Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 508

Cheng Yaojin and other big men take the lead. Naturally, all the guests are eager to try. Anyway, this is in Li\'s house. People are not afraid of getting wet. They always have to change their clothes.

The reason why the swing bridge has become the net red bridge of later generations naturally has its charm.

For the Tang people, the opportunity to play in water like this was unheard of, and the atmosphere at the scene became very lively.

Even veterans like Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde have no advantage when they get on the swing bridge.

Before shaking for three or two times, they fell into the water one after another, which attracted another burst of laughter.

People went on the bridge to challenge and fell into the water, and the falling posture was strange. For a time, the banquet in Li\'s house directly became an amusement park. In addition to Yu Shinan, an old man, who was just watching the excitement, most of the guests went off in person and experienced the feeling of falling into the water.

The guests had a good time. Only Zheng Boyi stood by and looked on with disdain.

Zheng Boyi now feels more and more uncomfortable when he sees Li forgetting worry. He originally thought Li forgetting worry was just a lucky minister, young and frivolous. In particular, Li forgets to worry about being continuously added by Li Er, which makes the Zheng family in Xingyang eat flat, which makes him feel resentment.

In fact, Zheng Boyi knew the beauty boss, but it was not an accident, but the plan of Zheng in Xingyang.

The beauty boss takes care of the four-wheel carriage shop and underwear shop. They are all gold-plated industries. I don\'t know how many aristocratic families are jealous.

With the beauty boss, now she is more and more famous in Chang\'an city. This beautiful woman has finally entered the sight of the aristocratic family.

For the "cousin" of Huxian Bo, the aristocratic family didn\'t care at first. Before the rise of Wu Meiniang in the Tang Dynasty, no one would pay attention to a woman.

But with the beauty boss becoming more and more famous in Chang\'an City, and even being privately known as the "goddess of wealth", the aristocratic family inevitably moved.

Although the woman is older, she looks beautiful. If she can marry back to the house, it will be a good deal. Not to mention whether we can dig a piece of meat out of Li\'s industry, even if such a woman who can run a family and run an industry can marry back without loss.

The idea of the aristocratic family is very good, so when the beauty boss goes to Chang\'an City, there are often all kinds of wild bees and butterflies around him. He uses all kinds of means to attract her attention.

However, for beautiful bosses, they have been the goddess of school flowers since childhood. I don\'t know how many such means have been seen in future generations.

The so-called "valuable gifts" given by those aristocratic families are not worth mentioning in the eyes of beautiful bosses. The beauty boss never pays attention to these aristocratic families who are shy and close to themselves.

It was Zheng Boyi who met the beauty boss under the banner of apologizing to his cousin Zheng KangBo.

The beauty boss didn\'t want to talk to the Zheng family in Xingyang, but Zheng Boyi came to Yela\'s face and waited in front of the Shunfeng carriage store every day, rain or shine, just to say a word with the beauty boss.

One comes and two goes, but it\'s not good for the beautiful boss to treat him coldly. Sometimes I invite him to serve tea and chat.

For Zheng Boyi, the beauty boss just thinks that this person is stable and can be known as a friend. She has no interest in these "ancients", let alone a heart now, but it is all tied to Li forgetful.

But Zheng Boyi felt good about himself and thought he would soon capture the beauty\'s heart and hold her back.

Although Zheng Boyi was instructed by his family to approach the beauty boss, the arrival of the goods really fell into the charm of the beauty boss.

He is now 28 years old. A man of this age in Datang has long been the father of several children.

Zheng Boyi has never married, mainly because of his psychological problems.

This product has a bit of "Oedipus" plot. His biological mother, Zheng shanguo\'s original wife, died of illness at the age of about 30. Zheng Boyi is a dutiful son. He always cherishes his mother and thinks that a woman like her mother is the most beautiful.

Therefore, he had no interest in those young women who were 14 or 15 years old and were just married.

And for women with good family background and appearance, where are there unmarried women in their twenties? Zheng Boyi\'s marriage was delayed because he didn\'t want to.

When he met a beautiful boss, he naturally became heaven and man. At that time, he made up his mind not to marry a non beautiful boss.

Because of this, he regarded Li forgetfulness as a thorn in his eye and the most unforgivable "rival in love".

Zheng Boyi is now like the peacock in estrus. He doesn\'t want to show his talent in front of the beautiful boss all the time. But today, he was continuously "targeted" by Li forgetful, which made him feel that he had lost face in front of the beauty.

Seeing a crowd of guests playing the swing bridge, Zheng Boyi had another idea.

"Huxian uncle, how about a duel between you and me on this bridge? But if you lose, take off your clothes and jump into the lake in your house today, how dare you!"

Zheng Boyi suddenly made a noise. The noise of the crowd was so loud that all the guests turned their heads and looked at him.

What is this? Is this crazy? At Huxian Bo\'s house banquet, he provoked his master several times. Even if there is a gap between the Zheng family in Xingyang and Huxian Bo, he should not be so ignorant of etiquette.

Everyone looked at Zheng Boyi with dissatisfaction, and Li Er was ready to speak and scold.

But Li forgot to worry and suddenly said, "ha ha, childe Zheng is so elegant that he should accompany him. But it\'s boring for you and me to get on the bridge. Let\'s do this."

He pointed to the maidservants of Li\'s house who served the people around him: "Mr. Zheng can choose ten maidservants at my house and go to the bridge with Mr. Zheng. Mr. Zheng also brought the family music today? Then you and the family music fight against Mr. and the maidservants. All of them fall into the water. As Mr. Zheng said, take off your clothes, run to a house, go to the lake and jump down. What does Mr. Zheng think?"

Li forgot to worry about this and stunned all the guests.

What does this Huxian uncle want to do? Use a group of charming maidservants to fight against the wolf like tiger series of Zheng family in Xingyang? Is this crazy?

When Zheng Boyi heard Li forget you say so, he looked up and laughed. He immediately nodded and agreed.

The reason why he dared to provoke Li to forget his worries was that he had been watching for a long time and felt that he had knocked a lot at the door. Moreover, although he was a child of an aristocratic family and had read a lot of poetry and books, he was not a weak scholar.

Scholars in the Tang Dynasty must be proficient in the six skills of a gentleman, among which "Royal" includes driving horses and vehicles.

Zheng Boyi figured out that to play this swing bridge, the horse steps with both legs should be stable. It must be like riding on the back of a horse, and adjust his posture with the ups and downs of the horse, so as not to fall into the water.

The previous winners of swing bridge were almost all battlefield veterans who were proficient in equestrian.

It was based on this observation that Zheng Boyi challenged Li forgetful and wanted to humiliate him and recover the humiliation he suffered today.

Zheng Boyi also ignored the disdainful eyes of the surrounding guests. For fear that Li would forget his worries and repent, he immediately nodded and agreed, and selected ten relatively thin maidservants from the surrounding maidservants as his opponents.

His behavior was even ridiculed by others. The dandies were even angry and scolded by his despicable behavior.

Li forgets to worry, but doesn\'t care. He laughs and waits for Zheng Boyi to convene his own episode and prepare to fight on the bridge

For Zheng Boyi, if you are willing to die, I will bury you!