Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 514

For Li Er, naturally, no gold jewelry is as important as the YONGGU of the Tang Dynasty. Hearing Li forgetting you say so, Li Er also put away his smiling face and asked, "Ziyou, what\'s the deal?"

"Uncle, can you tell me?"

Li Er nodded and took down the horizontal knife worn at his waist: "my fixed Tang Dao is a refined treasure Dao. It was originally the emperor\'s portable weapon, and then it was given to me."

With Li Er\'s permission, Li forgot to worry, reached for the dingtang Dao, gently pressed the lock on the scabbard, and pulled out half of the Dao to watch.

The blade is like autumn frost, the blade is like a mirror, and the air is cold. A little cold light condenses on the edge of the blade, which seems to flow continuously, adding to the sharp coolness of the knife.

"Sure enough, it\'s a treasure knife!" Li forgot to worry, pushed the knife back into the scabbard, and handed back the dingtang Dao to Li Er with both hands.

This Ding Tang Dao is also famous in history. It is said that this Dao has the spirit of emperor. Of course, Li Qieyou didn\'t see any imperial spirit, but he was sure that it was a good knife that blew hair and cut iron like mud.

"Uncle, I don\'t know if I\'m equipped with such a treasure knife. I don\'t know if I\'m the forbidden army of the Tang Dynasty?" Li forgets you deliberately pretending to be stupid and asked Li Er.

Li Er naturally laughed: "ha ha, Ziyou, do you think this refined Sabre is the woad in the field? It\'s very difficult to refine steel. Even Zhijie and others covet my Sabre for a long time. How can you equip ordinary forbidden soldiers?"

Li forgot to worry and nodded with a smile: "uncle, if my nephew can make this refined sabre in large quantities and the price is twice as expensive as the ordinary horizontal sabre, will my uncle be willing to equip the forbidden army?"

He was so frightened that Li Er shook his hand holding the cup and sprinkled the hot tea in the cup into the clothes room.

Li Er didn\'t care to wipe the tea. He slapped several cases in front of him: "Ziyou, what are you talking about? Mass production of hundred refining sabres? The cost is only twice as high as that of ordinary horizontal sabres? How is this possible? Ziyou don\'t know what hundred refining is?"

"Hey, uncle, my nephew naturally knows. If you don\'t believe me, ask Liben, does my nephew lie?" Li forgets worry and points to Yan Liben.

Of course, Yan Liben nodded his head like a chicken, including the cost mentioned by Li forget you, which he estimated when chatting with Li forget you just now.

Li Er was surprised for a reason. The price of the refined sword is very different from that of the ordinary horizontal knife.

In the outlaws of the marsh, Yang Zhi sells knives for 3000 yuan, which is already a bargain. After all, Yang Zhi\'s ancestral sword can blow hair and break the blade, and can easily cut copper coins. It must be a refined sword.

The crossbar equipped by the imperial army of the Tang Dynasty costs 2000 Wen, that is, two copper coins.

As for ordinary folk knives, you can buy one for less than 100 Wen. By comparison, the horizontal knife is already very expensive.

But according to Li forgetful worry, a crossbar made of 100 steel can be bought with four copper coins. How can Li Er not be surprised?

Just as some people in later generations said that Rolls Royce, which is made purely by hand, only sells battery cars, I\'m afraid no one will believe it.

"Ziyou, don\'t make trouble, how can this be possible?" although Yan Liben, who will be the supervisor, endorsed, Li Er still shook his head and didn\'t believe what they said.

Li forgot his worries but laughed more and more happily. It was fun to stimulate Li Er in this way.

"Uncle, if you think about it, the reason why it is rare to make steel is that craftsmen need to temper it and spend countless manpower to forge the steel repeatedly, but so?"

"Yes, that\'s right. It took me three years to make this fixed Tang Dao." Li Er nodded.

"Uncle, after all, the manpower to beat steel is limited. In particular, it takes countless energy of craftsmen to make steel. But uncle, did you think that using water to beat steel? Just like that coin, you can beat steel day and night without wasting the strength of craftsmen."

Li\'s explanation made Li Er suddenly wake up: "this... Really can be so! Ziyou, you\'re right! It\'s natural and feasible to drive the hammer head by water and beat the steel continuously! Wonderful, it\'s wonderful! Ziyou, you are really my Li\'s Kirin son. Ha ha, if our Tang imperial guards are equipped with horizontal knives and unfamiliar knives made of 100 steelmaking, why don\'t you worry that Turks will not die out?"

Li Er is not a fool. He only looked at the process of hydraulic coinage, so he understood the meaning of Li forgetful and Yan Liben.

It\'s really faster to beat steel with a forging hammer driven by water than with manpower. What\'s more, without those skilled craftsmen, any craftsman can do the same after training.

A large number of newly built waterwheel forging hammers can produce an endless stream of steel making, so as to produce a large number of horizontal knives and unfamiliar knives to equip the forbidden army.

Li Er wanted to understand this. He suddenly got up and paced back and forth with excitement.

"Ziyou, if it\'s done, I\'m not stingy with you! Don\'t say it\'s a duke, even a prince, I can reward you!"

In the Tang Dynasty, there is a practice of not granting Marquis for military merit. At the level of marquis in Kaiguo County, it is no longer an ordinary merit that can be granted.

As for the Baron, it is generally only granted to Royal relatives.

It is also possible that Li forget you is now Li Er\'s subordinate nephew before he leaves his five clothes and is enfeoffed as Lord Wang.

Li forgot to worry and quickly got up to salute: "Uncle, I don\'t want to be knighted. I just want to make some contributions to our officers and men in the Tang Dynasty. I\'m 16 years old now. My uncle has been knighted several times and granted the title of Kaiguo County uncle, which has frightened me for fear of humiliating my uncle\'s love. How dare you accept my uncle\'s title again? I don\'t want to mention it again, otherwise others will be afraid that I\'m really a lucky and courteous minister, I gave my uncle some ecstasy. "

Li Er snorted coldly: "hum, Ziyou have made great contributions to the country. How can you not be knighted? I won\'t pay attention to what they say to those who eat antiquity?"

He looked at Li\'s young face, but sighed: "but Ziyou haven\'t reached the crown yet. It\'s really inappropriate to add a title to you. I don\'t think about it. Ziyou, don\'t worry. I know your achievements well. After you reach the crown, I\'ll give you a reward. I won\'t let Ziyou feel cold!"

"I dare not. Thank you for your kindness."

Seeing Li Er take back his life, Li forgets to worry and breathes a sigh in his heart.

Nima, if she wants to add a baron to herself, she really has to elope with her beautiful boss and wander around the world.

Now I even have special Niang\'s "rival in love". I really have to plan for my marriage with the beautiful boss.

However, no matter how anxious Li is, he can\'t avoid being filial to his father for two years. If he wants to marry a beautiful boss, he has to wait at least four years at Zhenguan.

At that time, Li forget worry\'s body is 18 years old, and the beautiful boss is 26 years old... In the environment of the Tang Dynasty, if you want to get the consent of Li Er and empress Chang sun to marry the beautiful boss, you may have to learn from the Tang monk, and you can only succeed after the ordeal of September 81.

At the thought of this, Li Qieyou felt a deep pain.

After Li Er was excited, he asked in detail how to build the ordnance workshop and how much it would cost. Li forgot all these worries and put them to Yan Liben, who solemnly suggested to Li Er that Yan Liben should be responsible for the construction of the craftsman.

Li Er of course nodded in agreement. Now no one in the Tang Dynasty knows this hydraulic forging machine better than Yan Liben. He didn\'t build it, and who entrusted it to?

Li Er happily allocated 50000 copper coins to Yan Liben to expand the mint workshop and build a new ordnance workshop.

The Huangyu valley was completely blocked by Li Er\'s forbidden army. No one was allowed to go in and out except Li forgetful and Yan Liben, and even a fly was not ready to put in.

Li forgets worry naturally. He just looks at the black smoke from the blast furnace of the coinage workshop and laughs in his heart. Li Er\'s Cuiwei palace is afraid to be abandoned