Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 515

The Royal Palace, the summer resort and the famous Cuiwei palace in Huangyu valley are estimated that Li Er and empress Chang sun will not come again in the future.

Even if Tang people have no awareness of environmental protection, Li Er is not a fool.

Once a large number of workshops are established in the Huangyu Valley, there will be rolling black smoke from the blast furnace and the sound of hammering day and night. This environment is not to mention summer vacation. Even if Li Er is allowed to stay here for a few days, I\'m afraid he doesn\'t want to.

Li Qieyou "defiled" Li Er\'s palace with thick smoke, and snickered at it.

In fact, it\'s not Li forgetful that he deliberately straightened Li Er, but Huangyu is too suitable for building workshops.

Huangyu is shaped like a gourd. The entrance is narrow and the interior is wide. It is surrounded by steep mountains, which is conducive to the blockade of the forbidden army and the secret of the mint workshop and ordnance workshop.

This is also very normal. For the sake of security, it is impossible for the royal palace to choose places that are easy to attack and difficult to defend.

Qi river flows through Huangyu, which provides abundant water source. A large number of trees on the mountain can be cut down and burned into charcoal as fuel for smelting steel.

Such a convenient place, Li forget worry is naturally unwilling to find other places.

Li forgets to worry about the Cuiwei palace. He plans to give Li Er some suggestions and change it into the office space and warehouse of the two workshops. Forget it, it can also be regarded as "waste" utilization.

If Li Er knew what Li forgot to worry about, he didn\'t know whether he would immediately pull out the fixed Tang Dao at his waist and cut the bastard to death.

However, although Li Er didn\'t know Li forgetful\'s "belly black idea", God didn\'t let him go and directly let Li forgetful know the end of "not environmental protection"

After Li forgot about the two workshops and threw them all to Yan Liben, he naturally became the shopkeeper.

He didn\'t even bother about the change of Huxian county to rice, but he left it all to Yang Zui. In Li\'s opinion, even if you work hard, you may not be able to help.

Whether the winter rice can be planted successfully depends on whether God appreciates it or not. Anyway, he just listens to his destiny.

Even Li forgot to worry that he didn\'t think much of it. He had secretly found his enemy and asked him to help him buy sorghum from all over the country.

On the one hand, it is just in case. If there is no harvest at the end of the year, I always have to feed the people of 100000 households and counties. Second, if rice is planted at the end of the year, these sorghum will not be wasted. They will be transported to Qinling Mountains for brewing.

Li forgot his worries and stayed in his manor every day. Dandies are addicted to living in Li\'s house, and no one wants to go back to Chang\'an city.

Compared with Chang\'an City, Li\'s residence has a lot to play, even more interesting than Chang\'an City, except that there is no Hu people\'s wine shop and the painting house brothel in Heping Kang square.

A group of dandies and Li forget their worries. Every day, they either take their maidservants to shake the bridge for fun or go boating and fishing in the lake. Or go up the mountain to order some game and have a barbecue party.

Or a few people gather together for a few tables of mahjong and play it dark.

Li Qieyou even made playing cards and taught a group of dandies how to "fight the landlord".

It\'s so fun, plus the delicious food of Li\'s house. Now it\'s famous in Chang\'an city. Naturally, the dandies don\'t want to go back to Chang\'an city.

A group of big lords "eat and die" in the house every day. However, the beautiful boss still takes a four-wheel carriage to "go to work" in Chang\'an city every day.

Li forgot to worry about her hard work and wanted to persuade her not to be so tired. But think about the beauty boss, but it\'s not to make money, but a kind of fun, so let her go.

However, at the house banquet, Zheng Boyi said he wanted to "send" the beautiful boss\'s house, which reminded Li to forget his worries.

After all, Dingzhou village is a hundred miles away from Chang\'an city. Although it was a half-hour drive in later generations, it takes an hour to ride a horse or a carriage.

If there is any delay and you don\'t leave the city gate until the evening drum rings, it will be dark when you return to Dingzhou village.

In this age without street lamps, it is really not safe to rely on torches and angry wind lamps for lighting.

Even if Niu Yong and two other episodes are accompanied by the beautiful boss, as well as the maidservant in the house, Li forgets to worry about the safety of the beautiful boss, and doesn\'t want her to catch the night.

In this way, it is also necessary to buy another house in Chang\'an City as a temporary foothold.

During this time, Li Qieyou had asked the dandies to send someone back to Chang\'an city to help him find out if there was a suitable house for sale. He was going to buy one.

It\'s not easy to buy a house in Datang. First of all, in his capacity, it\'s impossible to buy a house in the south of the city. They are all areas where civilians live.

Secondly, Datang\'s "purchase restriction order" is very popular. Even if someone sells a house, they also need to obtain the consent of their neighbors and the seller\'s people.

The law of the Tang Dynasty stipulates that "you have bought and sold with your neighbors first". In other words, neighbors and ethnic people have the right of first refusal.

As for the extremely expensive house prices in Chang\'an City, this is not a problem for Li forget worry.

Not bad money! Buy!

This is not a bad thing for Li forget you, who spent all his savings, paid the down payment, bought a house with a mortgage and was ready to be a house slave for 20 years.

In later generations, he wanted to live in the current manor house covering an area of 1000 mu. It was a daydream and he didn\'t have to struggle all his life.

This day, Fang Yiai found Li forgetful.

"Ziyou, don\'t you want to buy a house in Chang\'an City? My episode has just come from Chang\'an city. It says that there is a house next to Jianfu temple in Kaihua square, and the owner is ready to sell it. If you are interested, you can go and see it. The house is an official who has become an official and enters the courtyard three times. Fang Zheng said that no one in the square is ready to buy it, and his family members have no intention to take over."

Li forgot to worry and nodded naturally.

Kaihuafang is located in the middle of the East and West cities. It is only two streets away from the imperial city. It can be regarded as the prosperous area of Chang\'an city. It would be great to buy a house there.

"Dear brother, look, naturally I want to see it. Why don\'t you go with me now?"

Fang Yiai immediately shook his head: "Ziyou, go yourself. I\'ll let the episode of the house run with you. I also asked Chumo to fight the landlord."

Li forgot to worry and was in a hurry. These bastards would rather fight the landlord than accompany him to "see the house".

He angrily raised his middle finger, smiled and scolded: "brother, brother, I wish you catch card 2346, lack 5, and you will never catch ghost and 2, ha ha!"

Li forgot to worry and turned and ran away. For fear of being caught and ravaged by the runaway Fang Yiai, he was so angry that Fang Yiai put up two middle fingers at him to show his "admiration".

He called Niu Wu and brought two other central government melodies. Under the leadership of the Fang government melodies, Li forgets worry and his party rode towards Chang\'an city.

It was several miles away from Chang\'an city. When I even saw the towering city wall of Chang\'an City, the sky suddenly darkened. Then several thunder explosions remembered that the big raindrops had fallen.

This sudden rainstorm has drenched everyone into a drowned chicken in an instant. However, there was no shelter from the rain at this time. They could only continue to go to Chang\'an City under the pouring rain