Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 520

The road toilet Li forgets to worry about is still on the drawings, but there is a lot of noise because of the construction of women\'s toilets.

Ordinary people in Chang\'an city don\'t care about it. People don\'t pay so much attention to etiquette and law. After all, it was not the Ming and Qing dynasties that had so many constraints and prejudices against women.

In the Tang Dynasty, even if women go out to work, it is not a new thing. Making public appearances has long been used to among the people.

Therefore, Huxian Bo wants to build road toilets and separate toilets for men and women. For the people, it is just a joke after dinner.

But it was a great event when it was introduced into the ears of those great Confucianism and aristocratic families in Chang\'an city.

The aristocratic family headed by the five surnames Qiwang originally disliked Li forgetting worry. The Wang family in Taiyuan and the Zheng family in Xingyang were even more incompatible with him. Now it explodes as soon as I hear that this son actually wants to do such a thing that risks universal condemnation.

The next day, Chang Chaoshang, Li forgetful worry, without any accident, was impeached again. It was not impeached by one person, but by hundreds of ministers.

Facing the nearly 100 courtiers kneeling out of Hula La below, Li Er couldn\'t help rubbing his temples with a headache. He also secretly blamed Li for forgetting his worries.

Li Er is naturally noncommittal about the construction of women\'s toilets.

Although it is not as strongly opposed as the aristocratic family, it does not support it.

"Well, gentlemen, I know about this. I\'ll send someone to tell Huxian Bo not to act recklessly. Gentlemen, get up quickly." Li Er was too lazy to entangle this matter and set the tone in a few words.

Anyone with a clear eye can see that Li Er is protecting Li forgetting his worries.

Just let people go to "inform" and not allow the construction of women\'s toilets, even without reprimand.

However, the purpose of the officials was achieved. Since Li Er did not support Li forgetful to build a women\'s toilet, he had to give it up. The ministers got up one after another, praised Li Er Shengming and returned to their places.

After going down, Li Er naturally sent Mituo to Dingzhou village and told Li to forget his worries and not to mess around, causing a lot of trouble.

In this regard, Li forget worry naturally very speechless.

Don\'t you just build a women\'s toilet? As for hundreds of courtiers impeaching themselves?

But things have not been as simple as Li forgetful.

Although facing the hall, because of Li Er\'s protection, the aristocratic family can\'t say anything more. But the Wang family in Taiyuan and the Zheng family in Xingyang are not willing to let Li forget his worries.

On the same day, various rumors began to appear in Chang\'an City, all of which were innuendo against Li forgetful.

Some rumors say that Huxian Bo Li forgets his worries and wants to build a women\'s toilet. In fact, he has ulterior motives and intends to do that thing.

Some rumors say that Li forgets to worry and bears lecherous people. Hundreds of beautiful maidservants in the house are trampled by him every day. They are not satisfied. He wanted to take advantage of the construction of women\'s toilets to do the wrong thing, capture young and beautiful women and go back to the house to wreak havoc.

It is also rumored that Huxian Bo knows witchcraft. He can collect women\'s gold juice and use witchcraft to turn those women into puppets for them to vent their animal desires

What makes Li forget to worry and vomit blood is that there are not only rumors, but also leaflets and tabloids copied from him in all the lanes of Chang\'an city. With all kinds of exaggerated words, it describes all kinds of absurd things in Huxian Bofu and all kinds of evil means of Li forgetting sorrow.

Naturally, all these things were created by the Wang family in Taiyuan and the Zheng family in Xingyang.

They are taking this opportunity to slander the disgusting anger that Li forgot to worry about and suffered before he took a breath.

These are just anecdotal rumors, which have no impact on Li forget worry. At most, they have a bad reputation. Moreover, even the illiterate people in Chang\'an city only listen to rumors as stories, and few people really believe them.

But he thought about the nun\'s toilet. Not only the aristocratic family was dissatisfied, but also the conservative old masters from the government and the field. Even for this reason, people can be found everywhere.

Even though Li Er has expressed his attitude, there are still snowy memorials sent to the Tai Chi palace every day. All of them are to impeach Huxian Bo Li and forget his worries. I wish Li Er had better make an order immediately to push Li forget you, the bold guy, to Dongshi, beheaded and abandoned the city.

In this regard, Li Er naturally can only ignore it and leave it in the middle.

In Huxian County, in a house not far from the county government, more than a dozen old ministers who were driven away from the court by Li Er are gathering here at the moment.

They are all because some time ago, they impeached Li QIAOYOU and asked the people of Huxian to plant rice. They hated Li Er and were sent to Huxian to "supervise the rice planting of Huxian".

Yang Zuan, the county magistrate of Huxian County, naturally knows the origin of this matter and hates this group of old friends who can only talk nonsense and criticize others from the so-called moral height.

Therefore, since these dozen old ministers came to Huxian County, Yang Zui only paid a courtesy visit, and they all regarded this group as non-existent and ignored it.

Yang Zuan\'s attitude, from the county magistrate and county lieutenant to the clerks of the Yamen service in Huxian County, who still doesn\'t understand that these seemingly noble court officials are all losers.

So this group of four or five grade officials were ignored in Huxian County, so they lived and died.

Today, more than 100 villages in Huxian county can not be turned into irrigated wheat fields except those dry fields on the mountains and for geographical reasons. Other fields have already burned the original wheat fields, ploughed them again and repaired ditches under the supervision of county yamen servants, scribes and village leaders.

Yang Zuan was so busy that he finally set up waterwheel in every village. Now, in the fast-moving villages, with the water wheels turning day and night, they have begun to release water to soak the fields and prepare to plant seedlings.

There is nothing about these old ministers, and the so-called supervision of rice planting is an empty word.

And these old ministers dare not go back to Chang\'an city. Otherwise, if they are impeached by someone who has a heart for "dereliction of duty", I\'m afraid they can\'t even protect the official products.

Li forgot to worry about building a road toilet in Chang\'an City, which naturally came to their ears. Li forgets to worry that he wants to build a women\'s toilet, which makes these old ministers seem to have found the key to return to the court.

"Nan Ronggong, God helps us in this matter. The little bastard surnamed Li will die by himself. Whether we can return to the court or not is in one fell swoop."

"Hum, I think it will be a disaster sooner or later for the sage to favor the sycophant minister so much! How can we sit and watch the Yellow mouthed child, such a disaster and chaos?"

"That\'s right, that\'s right. I wish I could blow the ashes of such treacherous and cunning villains and return the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty. This son not only harms the people of Huxian County, but now he ignores etiquette and law and wants to overturn Yin and Yang. It\'s hateful!"

"Gentlemen, let\'s also write a letter to impeach this son. As long as we remove this son, we can go back to the court."

"What Duke Liu said is exactly what we thought. However, I heard that, of course, in the Tai Chi hall, the sage lightly let the bastard surnamed Li go. And all the memorials of impeachment were kept in the middle of the hall. What\'s your plan?"

For Li Er\'s attitude of protecting Li forgetting his worries, these old ministers were also distressed, but there was nothing to do.

They thought hard for a long time, but someone suddenly asked, "why didn\'t lord Tuoba arrive today?"

"He was cold and depressed a few days ago. He can\'t get up in bed these days. Alas, I think Tuoba\'s health is getting worse and worse. I\'m afraid he will have to give up soon."

"It\'s a pity that we have to lose a close friend again. It\'s sad."

The crowd sighed again, but suddenly someone lowered his voice: "gentlemen, I have a plan..."