Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 509

Zheng Boyi\'s shamelessness is not only despised by the distinguished officials present, but also by the aristocratic families who come to visit.

Huxian uncle said so. Zheng Boyi nodded and agreed without hesitation, and chose those thin maidservants as much as possible. It\'s really the shame of the aristocratic family. Many great Confucians who had been optimistic about Zheng Boyi shook their heads and sighed at what he had done.

Zheng Boyi doesn\'t care so much. What he thinks now is how to make Li forget worry lose face and make a fool of himself in front of the beautiful boss. He doesn\'t care about other things.

It\'s no exaggeration to say that Zheng Boyi is in a trance at the moment and can\'t measure it with common sense.

Chumo couldn\'t help jumping out: "Zheng, you are also a three foot man. It\'s fun to gamble with a group of maidservants? Dare you gamble with our brothers? Just get on the swing bridge. Who lost and who ran back to Chang\'an City naked from Dingzhou village, dare you?"

These dandies are also smart people. After playing the swing bridge several times, they all roughly understand how to maintain their balance on the bridge. It\'s natural not to be afraid of gambling with Zheng Boyi and his family\'s episodes.

"Hum, this is a gambling fight between someone and Huxian uncle. What\'s your business? Besides, Huxian uncle put forward this condition himself. Why can\'t someone agree?" Zheng Boyi ignored Chumo\'s clamor.

He turned to Li QIAOYOU and said, "Huxian uncle, if you are not going to admit defeat and break the contract, let\'s start now."

"OK, no problem." Li forgot to worry and smiled very easily.

Chumo was worried: "Ziyou, why do you bother? How did these maidservants in your house win the bastard surnamed Zheng?"

"Yes, Ziyou, don\'t be angry with this bastard. In case you lose, don\'t you mean not to admit it? If Zheng wins, my brothers can\'t afford to lose face."

Li Qieyou just smiled and shook his head. "Don\'t worry, brother. I\'m not a fool. How can I pit myself? The one surnamed Zheng can\'t win."

His remarks were not persuasive at all.

Not only the dandies do not understand, but also the two disciples Ma Zhou and Yan Liben, Li Er and Cheng Yaojin do not understand.

But now, it\'s not easy for people to say anything.

However, the maidservants of Li\'s house and Niu Yong and Niu Wu all smiled and didn\'t seem to pay attention to the gambling fight at all.

The relaxed expression of the people in Li\'s house fell into Zheng Boyi\'s eyes, which made him nod in his heart, but he immediately shook his head and denied his conjecture.

They are just weak women. What if they have played the swing bridge?

They bring their own episodes, but they are all fierce soldiers who are good at riding. Just now, he has taught these people the skills he observed. Coupled with the difference in weight and strength, it is no problem to roll those women off the bridge.

"Hum, playing tricks!" Zheng Boyi muttered, too lazy to say more. Against the despised eyes of the people, he took his own trilogy to the swing bridge.

On the other side of the bridge, the ten maidservants of Li\'s house selected by Zheng Boyi also walked onto the bridge deck with a cheerful smile and a slender waist.

When the two carriages were compared, it was obvious that the team of maidservants in Li\'s house was more eye-catching. Even out of the care of beautiful women, everyone gave cheers and cheers to the maidservants in Li\'s house.

After ten maidservants of Li\'s house, singing and dancing, stepped onto the swing bridge, they were surprised to find that Li forgets worry and is still standing aside happily watching the excitement.

"Ziyou, why don\'t you go up?"

"I need you, boy. Hurry up. Don\'t lose! I don\'t want to see you jump into the lake naked."

Zheng Boyi also shouted on the bridge, "why, Huxian uncle, are you afraid? Then admit defeat!"

Li forgets worry but laughs: "it doesn\'t matter. I\'m not the only one. Childe Zheng, you can think I\'ve fallen into the water. As long as you shake all the maidservants in my house into the water, I\'ll jump into the lake naked immediately."

His words made Zheng Boyi\'s nose almost crooked.

Originally, he wanted to challenge Li forgetful worry and see him make a fool of himself. How did he turn himself into leading the episode to face ten maidservants?

But what can he say again? Li Wangyou has said that he can\'t drag him to the bridge.

"Well, I hope Huxian uncle won\'t eat his words and get fat in front of everyone!" Zheng Boyi said, gnashing his teeth.

Li forgot his worries and said, "this is nature. What I say is naturally a spit and a nail."

"Then stop talking and start!"

Li forgot to worry and blinked at his maidservant, smiling brightly: "then start shaking."

None of the guests present looked after the maidservant of Li\'s house. They simply didn\'t understand what Li forgetful worry was doing.

But when the swing bridge began to shake, the guests couldn\'t help but stare.

All the ten maidservants in Li\'s house stood steadily on the shaking bridge deck with their feet spread apart, and the ten people were as neat and uniform as one person.

A group of very attractive beauties seem petite, but they have a different style when they raise their hands and feet on this swing bridge.

Especially when they kept shaking their bodies from side to side like future generations of skaters on the narrow swing bridge, and adjusted the center of gravity of their bodies with the shaking of the bridge, the beauty completely attracted everyone\'s attention.

In contrast, Zheng Boyi and his trilogy are very embarrassed.

Even though their feet are like horseback riding, trying to nail themselves to the bridge deck, they still lose their balance because of the continuous shaking of the bridge deck, constantly waving their arms, and barely let themselves fall off the bridge deck without losing their center of gravity. That\'s funny.

The laughter of the guests became louder and louder. Obviously, no one was optimistic that Zheng Boyi could win the bet.

With the increasing frequency of shaking on the bridge deck, people falling into the water have emerged.

A part of the Zheng family in Xingyang finally failed to maintain his balance. He slipped and fell under the bridge.

But his hand grabbed the clothes of his colleagues in front of him because of his subconscious reaction, so the man lost his balance and his body tilted

Like dominoes, the chain reaction of a person falling down in an instant is to pull all the previous episodes into the water.

Poor Zheng Boyi naturally had no accident and fell on the bridge deck in despair. At this time, Zheng in Xingyang was alone on the swing bridge.

When he thought of falling into the water, he would jump naked into the lake in Bofu, Huxian county. Zheng Boyi\'s heart was dead.

He lay on the bridge deck, holding both sides of the bridge tightly with both hands, trying to keep his body from falling into the water.

However, the maidservants of Li\'s house didn\'t let him achieve his wish. A group of maidservants began to pedal the bridge deck harder and harder, and the bridge body shook more and more frequently.

Zheng Boyi\'s whole body was constantly thrown around on the bridge deck.

Seeing this scene, Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t help but gather in the ear of the beautiful boss: "Changqing, look, this is the legendary human wiper, Shua, Shua, Shua..."

The beauty boss was teased by his words and burst into laughter. With her laughter, Zheng Boyi shouted in despair, "burst", and he was finally thrown off the bridge and fell into the pool