Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 519

Hu County, Kaiguo County, Bo Li forgot his worries and wanted to build 300 road toilets in Chang\'an city. Naturally, it soon spread all over Chang\'an\'s middle and small alleys.

People have different reactions to this.

Some people are now used to the generous and black sheep behavior of this founder.

Compared with spending a lot of money to build a horse stadium and boasting to support the people of a county, building 300 road toilets in Chang\'an city is really not a big deal.

Some people also marveled at Li\'s move and felt that he was generous and sparing money. There are so many dirt on the streets of Chang\'an city. Naturally, no one wants to see it, but there was no way before.

Now Huxian uncle has invested in the construction of road toilets. People will be happy to go out and have a place to defecate in the future.

Some people scoff at Li\'s move and think that he is just trying to impress the public. Even in private, the aristocratic family began to laugh at Li\'s "Lu toilet County uncle".

Li Er\'s imperial edict soon went down to Wannian Huxian county and Wannian Huxian county. Li forgot to worry, went to the county government, studied with Cui Luo and Lu Dejing, and outlined 300 locations for building road toilets on the map.

Cui Zhuo and Lu Dejing, two county magistrates of Chang\'an and Wannian counties, naturally welcomed Li forgetting worry with both hands.

Anyway, this road toilet doesn\'t need them to pay, but it can solve the long-standing problem of urination and drowning in the two counties. Why not.

Just ordinary Chang\'an people. These two are also five grade officials of the court. They are of noble origin. How can they get used to the dirt on the streets of Chang\'an City?

Especially in midsummer, mosquitoes and stink in the streets and corners in the south of the city, which really hurt them. However, in addition to strictly ordering the Yamen to strengthen street patrol, there is no better way, which makes Cui Luo and Lu Dejing very angry.

Although this road toilet can be seen in ancient books, it is really a new thing for the Tang Dynasty.

Cui Luo and Lu Dejing simply invited Li forgetful and prepared for a field trip. It\'s better to ask Li Lianyou how to build the road toilet. He also needs the cooperation of Chang\'an and Wannian counties.

Of the 300 road toilets, 108 are now 106, except for the two that have been transformed into a polo court. Li Qieyou plans to build a road toilet in each workshop. Because of the huge flow of people in the East and West cities, four road toilets will be built each.

This is more than 100 road toilets, and the rest are built on the 25 main streets of Chang\'an city.

"Huxian uncle, how do you plan to build this road toilet? I don\'t know. Please give me some advice." Cui Luo bowed and asked.

Now he and ludjing really convinced the young man in front of him. When I first went to Dingzhou village and saw Li forgetting his worries, this son was just an introduction, which was as different as the identity of his five grade Dynasty official.

But it was only half a year. The young man was like riding a rocket. He was knighted three times. Now he is the founder of the fourth grade.

Cui Luo can only secretly rejoice that he didn\'t completely offend this son. He bowed his head quickly, otherwise he really didn\'t know how to deal with himself.

He sighed in his heart. It was not Lu Dejing, the magistrate of Wannian County, who sighed in his heart.

Li forgot to worry about calling Niu Wu and took a stack of paper from him: "Cui Mingfu and Lu Mingfu, please see, this is my sketch of the road toilet. The construction of the road toilet is very simple. You only need to dig out the pit and solidify it with mirage mud to prevent sewage from seeping into the ground. The road toilets on the ground are stacked with green bricks, which is very simple in all directions."

He spoke very lightly, but it made people smack in the ears of Cui Luo and Lu Dejing.

Using mirage mud as a precious thing to build a road toilet? This Huxian uncle is indeed the black sheep in the rumor.

"Huxianbo, mirage mud is a good thing, but it\'s expensive. Moreover, the output is low. Is it a waste of money to build road toilets?"

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "it doesn\'t matter. I\'ve communicated with the sage about this matter. This mirage mud was originally the formula I offered. Now it\'s no big deal to allocate some. As for the waste, it\'s not a problem. It\'s only a matter of tens of thousands."

Cui Luo and Lu Dejing have nothing to say. Well, money is capricious.

Lu Dejing pointed to the drawing and asked, "I dare ask huxianbo, why is this road toilet divided into two left and right? What\'s the purpose?"

His words made Li forget worry very strange. He naturally replied, "it\'s divided into men\'s toilet and women\'s toilet."

Li forgets to worry this words relaxed, one side is twisting the beard Cui Luo hand but a shake, almost didn\'t pull out a few of his beard.

"Huxian uncle, don\'t be kidding. How can the women\'s toilet be repaired? What\'s the matter?"

what? Why can\'t you repair the women\'s toilet for Mao?

Li forgot to worry about something, so he turned his eyes to Cui and Lu, hoping to get an explanation.

Cui Zhuo sighed: "men and women are different. How can women use the toilet outdoors? It\'s really indecent! Even though I\'ve searched ancient books, there is a road toilet, but women can\'t use it. Huxian Bo, this women\'s toilet can\'t be built."

Lu Dejing also had this attitude and echoed: "Huxian uncle, how can a woman go out to the toilet? What\'s the style? It\'s impossible."

These two people\'s words gave Li forget his worries to Lei De, Jiao outside and Nen inside. He did not expect that it would be so difficult to build a women\'s toilet in the Tang Dynasty, which is famous for its openness in history.

In fact, Li forgot to worry about not knowing that there was no women\'s toilet in Chinese history since ancient times. Even in the Republic of China, many women\'s schools could not find toilets in their dormitories. When you need convenience, you have to remove the toilet from under the bed.

Even in order to build women\'s toilets, in 1935, Guangzhou health bureau published a newspaper specifically for this purpose, stating that it would build two women\'s toilets somewhere, which was only for women\'s use, reminding men not to break in. If there is a deliberate violation, they will be arrested without loan, and the public will take notice of it. This cloth.

At that time, the Guangzhou health bureau made such a solemn announcement in the newspaper because before that, all public toilets were men\'s toilets. After women\'s toilets have been built in many cities, men often take it for granted that they don\'t know there is a women\'s toilet and break in by mistake, resulting in a lot of embarrassment.

Even so in the Republic of China, not to mention the Tang Dynasty 1400 years ago.

In the eyes of the Tang people, Li forgets to worry about building a women\'s toilet. Naturally, it is completely incomprehensible, even rebellious.

After understanding all this, Li forgetful worry was also stunned and speechless. He really didn\'t know what to say.

He suddenly understood that it was no wonder that the beautiful boss was unwilling to ride a horse and wanted to take a carriage. There were also reasons in this regard.

Riding is urgent. In Chang\'an City, there is no toilet, but the carriage can carry a toilet

The words of Cui Luo and Lu Dejing made Li forget his worries and very depressed. According to the custom of the Tang Dynasty, he doesn\'t care if only the men\'s toilet is built. But he was afraid that if the beauty boss knew about it, would he kill him?

Even he can\'t understand this kind of thing, let alone let the beautiful boss understand it.

Li forgot to worry for a while. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "build it like this first, and then build it."

In this regard, Cui and Lu shook their heads, and after the matter was spread, it was another wave sweeping Chang\'an City