Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 517

After getting Niu wutongbing, the beauty boss immediately led Niu Yong and Niu Wu to rush over.

For Li forgetful worry, she bought a house in Chang\'an city without informing her, but the beauty boss had no opinion. Anyway, with the current wealth of the Li family, buying a house is no worse than ordinary people going to the market to buy vegetables.

Naturally, she knew why Li forgot to worry about buying a house in Chang\'an city. Li\'s considerate move moved her boss.

I visited the house inside and outside, and the beautiful boss was also very satisfied.

"Forget your worries. The house is good, but it\'s very convenient. Tomorrow, let the old housekeeper send some people to clean up the house and you can move in."

"Well, Changqing, look at the arrangement." Li forgot to answer anxiously, staring at Niu Wu. They helped them brush their horses and clean the dirt on Zhao Yebai\'s body.

The beauty boss also frowned: "why is zhaoyebai so dirty? It\'s disgusting? Forget worry, what are you doing?"

After listening to the beautiful boss\'s words, Li forgot to worry that he was simply unjust: "it has nothing to do with me. There was a rainstorm before, you know? The streets in Chang\'an City were flooded and full of these dirty things. Niu Wu and I went to the city at that time and couldn\'t avoid it, but I was disgusted."

The beauty boss has been staying in the east city before. Naturally, it will not be flooded. Travel and sit in the carriage, did not see the bad situation on the street.

"Really? Eh, it\'s disgusting!" the beautiful boss was too lazy to say this again and took his maid to check the house.

Li Qieyou is also speechless. This is the worst thing he encountered after coming to the Tang Dynasty.

After a long stay, he stamped his foot and shouted to Niu Wu, "Niu Wu, lead me another horse. I\'m going to Taiji palace."

Where is he willing to ride again? He can only ride a part of the horse.

"Lang Jun, I\'ll go with you."

"No, you can help Changqing clean up the house. I\'ll just go by myself. It\'s a matter of a few steps." Li forget worry refused Niu Wu\'s company. He turned over a jujube red horse and went to the imperial city.

The house is really close to the imperial city. Li QIAOYOU feels that he can stay in the house one day in advance if he has to participate in the future. In addition, he doesn\'t have to get up before dawn the next day and rush to Chang\'an City in the dark to participate in the great court meeting.

Less than 800 meters straight from Kaihua square is the rosefinch gate of the imperial city. Not because he thought the ground was too dirty. In fact, he didn\'t want to ride over.

In front of the rosefinch gate, Li forgot to worry and showed his goldfish charm, which was naturally unobstructed. Horseback riding is not allowed in the imperial city. He threw the horses to the custody of the forbidden sergeant and went to the Tai Chi palace.

The imperial city is full of Yamen at all levels of the Tang Dynasty hall. When Li forgets you to go to the Chengtian gate of the Tai Chi palace, he happens to meet Dai Zhou, the Minister of the Ministry of the people.

"Ziyou, are you going to meet the sage in Taiji palace?"

"I\'ve met Dai Gong. I want to report something to the sage." Li forgets worry and Dai Zhou salute each other.

Dai Zhou said with a smile, "hehe, I just want to see the sage. Let\'s go together."

"Please, Dai Gong." Li forgets worry. Naturally, he won\'t refuse. He laughs with Dai Zhou and goes to Chengtian gate. He hands over his goldfish amulet and asks to see Li Er.

After a while, the eunuch came to the palace gate, welcomed them in and took them directly to the legislative palace.

"Ziyou and Dai Gong, why did you two come to me together? But something happened?" Li Er was reading the memorial. When he saw them coming, he couldn\'t help laughing.

Li forgot to worry and quickly gave Li Er a gift: "uncle, my nephew came here to tell me something. I ran into Dai Gong in the imperial city. But what I want to say is also related to Dai Gong."

His words made Li Er and Dai Zhou somewhat confused.

"Ziyou, what\'s the matter? Come here."

"Uncle, today\'s rainstorm and waterlogging in Chang\'an City, do you know?"

Li Er nodded: "the Baiqi company has reported it. It\'s not a big problem. The water retreated after the rain stopped. There was no loss."

Li forgot to worry, but he looked distressed: "Uncle, there\'s nothing to lose from waterlogging in Chang\'an City, but it\'s disgusting that you didn\'t go to the street to have a look! There are filthy things floating in the water all over the street, which is hard to tell! Uncle, I Tang Chang\'an is not only a rare city in the world, but also the capital of all countries. How can it be so filthy? It\'s really damaging to the face of Tang. Those small countries from other countries , go back and say, "Datang is a capital soaked in excrement and urine. What\'s the matter?"

His words made Li Er and Dai Zhou look a little ugly, but they also knew that Li forgetful was telling the truth.

Li Er is also very angry about this. He is a face loving emperor. There are yellow and white things everywhere in the streets of Chang\'an city. He also saw them with his own eyes when he left the palace.

"I also have a headache about this. The government has banned defecation everywhere, but it is still banned repeatedly. Hundreds of people are caught beating the board by Marquis Wu every month, but I still can\'t stop it. Hey, Ziyou, do you have a good plan?"

Li forgot to worry and nodded: "yes, the construction of public toilets has solved all the problems?"

"Public toilet? What is it? I\'ve never heard of it. Please tell Ziyou in detail." Dai Zhou looked puzzled.

"Er, it\'s a latrine, but it\'s not a private latrine, but a latrine built in the lane and on the street for passers-by," Li forgetful explained.

Dai Zhou suddenly said, "Oh, the road toilet!"

Although it is recorded in Zhou Li that there were latrines built on the roadside 3000 years ago in China, called Road latrines, for people to use. But in fact, until the Republic of China, there were no public toilets in China.

Naturally, there is no public toilet in the Tang Dynasty, otherwise there will be no people urinating everywhere in Chang\'an city.

Li Er nodded and shook his head at Li\'s forgetful words: "the road lavatory can really solve the problem. However, the construction of one or two road lavatories in Chang\'an city can not solve the problem. Hundreds of road lavatories have to be cleaned by personnel. It costs a lot. I\'m afraid we need to discuss with the courtiers."

Dai Zhou also nodded slightly: "yes, it\'s difficult for the Ministry of civil affairs to take out such a sum of money to build road toilets. Even if the cost of a road toilet is not high, even if it costs hundreds of copper coins and hundreds of road toilets, the waste is amazing."

Li forgot to worry but smiled: "uncle, Dai Gong, how can this matter be wasteful? Not only does it not need to spend money, the Ministry of civil affairs can make a lot of money."

"Oh? Why?"

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile: "uncle, Dai Gong, you forgot that this excrement can also sell for money. A little makes a lot. I guess I can get a lot of income in a year."

It was all right for him not to say these words. After that, Li Er\'s face changed and looked very embarrassed.

Li forgets to worry, so he turns his eyes to Dai Zhou. Does that mean he said the wrong thing?

Dai Zhou smiled bitterly and could only explain to Li forgetful worry: "Ziyou, things are not as simple as you think..."