t say I almost forgot. I\'m sorry. Shopkeeper Ren\'s business is still booming now?"

"The saddle and bridle shop that burned down before has been rebuilt, and the business is even more in the past. It\'s eunuch, why are you locked up in this prison car, but you were killed by a traitor? I don\'t know if eunuch has something to serve? Eunuch has a drive, so you must do your best! If you spend all your money, you should clean up your grievances for eunuch!"

Manager Ren\'s words moved Li QIAOYOU very much and quickly bowed to him: "thank you for manager Ren\'s kindness, but it\'s a matter of chaotang. You can\'t help. I understand your heart and go back."

Li Qieyou waved to him and the prison car moved on.

Shopkeeper Ren looked at the far away prison car and couldn\'t help sighing. Watching his grandfather leave in a prison car, he couldn\'t help, which made him very depressed.

Although his wife bought the lottery ticket that saved the life of his family.

However, shopkeeper Ren always believed that Li forget worry, who launched the lottery, was the benefactor of his family. Otherwise, if he really wants to borrow the Xiangji kitchen, he can\'t imagine what will happen to his family.

After the prison car went away, the people watching the excitement around saw shopkeeper Ren surrounded.

"Dare you ask this gentleman, who is the man in the prison car just now?"

"Yes? That\'s the prisoner\'s cart of the imperial censor\'s platform. Who is this? He was caught by the imperial censor\'s platform? But a corrupt official?"

When shopkeeper Ren heard this, he stamped his feet angrily: "bah, don\'t talk nonsense, so that you can know that that eunuch is the founder of Huxian County! How can he be a corrupt official!"

His words immediately caused an uproar among the people around him