Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 518

After hearing Dai Zhou\'s explanation, Li forgets worry and understands why Li Er shows this embarrassing expression.

It turns out that "selling dung" has long been mentioned.

The Shaojian of the Shaojian mansion once advised Li Er that horse dung from various officials and forbidden army barracks in Chang\'an city should be collected and sold.

As the saying goes, crops and flowers depend on manure.

In the era of no chemical fertilizer, the fertility of crops and land all came from the excreta of various animals and humans.

In Chang\'an city of Nuo University, latrines are dry latrines or toilets.

The residents of Chang\'an city do not plant crops. These pollutants are naturally useless. The "excrement shoveling officials" who clean the toilets and dump the toilets for each household earn a lot. It is recorded in the records of Jin Zai between the government and the public that "Chang\'an enriches the people and Luo Hui takes excrement removal as its industry" in the Tang Dynasty.

This shovel of excrement officer is not something anyone can do casually. 108 squares in Chang\'an city are divided into areas. If we "shovel shit" across the region, it will trigger a struggle. Just like the old perplexers in later Hong Kong films who scrambled for territory to collect protection fees, the fight for shit and urine was not lost to the old perplexers in later generations.

In fact, this is not uncommon. Chile, Peru and Bolivia have fought a war for bird droppings resources.

After calculating the number of cattle, horses and mules, Li Er was greatly moved by a group of possible benefits from selling horse dung.

200000 yuan!

The Tang Dynasty only mints more than 300000 yuan a year, and selling horse dung alone can earn 200000 yuan a year. Li Er may turn a blind eye to this.

But when Li Er summoned the ministers to discuss the matter, he was opposed by everyone. Especially the officials of the aristocratic family are more opposed.

Wang Renyou said, "although horse dung is valuable, it has a bad reputation, and competing with the people for profits is really a small loss. Does your majesty want to be called the emperor of horse dung in the future?"

Li Er, such a good-looking emperor, how can he listen to this? The matter of selling horse dung will naturally stop and will not be mentioned again.

Even horse dung is not willing to sell, let alone human dung. Li Er naturally doesn\'t want to do it.

After figuring out the whole story, Li forgot to worry and was overwhelmed with laughter and tears.

Li Er is also a famous emperor for thousands of years in history. He achieved martial arts and created the rule of Zhenguan. Actually, for the sake of face, he would rather build a smelly street in Chang\'an city than build a road toilet to make money. It really makes Li forget his worries and have no words.

Seeing that Li Er didn\'t want to build a road toilet in Chang\'an City, Li forgets to worry about it silently, and suddenly opens his mouth and says: "Uncle, if my nephew pays for the construction of road toilets in all the neighborhoods and streets of Chang\'an City, will my uncle agree? My nephew needs Chang\'an and Wannian counties to provide land for the construction of road toilets. Er, it doesn\'t need to be large. One share of land for a road toilet is enough. My nephew can share the income of this road toilet with the chaotang."

Li Er and Dai Zhou were stunned by his words. Li forgets to worry that he has to pay for the construction of road toilets and distribute benefits half to half with chaotang?

"Ziyou, why do you bother? I\'ll order Marquis Wu and bad people to strengthen patrols in Chang\'an City and prohibit defecation everywhere. It\'s a bad reputation to run this road toilet." Li Er Da shook his head and naturally refused to agree.

"Uncle, this is a temporary cure, not a permanent cure. Chang\'an city is so big that this person has three emergencies. How can those passers-by deal with themselves when they need it?"

Dai Zhou advised: "Ziyou, this road toilet may not have much profit. But the investment is not small. Even if the money is easy to earn, it tastes bad. I think your family is poor now. Why bother to be coquettish?"

The reason why Li Qieyou proposed to spend money to build public toilets in Chang\'an city is not to make money. He really doesn\'t want to see the yellow and white things in Chang\'an city.

Today\'s incident has disgusted him enough.

Anyway, he doesn\'t need money. Why don\'t he take the money out to do something good for the people of Chang\'an City?

A public toilet doesn\'t necessarily get a hundred Guan copper money. There are 300 toilets in Chang\'an City, but it\'s less than 30000 Guan. It\'s nothing.

Moreover, this is not without benefits. Since selling horse dung can earn 200000 a year, these 300 public toilets must not be bad, right?

Li forgot to worry suddenly remembered that he had seen a joke in Xiaolin Guangji in later generations.

They said that the family had saved a cellar of dung for sale. They always asked for copper money. Those who bought dung were unwilling to make a counter-offer of 500 Wen. The dung seller was anxious: "how can there be such cheap dung? Is it dog\'s!" the farmer comforted: "I haven\'t eaten your dung. What\'s your hurry!"

Although it is a joke, it also shows that in ancient times, this matter can be done.

Moreover, Li forget worry also has another opinion in his heart. If the matter works well, it may not become ugly, and he can get a good name.

"Uncle Dai Gong, I\'ve already thought about this. I should never learn from the barbarian land and defecate everywhere. Let alone let those Hu merchants and foreign envoys laugh at me. It\'s smelly. Now I have a little money, and I\'m willing to share my worries for my uncle! I\'m duty bound to ask my uncle to help me."

His words were righteous, but Li Er couldn\'t persuade him again. He hesitated again and again, and Li Er could only nod gently.

"Well, now that Ziyou have made up your mind, I won\'t advise you. I can give an edict to Chang\'an and Wannian counties to cooperate with you in building road toilets. All the land is provided by Chang\'an and Wannian counties, and the chaotang doesn\'t charge any income. It belongs to Ziyou."

Li Er couldn\'t persuade Li to forget his worries, but he didn\'t want the income from selling dung. He doesn\'t want to get into the name of "the son of heaven selling dung" because of this little money.

"Thank you, uncle." Li forgot to worry and quickly bowed down to thank Li Er. After thinking about it, he said to Li Er, "Hey, uncle, it\'s strictly forbidden to urinate anywhere. It\'s still necessary to let Chang\'an and Wannian counties strictly grasp it. Otherwise, when the road toilet is built, it won\'t be beautiful if no one goes."

Li Er glared at him. He was too lazy to talk nonsense with him again. He waved him away.

After returning to Kaihua workshop, Li forgot to worry and took the beauty\'s boss aside. He whispered that he had just gone to Taiji palace, but he heard the beauty\'s boss frown again and again.

"Ziyou, you\'re disgusting! You want to do this business! Stay away from me in the future and don\'t smoke me." the beautiful boss said half jokingly and half seriously.

Li forgot his worries and said nothing. He rolled his eyes and said what he planned, which made the beautiful boss nod again and again.

"That\'s OK. 30000 Guan is not much. If it works, it will be of great benefit to the Li family."

The affirmation of the beautiful boss made Li forget her worries and rejoice. What was more surprising was the sentence "we Li family" said by the beautiful boss, which she had never said.

Excited, Li forgets to worry, gets close to the beauty\'s boss\'s cheek, pecks heavily, laughs, turns around and runs