Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 516

The rain came quickly and heavily. Due to the obstruction of sight, even if it was only a few miles away, the party was drenched in the rain for less than half an hour before finally entering Mingde gate.

Li Qieyou showed his goldfish amulet, asked the soldiers who guarded the gate of demen, and borrowed some coir raincoats. The rain was not as heavy as before. The rainstorm turned into moderate rain. Anyway, it had been soaked in soup before. Li forgetful simply continued to urge his horse to move forward and go to Kaihua square.

But before long, Li forgot his worries and regretted

Today\'s Chang\'an City in the Tang Dynasty is not where Chang\'an City in the Han Dynasty is located.

In the heyday of Chang\'an in the Han Dynasty, there were hundreds of thousands of people. All kinds of sewage and garbage were difficult to deal with, so they were buried at will or discharged through waste wells. Even powerful and powerful dignitaries asked people to dig deep wells to pour sewage.

Over time, domestic sewage seeped into the ground, seriously polluting the quality of groundwater in Chang\'an city.

Until the Sui Dynasty, the old Chang\'an city was no longer suitable for living.

According to the book of Sui Dynasty, "the city of Hanying is 800 years old now. The water is salty and not very pleasant. The people in the capital have been blocking the bottom for a long time, covering the pass and filthy. If they gather but do not discharge, the water is salty and salty."

Therefore, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty appointed Yu Wenkai, the Minister of industry, to redesign Chang\'an city.

Yu Wenkai can be called a design genius. He designed the new Chang\'an City as 108 squares, with a total of 25 main streets running north and south. Among them, Zhuque street is the main street, which is located between the central axes.

This is the capital of today\'s Tang Dynasty, Chang\'an city.

In order to learn from the lessons of Chang\'an City in Han Dynasty, Yu Wenkai designed drainage ditches more than two meters wide on both sides of the city\'s 25 main streets, and the drainage ditches on both sides of Zhuque Street are even three meters wide.

These drains will discharge the sewage in the city outside the city.

However, the terrain of Chang\'an city is high in the South and low in the north, and the north of the city is where the imperial city and palace are located. If the normal sewage discharge direction is followed, the sewage of the whole city will flow through the north of the city, which is naturally not possible.

Therefore, in the design, we chose to make the pavement high in the middle and low on both sides, so as to discharge the sewage out of the city from east to west.

But it backfired, because the terrain of Chang\'an city is not only high in the south but also low in the north.

This makes Chang\'an City, although the drainage facilities are perfect, but every rainstorm, there is still the risk of waterlogging.

Li forgetful worry and his party met waterlogging in the heavy rain.

The rainstorm caused the sewage in the drainage ditches on both sides of the street to be unable to be discharged in time. When the ditch was full, it overflowed, turning the street into a swamp.

Although the waterlogging is not serious, the overflowing water is even less than the knees of pedestrians, and Li forgetful worry and others are not affected by riding on horseback.

It might as well be just waterlogging, but the yellow and white things floating on the water at this time made Li forget worry and sick.

Especially when he noticed that his beloved "zhaoyebai" riding today was also contaminated with those dirt on the snow-white horse\'s hoofs, which made Li forget to die.

Li forgets to worry that in later generations, he has no obsession with cleanliness. He is just an ordinary person. But since he crossed to the Tang Dynasty, Li forgot to worry, but he felt as if he had become a cleanliness mania. He really couldn\'t stand the sloppiness of the Tang people.

If you don\'t take a bath, it\'s unconditional.

But littering everywhere and even defecating everywhere really made Li forget his worries.

In fact, Datang learned the lessons of the previous dynasty, and the laws in this regard are quite strict. There is a special provision in the law of the Tang Dynasty: "those who wear the wall and bring out dirt, stick 60; those who come out of the water, let alone. The Chief Secretary can\'t help but sin with him."

It means that those who dump sewage or garbage at will will will be punished by 60 strokes of the stick if they are found by the Marquis or an evil person.

However, even with such strict laws, it is repeatedly forbidden to secretly dump garbage, sewage and urinate everywhere in Chang\'an city.

In fact, it can\'t be blamed for the lack of quality of the Tang people. After all, there is no public toilet in the Tang Dynasty, and Chang\'an city is huge. You can\'t ask everyone to go home?

People have three emergencies. When they need it, they can\'t find the place of grain reincarnation. Isn\'t it just on the street?

Therefore, after a rainstorm, the water covered the golden mountain, and the water surface became "wonderful"

In fact, Li also knows that compared with Europe at that time, even in the 17th century, China has been very hygienic.

You know, Paris in the 17th century didn\'t even have a toilet. At that time, the residents of Paris poured the toilet directly on the road every morning. The taste can be imagined.

Paris, the romantic capital of the later age, was not perfume in the air at that time. When American ambassador Franklin first went to Paris, he was directly fainted by the smell.

Even the palace of Versailles, the French Imperial Palace, did not even have a toilet until the 18th century.

This topic can be described as extremely heavy taste... Even by contrast, in later India, the toilet problem has not been solved until Li forgets to worry about crossing, and people still urinate in the open air

In contrast, Li forget worry really can\'t criticize the Tang people for not paying attention to hygiene.

Pinching his nose and holding back his grievances in his heart, Li forget worry can only continue to urge his horse forward in the sewage.

Fortunately, there was no water in the Kaihua workshop, which made him a little relieved. This is also because most of the Lifang in the north of the city are dignitaries. Both Li Fang\'s Fang Zheng and Wu Hou\'s shop are used to this kind of waterlogging after rainstorm.

In order not to affect your people, sandbags will be used to block the door of the workshop every rainstorm to prevent sewage from overflowing into the workshop.

The owner of the house in Kaihua workshop has returned to his hometown and ancestral home, leaving only a housekeeper and several servants to guard the house.

Under the guidance of the housekeeper, Li Lianyou looked inside and outside the house, but he was quite satisfied.

The Sanjin courtyard is slightly smaller than the previous Li family\'s house in Huxian County, but it is also quite good for temporary residence.

Although the courtyard is a little old, it is not a big problem to renovate and decorate it.

The location of this house is good. The owner\'s price is 4000 yuan, and the price is reasonable. Li forgot to worry and made a decision directly. At that moment, he asked the housekeeper of the family to go to the Wannian County Yamen of xuanyangfang to handle the documents of real estate sales.

Because the other party wanted to carry money on his way, Li forgetful also kindly asked Niu Wu to go to the enemy\'s house, asked the enemy\'s house to advance more than 600 liang of gold and gave it to the housekeeper for their convenience.

Since then, the money was cleared, and the house of kaihuafang belonged to Li forgetful.

After spending an hour, Li forgot to worry and bought a house, spending money very forthright.

At this time, the rain has stopped. After the rainstorm, the sky is blue and refreshing, but don\'t bow your head. The sewage overflowing the streets is also slowly receding, but it leaves all kinds of filth on the streets, which makes people unable to look directly at it.

Li forgot to worry and sighed. He turned away from looking at those disgusting things and asked the episode behind him to buy some clothes in the garment shop to replace them. Let Niu Wu go to Dongshi again to inform the beautiful boss who is still in the carriage shop that he bought a suite in Chang\'an