Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 513

For Lee two "woodlouse", the use of hydraulic power, pushing twenty stone hammer hammers constantly, magic.

After witnessing one copper coin after another, Li Er was greatly pleased by Long Yan. Even in spite of the dissuasion of Li forgetful worry and others, he personally put the copper bar under the stamping machine and stamped a shiny Kaiyuan Tongbao.

"Mituo, take this Kaiyuan Tongbao carefully. Ha ha, this is a coin I made myself." Li Er proudly picked up the copper coin and threw it to Mituo.

Mituo smiled so much that he could hardly see it. Holding the ordinary Kaiyuan Tongbao in both hands, Mituo bowed and said, "no! This Kaiyuan Tongbao forged by everyone should be the most precious treasure of the Tang Dynasty and should be sent to the purple pole palace of the Tai Temple to be worshipped by the world."

"Flatterer!" Li forgot to worry and scolded in his heart.

This Mituo really deserves to be the provincial supervisor of the internal waiter. Li Er laughed with laughter after his words, and then nodded and agreed.

The Taimiao mentioned by Mituo refers to Luyi County, Ziji palace ten miles east of the city. It is said that this is the birthplace of Lao Tzu.

After Li Yuan recognized Lao Tzu as the ancestor of their Lao Li family, the Lao Tzu Temple naturally became a Tai Temple, and on this basis, he wantonly built palaces and palaces.

Mituo, a bitch, actually urged Li Er to send this Kaiyuan Tongbao to the imperial temple for worship, which naturally satisfied Li 20 points.

Li forgot to worry and stared at Mito with hatred. He secretly hated why he didn\'t think of such a good idea.

As soon as he turned his eyes, he reached out from his waist pocket and found a five Liang gold ingot and handed it to Li Er.

"Uncle, why don\'t you try this gold coin."

Li Er was stunned when he heard the speech, but he didn\'t object. He reached out and took the gold ingot and put it on the coin making die of the stamping machine.

Gold coins have existed in China since ancient times, but they are very rare. During the Warring States period, there was love of gold in the state of Chu and five baht in the Western Han Dynasty.

Naturally, real gold coins are not directly made of pure gold, but need to be mixed with other metals to enhance the hardness of gold coins.

However, Li forgets worry and does not intend to cast gold coins for circulation. Naturally, he doesn\'t care so much.

Even copper coins can be struck by this press, not to mention relatively soft gold. When the heavy hammer fell, the mold knocked on the gold ingot, and suddenly squeezed out a gold Kaiyuan Tongbao with glittering gold.

The Kaiyuan Tongbao suppressed by gold is naturally much heavier than copper money.

Five Liang gold ingots were cast into a two coin Kaiyuan Tongbao. Li Qieyou didn\'t even look at the remaining four or twenty-eight coins of gold. He reached out and picked up the money.

"Uncle and nephew think that this gold Kaiyuan Tongbao should be enshrined in the imperial temple, and money can better represent uncle\'s supreme dignity and imperial power."

This time it\'s Mituo\'s turn to curse his mother in his heart. Unexpectedly, this Huxian uncle is such a master. He actually met his opponent!

Li forgetful and Mituo\'s "competition for favor" stunned Yan Liben. His teacher was such a teacher... Yan Liben almost wanted to find out his little book, record his words and deeds and study carefully.

Yan Liben doesn\'t think it\'s humiliating to please the sage. Character also depends on the object.

As the saying goes, it has been the truth since ancient times that learning civil and military skills, goods and imperial families.

Naturally, Li Er was quite satisfied with Li\'s forgetful behavior. His bright smile and beard trembled.

"Ha ha, Ziyou is right! Mituo, send these two Kaiyuan Tongbao to the imperial temple."


Li Er saw the hydraulic forging machine and was extremely satisfied. He even enjoyed the noise in the workshop.

Li forgot to worry, but couldn\'t stand the noise attack, so he invited Li Er to serve tea by the river. After Li Er nodded and agreed, Li forget worry picked up the remaining gold ingot and threw it to the craftsman who operated the forging machine: "well done, this gold is for you."

The craftsman, who had been kneeling down to one side, quickly knocked several heads to Li forgetful sorrow: "thank you for your reward."

These craftsmen are all Ding Nu of the government, and their status is extremely low.

The official craftsman "can\'t be different", which means that the occupation is hereditary and can\'t be changed, and his children and grandchildren are craftsmen.

Li Er also once said: "people of all colors in industry and Commerce... If you can only give money, you must not exceed the rank of officials, stand shoulder to shoulder with the virtuous gentlemen of the dynasty, sit and eat together."

It can be seen from this that industry and Commerce and miscellaneous craftsmen have a low status.

Of course, Li Qieyou didn\'t agree with the craftsman system of the Tang Dynasty, but he had no choice but to shake his head and leave with Li Er and others.

On the Bank of the Qihe River, Li forgot to worry and cooked a pot of green tea, and the people sat down again.

"Ziyou, it\'s really good to use this hydraulic casting copper money. How much copper money can be cast in a day? How much is the waste?" Li Er couldn\'t wait to ask.

He can\'t help but be in a hurry. Now a large number of gold and copper coins in the Tai Chi palace have been replaced by a mountain of private money. If he can\'t recast the official money, he will lose a lot.

"Uncle, this coinage workshop is newly established. Only ten hydraulic forging machines have been built, with a daily output of more than 50 copper coins. However, Liben is asking craftsmen to make other hydraulic forging machines. With the completion of more forging machines, the output of copper coins can be continuously improved. As for the waste cost, Liben has checked and calculated, it is only 10% of the loss, mainly the carbon fire and fire consumption for smelting private money."

Li forgot his worries and rubbed his hands excitedly.

The loss of 10% of the coinage was completely insignificant to him.

You should know that the government should start from mining Copper and lead tin ore to obtain raw materials, and then invest a lot of manpower, charcoal fire and model casting. In addition, the transportation cost of raw materials and copper money is huge.

During the Kaiyuan period, the most prosperous period of the Tang Dynasty, it was recorded that a money supervisor cast 33000 yuan of money every year, spent 220000 kg of copper, 3700 kg of lead and 500 kg of tin, and consumed nearly 20% of the fire.

According to the calculation, for every coin cast, it will cost 750 yuan to cast.

But even so, the official coinage of copper money also has a third of the profit.

The aristocratic family\'s private casting of copper money is not to extract copper from copper mining, but to sell and melt ancient money for recasting, so the profit is higher.

After all, I don\'t know how many five baht coins of the Han Dynasty and round hole coins of the Sui Dynasty accumulated in the warehouses of these Millennium aristocratic families.

After the abolition of five baht coins in the Tang Dynasty, these ancient coins piled up like hills in aristocratic families and could not circulate in the market without remelting them.

Only limited by the casting process, the private money forged by the aristocratic family can only be two for one or three for one. But even so, the aristocratic family is not at a loss at all. Naturally, it is willing to melt and cast a large number of ancient money in stock.

All the private money used by Li Er and Li QIAOYOU for coinage was exchanged from aristocratic families and merchants according to the ratio of one for two.

Even if he throws away 10% of the loss and finally makes copper money, Li Er can make a pot full of money.

"Ha ha, I really didn\'t trust the wrong person, Ziyou. It\'s a profitable business. It\'s good. I\'m quite satisfied. After you recast your private money, I\'ll share 10% of my income with you. Ziyou shouldn\'t be too small."

Li forgot to worry about where it would be too little. He thanked Li Er with a smile.

"Uncle, little nephew, there\'s another business here. I wonder if uncle is interested. This business doesn\'t make money, but it can protect the foundation of the Tang Dynasty. Is uncle interested?"

Li forgot to worry about this, which naturally aroused Li Er\'s interest