Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 521

In just a few days, Li Qieyou was impeached nearly a hundred times.

According to these impeachment contents, it is not a victory of justice to not divide Li forgetful into five parts and frustrate the bones and ashes.

For these memorials, Li Er didn\'t even bother to read them. He directly asked Mituo to take them away and burn them clean.

Li Er is also tired of these weidaofu. It\'s a big fart and endless entanglement. Li forget worry wants to build a road toilet in Chang\'an City, which is originally a good thing, and Li Er also supports it. Even if the nun\'s toilet is inappropriate, it won\'t be such a poor toss on the outline.

When Li Er wanted to come, he ignored these people. In addition, Li forgot his worries. As long as he didn\'t repair the women\'s toilet and lived a few days, the matter would be over.

But unexpectedly, a thing that startled the government and the public happened when Li Er was caught off guard.

In the early morning of this day, in the morning drums of Chang\'an City, the soldiers guarding Mingde gate pushed the heavy winch and opened the heavy and thick city gate of Mingde gate.

The hinges of the city gate make a loud squeaking noise, which is very harsh in the morning.

The soldiers had long been used to this sound and turned a blind eye to it. There are many people waiting outside the gate, waiting to enter the city.

These are the villagers from the villages around Chang\'an city. They pick the output from their own fields and go to Chang\'an City market to sell it. There are also caravans who are greedy to travel and miss the closing time of the city gate, so they can only be forced to stay overnight outside the city gate.

When they saw the gate open, they all lined up honestly and waited for the doorkeeper to investigate the public inspection.

When the city gate was in chaos, a group of people came not far away. The strange movement startled everyone.

More than a dozen old men with white hair and beard, wearing deep Fei and shallow Fei official clothes, struggled to carry a thin coffin, looked sad, angry and miserable, and came to Mingde gate without saying a word.

Naturally, this battle startled the guard soldiers, and did not dare to stop these four and five grade officials, so someone immediately ran to Tongbing, the brigade commander in charge of guarding Mingde gate.

The brigade commander was also surprised when he got the news. What\'s going on to carry the coffin into the city?

In Chang\'an City, only coffins have been transported out. We have not seen a group of officials carry coffins into Chang\'an city.

"Gentlemen, what are you going to do?" the brigade commander\'s duty is to stop in front of a group of old ministers.

"Get out of the way! This is the coffin of Dr. Tuoba Zhengyang, the doctor of zhongsan and the son of the state. We\'ll take him to the Tai Chi palace. Don\'t get in the way!" an old man in the lead scolded.

His words surprised the brigade commander. Dr. kuoko\'s coffin? Are you going to Taiji palace? Are these old ministers crazy?

However, this was not something he, a small gatekeeper brigade commander, could stop. Naturally, he could only let him aside and watched the group of old ministers leave with coffins.

When he was far away, he dragged a soldier around him: "ride a horse and report to the rosefinch gate. There\'s going to be an accident!"

These old ministers had not yet carried the coffin to the imperial city. At this time, they lined up in the imperial city to participate in the hundred officials of the Chang Dynasty, so they knew about it.

Doctor zhongsan, Dr. Guozi, Tuoba Zhengyang, people naturally know. He was a doctor of four schools in the former Sui Dynasty and has been working in Guozi school since he joined the Tang Dynasty.

If he is sixty or seven this year, he is also a great Confucian in the Dynasty and has a good reputation. A few days ago, Tuoba Zhengyang was driven to Huxian County by Li Er because he impeached Li forgetting his worries.

It\'s only half a month. Why was it carried back in the coffin?

Du Ruhui\'s face changed and hurriedly pulled Fang Xuanling aside: "Xuanling, I\'m afraid there\'s something wrong with this matter. Don\'t let them carry the coffin of Tuoba Gong into the imperial city. If I expect it right, I\'m afraid these old ministers are not good today. I\'m afraid it has something to do with Huxian uncle."

Fang Xuanling was reminded by him, but he also reacted.

These old ministers were driven out of the court by Li Er because they impeached Li forgetful. If Tuoba Zhengyang is old and weak and dies of illness, his family should naturally pass the court.

Now the old ministers quietly carried his coffin into Chang\'an city. Obviously, things are not so simple.

Fang Xuanling immediately nodded and turned around to send orders. It was strictly forbidden to guard the forbidden army of the imperial city and put those old ministers into the imperial city.

And all this was also expected by the group of old ministers. After being stopped by the forbidden army outside the rosefinch door, the people did not make a noise. They put down the coffin of Tuoba Zhengyang and knelt down in front of the rosefinch door without saying a word.

Outside the rosefinch gate is the intersection of jinguangmen street and rosefinch street. On weekdays, the flow of people shuttles back and forth. Seeing such a scene in front of the rosefinch door naturally attracted everyone\'s eyes and didn\'t understand what had happened.

The people dare not approach and watch. They can only stay far away and point out. But those low-level officials and clerks who need to "go to work" in the Imperial City yamen do not have such taboos.

Many people know this group of old ministers, and even officials make friends with them. Seeing this scene, they naturally have to come forward and ask the reason.

"Liu Gong, what are you doing? What\'s the matter with the coffin?"

Seeing someone asking questions, these old ministers who had been silent before suddenly came to the spirit and were angry one by one.

"So that you can know that this coffin is the fifth grade of the current Dynasty, doctor zhongsan, doctor Guozi, Tuoba Zhengyang and Tuoba Gong!"

"Ah? Is it Lord Tuoba? What\'s the matter? Good, why are there no people?"

"Hum! There are national thieves who have acted perversely and harmed the people in an attempt to disrupt the ethics and morality of our Tang Dynasty. Traitors are really national thieves! However, national thieves deceive the saints and steal fame in the dark. Tuoba Gong is a loyal and righteous man and the pillar of the country! Because he has no way to eliminate national thieves, he hanged a beam to commit suicide in order to show his will to die. Tuoba Gong left a blood letter and asked the saints to kill the sycophantic officials and thieves!"

The old minister\'s words heard the uproar of the people around him.

Someone who doesn\'t know why and asks others foolishly, who is the national thief who can force Dr. Guozi to commit suicide?

Immediately someone covered his mouth and whispered a few words to his ear, which made the man suddenly realize.

With these words, people with clear eyes can immediately think of the road toilet in Chang\'an City recently.

Huxian uncle wants to build a women\'s toilet. Except for some old professors and Taoist guards who keep writing books, others just watch it as a joke.

But I didn\'t expect that such a show today shocked everyone. He left a blood letter and hanged himself. How much hatred does he have against the Huxian uncle?

Some people who made friends with these old ministers were filled with righteous indignation after hearing this. They knelt down in front of the rosefinch door one after another to ask for an explanation for Tuoba Zhengyang.

The leading old minister straightened his waist, held a blood book in his hands, and looked directly at the direction of the Tai Chi palace.

What happened outside the rosefinch\'s door, naturally, was immediately Tongbing to Li Er\'s ears.

After learning this, Li Er was stunned. What are you doing? Isn\'t it Li forgetful that the boy wants to fix a women\'s toilet? And he was stopped by himself before he could finish it. As for this situation?