Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 522

Li Er didn\'t want to continue to hold such a meeting in Chang Dynasty today. After asking Mituo to go to the imperial city and announce the cancellation of Chang Dynasty today, he recruited Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and Chang sun Wuji into the Tai Chi palace to discuss countermeasures.

Just when all the leaders had a headache, the matter spread almost all over Chang\'an city at the speed of light, and there was an uproar in Guozi school.

Tuoba Zhengyang has been working in Guozi school for most of his life and has always been famous.

I heard that the Guozi doctor gave Li Er a bloody letter because Li forgot to worry about going to the nun\'s toilet. The whole Guozi school was boiling.

"If the national thieves are not eliminated, Lord Tuoba will die in peace!"

"Tuoba is such an old man that he can be forced to death by that sycophant. It\'s really annoying! Someone is sworn against the national thief!"

"Before I said that the courtier should die, and you were deceived by some poems he distributed. Now what else do you have to say?"

"Let\'s go! Let\'s go to the rosefinch gate and open our eyes! We must let the sage know that everyone can kill such national thieves!"

"Go, go!"

Under the leadership of several doctors and teaching assistants, nearly half of the more than 1300 students in Nuo University poured out of Wuben workshop and went to the rosefinch gate.

The students, all with sad and angry faces, knelt down behind the coffin of Tuoba Zhengyang, facing the rosefinch door and said nothing.

With the passage of time, more and more courtiers, especially those from aristocratic families, also knelt in front of the rosefinch door.

And those who had repeatedly written to impeach Li forget their worries, now they found the backbone and knelt down behind Tuoba Zhengyang\'s coffin without hesitation.

More and more people knelt down in front of the rosefinch door of Nuo Da, and even blocked the Golden Gate Street. The people of Chang\'an City gathered more and more when they got the news.

Tuoba Zhengyang\'s family also got the news and rushed over. They knelt behind the coffin and cried endlessly. They were very sad.

Li Er, who was still in the legislative palace and discussed countermeasures with Fang Xuanling and others, was shocked to hear Mituo\'s report.

This kind of thing has never been heard of in the more than ten years since the founding of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Er was also a little flustered. He didn\'t think of it.

"Fang Gong, Du Gong and auxiliary machinery, what do you think of this? What do you do now?"

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui don\'t know what to say. They are also noncommittal, neither support nor oppose Li forgetful\'s intention to build a women\'s toilet.

But I can\'t imagine that it was just Li forgetful that he had such an idea that he came to this point. Even Dr. Guozi, the fifth grade of the current Dynasty, expressed his ambition with death, which is ridiculous.

But to say that the fault lies in Li forgetting sorrow, they can\'t say such unkind words.

After all, the construction of road toilets is indeed a good thing. Even if the construction of women\'s toilets is wrong, it won\'t fight like this?

The eldest sun Wuji pondered and said: "Your Majesty, the most urgent thing now is to calm down the matter and not let them continue to make trouble. In my opinion, the initiators of the terracotta warriors just want to take this opportunity to return to the court. Your majesty might as well push the boat with the current and recruit these old ministers back to the court. In addition, you wronged Huxian Bo and asked your majesty to order Duke Wei to invite him to the Taiwan prison of the imperial censor\'s platform to live in some What does your majesty think of letting him out after the matter subsides? "

"Is this... Too worrying for Qu Ziyou? In my opinion, he is not very wrong. Even if there is something wrong with the construction of the women\'s toilet, why should he take Zi you out of prison?" Li Er naturally didn\'t want to be wronged. Li forgets you and replied reluctantly.

Eldest sun Wuji bowed his hand to Li Er and said, "Your Majesty, now you can only sacrifice Huxian Bo to make him feel wronged. Presumably Huxian Bo can also understand your Majesty\'s good intentions. In other words, it is also to protect him to let Huxian Bo live in Taiwan prison for some time."

Li Er hesitated and turned his eyes to Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui to ask for their opinions.

Although Fang Xuanling was dissatisfied with the "bad idea" put forward by his eldest sun Wuji, she could do nothing. She was silent for a while and finally nodded slowly.

Seeing that his three confidants had said so, Li Er could only hesitate again and again, nodded and agreed.

Soon, Mituo came out of the Tai Chi palace with a bright yellow imperial edict and went straight to the rosefinch door.

"There is a system!" with Mituo\'s voice, the originally noisy rosefinch outside the door suddenly quieted down.

"Under the door: doctor zhongsan, doctor Guozi, Tuoba Zhengyang, a loyal scholar... Posthumously seal the male of Hanshan county and give him 100000 gold. The Lord will implement it..."

Tuoba Zhengyang was granted the county baron. His family naturally kowtowed and thanked him, but other people kneeling on the ground were not satisfied with the result. Just about to make a noise, Mituo took out another imperial edict.

The imperial edict finally satisfied these old ministers. Li Er not only softened and recalled all of them to the court, but also ordered Wei Zheng, the imperial historian, to take Bo Li forgetful from Huxian County out of prison and strictly examine them.

Outside the rosefinch gate, there was a burst of cheers. I felt that the big event had been decided, that justice had defeated evil, and that the national thief Li forgetful was about to be killed

Under the persuasion of Fang Xuanling and other leaders, the crowd gathered outside the rosefinch door finally dispersed slowly.

Tuoba Zhengyang\'s coffin was also transported back to the house by his crying family, ready to set up a mourning hall to accept the worship of his colleagues, relatives and friends.

Wei Zheng shook his head, but he was helpless. He could only lead people to Dingzhou village in person.

Li Qieyou knew nothing about this. It was very strange to hear that his maidservant reported that Wei Zheng, the imperial historian, had come. Although he has a good relationship with Wei Shuyu and can be regarded as a brother, he doesn\'t have much friendship with the "sheep nose Lord"?

When the handmaid came to spread the word, he was fighting the landlord with the dandies.

"Brother Shuyu, what\'s the matter with your family here? Do you know?"

"How could I know? I\'ve lived in your house for so long. I haven\'t been back to Chang\'an City, and I haven\'t seen my father. Hey, maybe I have business to find you?" Wei Shuyu replied casually, throwing out a card from his hand: "four two! Fried, wow, ha ha ha, I have one card left. Give me money, give me money!"

Fang Yiai looked at the cards in his hand, blinked and threw them into the pile of cards: "what cards do you still play? Go to meet your adults."

"Shit! Love, you play again?"

"No, I\'m afraid your adults are in a hurry."

"Then you give the money first!"

"I haven\'t lost yet. What\'s the money?"


The dandies stopped playing cards and quarreled with each other to meet Wei Zheng.

The first word Wei Zheng said shocked the people. Did he think the old man was crazy?

"Li forget your worries, let\'s go with me. The sage has issued an edict to take you out of prison for review!"

Wei Shuyu stammered, "father and father, but what\'s wrong? What\'s wrong with the son? You need to work hard and take him out of prison?"

"Yes, Duke Wei, is there any misunderstanding? Zi is worried that he is good. How could he be ordered by the saint to step down from prison?"

The dandies also became angry, which made the old man Wei Zheng stare: "shut up! You know a fart! This bastard didn\'t do it himself? The sage\'s move is also to protect him."

Li forget worry is even more ignorant, Nani? Well, people sit at home, and disaster comes from heaven? What did he commit? He was too old to be taken out of prison?