Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 510

Tang people lack entertainment facilities. This swing bridge is just an excellent entertainment for Tang people.

A group of maidservants in Li\'s house, after Li forgetful\'s guidance, enjoyed it. Whenever you have free time, you come here to shake the bridge. They are all experts here. Where can Zheng Boyi and his family compare.

The reason why Li forgot to worry was that he didn\'t want to go up and lose face.

Although he taught the maidservants how to shake the bridge, in fact, compared with the technology of shaking the bridge, he is far less beautiful than these charming maidservants. Naturally, he has to hide his clumsiness.

After Zheng Boyi was thrown off the bridge deck, all the guests laughed again. Even the family guests with five surnames and seven looks were also laughing.

After Zheng Boyi fell into the water, he was quickly helped up by Zheng\'s trilogy in the water, but at the moment, he was as if he were dead.

Zheng Boyi felt black at the thought that he had just provoked Li to forget his worries and said that the loser would jump into the lake naked.

He is a direct family member of the Zheng family in Xingyang. He is a straight Bachelor of the Great Hall of literature and an official of the six grades of the Tang Dynasty. How can he jump naked into the lake in full view of the public? He will become the eternal joke between Chang\'an City aristocratic family and Xun GUI.

At the moment, the laughter of the people around the pool made Zheng Boyi\'s face more and more ugly. Regardless of his embarrassment at this time, he yelled at Li forgetful: "Huxian uncle, you Yin me!"

"Ha ha, where did you come from, childe Zheng? You chose all the maidservants to gamble with you. Why did you say that? Why, childe Zheng lost and didn\'t plan to admit it?"

The maid of Li\'s house won so cleanly and neatly, which was also expected by the great outstanding people.

Chumo laughed happily and shouted to Zheng Boyi in the pool, "Zheng, lost to a group of women. How can you say that others are negative about you? Have you lived to the belly of a dog at your age?"

Zheng Boyi, with the help of his family\'s episode, finally climbed out of the pool and was dripping all over.

Fang Yiai gathered together and joked, "tut Tut, master Zheng, you have a big face today. When are you going to jump in the lake? I\'m waiting for my brother."

"Yes, when? Ha ha, it\'s new to jump into the lake naked."

"Jump! Jump! Jump!" a group of dandies gathered around and stamped their feet to coax, making Zheng Boyi more and more ashamed and angry.

"You!" Zheng Boyi trembled and glared at Li forgetful: "don\'t want someone to jump into the lake, Huxian Bo, you dare Yin! I\'m not finished with you in Xingyang! You wait!"

After saying this, he didn\'t look back, so he was wet, led his series, turned and left.

Obviously, Zheng Boyi is going to default.

Today, he has lost all his face. If he goes to jump into the lake naked, he really has no face to go back to Chang\'an city. So even if he plays a rogue, he will never cash his bet.

It doesn\'t matter if Li forgets to worry. He doesn\'t have any interest in a big man who takes off his clothes and jumps into the lake.

He waved to Zheng Boyi warmly: "young master Zheng, go slowly. Come to the mansion to shake the bridge when you are free. The maidservant in my mansion can play with young master Zheng at any time."

Zheng Boyi, who had just stepped on his horse under the service of the episode, almost fell off his horse when he heard Li forget his worries.

His teeth rattled, but he had no choice but to wave his whip and run away.

After Zheng Boyi left awkwardly, the dandies laughed again and continued to play the swing bridge. This time, everyone asked to challenge the maidservant of Li\'s house. They had a lot of fun and laughed even after falling into the water.

On the other hand, Li Er shook his head and stretched out his hand to attract Kong Yingda. He whispered to the old man, "the bachelor, straight bachelor and professor in the second Hall of six schools are very important in addition to knowledge. Duke Kong should rectify this and teachers should have teachers\' ethics. Ziyou\'s" teachers\' talk "should let the second Hall of six schools learn more."

Kong Yingda, as a eunuch offering wine, didn\'t understand the meaning of Li Er\'s words, so he naturally nodded and agreed.

Not surprisingly, Zheng Boyi, a straight Bachelor of the Hong Literature Museum, should be in the end. I don\'t know which unpopular yamen corner he will be thrown into to get moldy.

Li forgets to worry, the heart is sneer, such goods, also mean to be his "love enemy"? I don\'t know.

After Zheng Boyi left in a hurry, the banquet atmosphere became more and more warm, and a jar of wine from Li\'s house was sent up. Finally, even Li Er drank too much. Reluctantly, with the help of Mito, he rode on his horse and returned to Chang\'an city.

The host and the guest were all happy. When the sun set, they left one after another. Only the dandies stayed.

"Ziyou, do you mind if I stay in your house for a while?" Chumo laughs.

Li forgets to worry about where he can have any opinions and how long he likes to live. Moreover, the dandies are more lively in his house. Anyway, the mansion is very big now, and there is no shortage of guest rooms in the castle. Chumo doesn\'t mind how long they stay.

That night, Dingzhou village became lively again.

Outside the newly-built ancestral hall in the village, there are already full of drinks and banquets. The cook, maidservant and servant of Li\'s house kept delivering delicious wine and food. Li forgot to worry and invited the farmers to have fun.

Not only did Li forget to worry and the beautiful boss squeeze together with the dealer to drink, but the dandies didn\'t mean to look down on the dealer. They crowded into the crowd without image and ate and drank happily.

Seeing the image of Chumo and others, the beautiful boss smiled and whispered in Li\'s ear, "Chumo and others are not like the top dandies of the Tang Dynasty at all. It\'s rare to be so close to the farmers."

Li Qieyou raised his glass, took a sip, and said with a smile, "yes, that\'s why I like them. It\'s not pretentious, nor does it have the airs of the government. It\'s very rare."

The beauty boss\'s eyes flashed: "I have a bad history, but I also remember that many of them have a bad end. Forget your worries. Since you treat them as friends, you can help them in the future."

"It\'s natural." Li forgot to worry. He looked at Fang Yiai, who was red in face and thick in neck, and fought with Niu Wu at the throat. He was secretly determined.

In any case, we can\'t let this fool marry Princess Gaoyang to be the poor green hat king of the Tang Dynasty

But now I think more about it. Li Lizhi, the eldest princess of Li Er, is only seven or eight years old. I\'m afraid Princess Gaoyang is only four or five years old now?

At the thought of Fang Yiai\'s future wife, who is now a little girl in kindergarten, Li forgets to worry and despises the goods.

"Ziyou, why are you stunned? Come on, drink!" Du he slapped Li forgetful on the shoulder and came over with a laugh.

"Ha ha, it\'s nothing. Drink, drink! Who\'s not drunk today, who\'s the bastard!" Li Qieyou showed no weakness, picked up his glass and poured it down.

This evening, Li forgot to worry and a group of dandies. They didn\'t even know how they came back to the house. They were all drunk into mud

The next day, Li forgot to worry and got up from his bed with a splitting headache. When he swore again that he would not drink in the future, the old housekeeper Li Heng came to report that his disciple Yan Liben had come