Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 512

In the coinage workshop, the hydraulic forging machine kept beating and making a loud noise all the time.

After staying in the workshop for a while, Li forgot to worry. He felt upset and couldn\'t stand the noise. He simply pulled Yan Liben out to talk.

"Liben, do you know that this hydraulic forging machine has other uses?"

"Mr. Hui, I\'ve thought about this forging machine since I made it. If I Tang craftsmen use it to forge armor and weapons, I will be able to get half the result with half the effort. Now the best thing in Tang Dynasty is 100 steelmaking, which is time-consuming and labor-consuming. If the disciple reduces the weight of the hammer and makes the hammering speed faster, it\'s not difficult to make 100 steelmaking. It\'s easy to forge hundreds of steel Refining steel. I can\'t imagine how strong and sharp the weapon forged on such a large scale will be. "

The hundred steelmaking mentioned by Yan Liben is a steel making process in the Tang Dynasty.

Heat and forge the fried steel repeatedly and temper it for a hundred times. Repeated forging can eliminate impurities in steel and make steel harder.

Bai steelmaking repeatedly folds and forges steel, making it very difficult and the output is very rare. All the sabres that can be forged by this method are current treasure sabres.

As for the steel for making armor, it doesn\'t need to be like a treasure sword. The requirement for steel is soft, thin and tough. Anyway, these Li forget sorrow do not understand, only know a general idea.

However, there are great craftsmen like Yan Liben and his brother Yan Lide, as well as many skilled craftsmen in the Tang Dynasty. Li forgets to worry about these things. He just provides an idea.

"Ha ha, Liben, you have thought of it. Yes, the hydraulic forging hammer can be used to forge steel. I will explain this to the sage. I\'d better build another ordnance workshop in the Huangyu Valley to forge armor and weapons. Liben, are you interested in taking over the construction of this workshop?"

"Liben naturally wants to." Yan Liben is very happy. What he likes most is actually these construction things. Of course, he agrees to what Li forgets to worry about.

The two teachers and disciples had a good chat. Li forgets worry. He simply sent the episode and rode back to the house to get the stove and tea. Together with Yan Liben, they enjoyed the beautiful scenery and tea and chatted about the creation of various weapons along the Bank of Qi river.

As a man, there is no one who doesn\'t like swords, blades and armor. Tang Dao is already famous in history. Li forget worry is naturally interested.

He has been to Datang for more than half a year. In fact, he has not seen a real refined sabre. What Li Er wears should be a refined sword, but he can\'t ask Li Er to give him his Sabre to play with.

Yan Li himself is the junior warden who will be the warden. He knows all kinds of daggers in the Tang Dynasty. He gives Li forgetful a detailed introduction to the advantages and disadvantages of various daggers in the Tang Dynasty. Li forgetful listened with interest.

There are four kinds of swords in the Tang Dynasty. According to the six classics of the Tang Dynasty ยท Arsenal order, "there are four types of swords, one is Yi Dao, the other is Zhang Dao, the third is horizontal Dao, and the fourth is mo Dao."

Yi Dao is a ritual instrument. It is worn by officials of the Tang Dynasty and palace guards. What Li forgets to worry about belongs to Yi Dao. Zhang Dao is a short Dao. It looks like a dagger and is used for self-defense.

Horizontal knives and unfamiliar knives are the real murder weapons.

Mo Dao is a long sword with huge shape and blades on both sides. When it is arrayed, it "moves like a wall", and when it is waved, it can "break people and horses", which can be called a big killing weapon.

The knife is about three meters long, the body and handle are one meter and five meters long respectively, and the weight is about fifty kilograms. The strangers in the Tang Dynasty are all tough soldiers selected strictly. They have great strength and courage. Otherwise, they can\'t dance the heavy and slender strangers.

A well-equipped stranger swordsman spends at least 3000 copper coins. It costs a lot. Even in the Tang Dynasty, it is difficult to equip a lot. However, the deterrence and combat effectiveness of Mo swordsman are very strong, which is the only pawn who can directly shake the impact of cavalry.

Facing the impact of cavalry, a strange knife like a knife wall can cut the cavalry into two sections with people and horses. Its power can be imagined.

It\'s just a big killing weapon like Mo Dao that Li forgets to worry about. He can\'t take it if he gives it to him.

The horizontal knife is what Li forgets to worry about most.

He knew that the horizontal knife was the ancestor of the later Japanese samurai sword, but the horizontal knife had no arc and the blade was straight.

In history, Hengdao was once given as a gift to the members of the Tang mission and brought back to Japan by them. Then it was introduced into Japan and the making technology of horizontal knife, which later evolved into Samurai knife.

Seeing that Li forgetful was very interested in the horizontal knife, Yan Liben immediately patted his chest and promised that when the ordnance workshop was built, he would make a 100 steel horizontal knife for his teacher.

Li Qieyou naturally nodded and accepted, but he asked someone to take paper and pen and draw the pattern of horse chopping knife in the Song Dynasty.

The horse chopping sabre in the Song Dynasty originated from the horizontal sabre in the Tang Dynasty, but the straight blade became an arc. In this way, when chopping, the blade can be avoided from damage and the power of the blade can be brought into full play.

This is true for both the Arabian machete and the Japanese samurai sword.

"Liben, look at the sabre like a teacher. Can you make it like this?"

Yan Liben carefully studied the horse chopping Sabre pattern drawn by Li forget you for a long time, but he didn\'t know why: "Sir, it can be forged, but why should the blade be curved? What\'s the advantage?"

It\'s hard for Li to explain his problem. Should he give Yan Liben a physics class? He has to understand.

Li Qieyou knew that the curved blade was good for chopping and protecting the blade, but if you want to say one, two, three, four, you can\'t say it.

For Yan Liben\'s inquiry, Li forgets worry and just smiles calmly: "Confucius said, \'speak first and then follow it.\', Liben, go and make this Sabre first. After the test, you will get something."

"Yes, I\'ve been taught." Yan Liben didn\'t know Li forgetful\'s flowery intestines. He thought his teacher was teaching him and bowed down quickly.

After fooling Yan Liben, Li forgets worry and doesn\'t dare to talk about knives anymore. For fear of being shy, he can only take him to talk about some romantic things to pass the time.

After waiting for nearly two hours, the tea was changed several times. Finally, there was a galloping horse in the Huangyu valley. Li forgets worry and knows that Niu Wu is back.

Naturally, Li Er and the forbidden army behind him came with Niu Wu.

"Ziyou, I heard your family\'s trilogy. Has the coin been minted?"

"Tell Uncle, that\'s right." Li forgot to worry and smiled and handed Li Er a freshly baked copper coin: "uncle, please see, this is the coin just stamped."

Li Er took the coin and looked at it carefully: "eh, why are the handwriting and patterns on the coin so clear? This is what you said. The coin was forged by water? Tut Tut, the coin is amazing. The workmanship is so fine. Compared with the official money forged before the court, it looks like private money. Come on, take me to see how the coin was forged."

Seeing that Li Er was so impatient, Li forgot to worry and smiled. They invited him into the coinage workshop with Yan Liben