Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 507

A hot pot meal naturally satisfied everyone, and the guests and hosts enjoyed it. Even if an old man like Yu Shinan has a poor appetite, he appreciates the hot pot and unconsciously eats more chopsticks.

Tang people like banquets, especially between Xun and GUI. When you attend a banquet, you can\'t just eat and drink. You have to have a program.

Fortunately, Li\'s house now has more than a dozen singing and dancing girls. The atmosphere is quite lively during the banquet.

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde, several old hooligans, were excited again without suspense. Regardless of the presence of women\'s family members, they directly took off their clothes and went into battle shirtless. They personally danced in the entrance and fought with the dancers.

The people of the Tang Dynasty were heroic by nature. It was totally normal for them to behave like Cheng Yaojin, so the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic.

Only Li forgets the black line on his face. NIMA, it\'s too hot to watch some old hooligans dance.

But he didn\'t expect that those damn dandies wanted to force him to dance. Li forgets to worry about where he is willing to lose face in front of the beautiful boss. Naturally, he shakes his head.

But he couldn\'t stand the strong pull of these animals. As the host of the party, he was directly pulled off by Chumo.

Li forgets to worry. He really can\'t dance, let alone whirlwind. While some people were sitting in wax, they suddenly glanced at the pool in front of their castle and couldn\'t help but be happy.

In front of his castle, there is a landscape pool.

In addition to landscape viewing, it is more important to play the role of fire fighting. In case of fire in the castle, you can take water from the pool to put out the fire.

This pool is very well built, which is almost the same as the swimming pool of later generations, but it is not so deep, only waist deep water.

In the middle of the pool, there is also a small suspension bridge. What is more strange is that this suspension bridge has no left and right handrails, only a bare bridge deck.

Every time I see this suspension bridge, the beautiful boss is very helpless. There is no other reason. The bridge was built by the craftsmen after Li forgets his worries and dislikes.

This suspension bridge has a name on the network of later generations, "net red bridge", that is, swing bridge.

Li Qieyou has seen a variety show, "shake, laugh, bridge" on Mango station in later generations. The rules of the game are very simple. Players challenge the swing bridge team in the form of a team. With music, they swing left and right with the rhythm on the bridge, swing the swing bridge, strive to maintain balance, and the one who does not fall into the water wins.

In fact, it\'s a boring variety show. Li forgets to watch it. It\'s just for beautiful women. There are several high-value beauty teams, especially those with long legs, which make Li forget worry and almost lick the screen.

So when he built the landscape pool in his residence, Li forgot to worry about it. He had a bad taste and asked the craftsman to build such a swing bridge for him.

What makes the beauty boss speechless is that the goods actually organized the maidservants in the house and arranged several teams to let them fight PK on the swing bridge, which is called exercise.

Where the beauty boss doesn\'t understand his careful thinking, but this kind of thing is harmless, so let him toss about it.

At Li\'s insistence, the maidservant in his house soon fell in love with playing the swing bridge.

Originally, the swing bridge swayed a little, and the maidservants on the bridge cried and fell into the water one after another.

After the light clothes were wet, they clinged to the delicate body, revealing the exquisite curve, which made Li forget to worry, straightened his eyes and shouted. Even Niu Wu, Niu Yong, these family episodes, are they not like this?

Among the 73 old singles in the house, the favorite thing to see for a time is that the maidservants in the house play the swing bridge. This group of old bachelors often yelled and whistled.

Although the maidservants were very shy, they did not shy away from the hot eyes of their husband and old bachelors. Some brave people even held out their chests like a demonstration after falling into the water, which attracted the howling of wolves around.

It\'s not that these maidservants are shameless, but that the folk customs of the Tang Dynasty are so fierce.

In addition, in the hearts of these maidservants, there is no hope that they can be seen by their own husband or these Kong Wu trilogy, so they are naturally more reckless.

With the guidance of Li\'s experience from watching the video, he soon played well and could swing his body neatly on the swing bridge without falling into the water.

This swing bridge, even Niu Yong, Niu Wu and the 73 veteran ruffians like to play. The soldiers who fight with the maidservants often have the idea of shaking each other off the bridge to see the wet beauty.

The only regret Li forgets is that he can\'t let the maidservants in the mansion change into those hot pants with their thighs exposed in the Tang Dynasty, otherwise it won\'t be too eye-catching.

At the moment, he was forced to dance by the dandies. Li forgetful naturally didn\'t want to make a fool of himself in front of the public. After glancing at the swing bridge, he immediately had the idea of getting out.

"Chumo, how boring dancing is? There\'s another fun event in the younger brother\'s house. I wonder if you\'re interested?" Li forgot to worry about the thief with a smile.

Chumo doesn\'t know, so he asks curiously, "what\'s fun? Tell me about it."

Li forgot to worry and pointed to the net red bridge: "brothers, can you see the suspension bridge? We can divide into two teams on the suspension bridge, shake the bridge body, and finally win with the one who doesn\'t fall into the water. Are you interested?"

Chumo and his group of dandies are naturally playful people. When Li forgets you, they are naturally interested and nod their heads.

A group of dandies pulled Li forgetful and ran to the pool, which also attracted the guests\' eyes.

Li Er couldn\'t help laughing and scolding: "what are these bastards doing? Zhijie, let\'s go and have a look."

With Li Er taking the lead, all the guests naturally followed, and Hula came to the pool to watch.

"Ziyou, your suspension bridge is strange. You don\'t even have handrails? You\'re not afraid of people falling into the water?" Li Er couldn\'t help laughing when he saw the swing bridge.

Li forgot to worry but nodded naturally: "uncle said it right. This bridge is to let people fall down."

"Oh? Why?"

"Hey, uncle, just watch the good play." Li forgets worry and doesn\'t explain, but lets Li Erjing watch the change.

Those dandies, under Li\'s explanation, have figured out how to play the swing bridge. They were divided into two teams and stepped onto the bridge deck from both ends of the swing bridge.

Swing bridge, as the name suggests, is quite rocking.

Even if you don\'t shake it deliberately, just walk on it, it has shaken quite frighteningly. Fang Yiai didn\'t stand firm and almost fell off the bridge. If Cheng Chuliang didn\'t pull him behind him, he would be the first to fall into the water.

When all the dandies got on the bridge and stood face to face, Li forgot to worry and waved someone to bring a big drum. He knocked it himself and shouted, "shake it up!"

With the sound of drums, a group of dandies began to shake the bridge. The next moment, plop, plop, and then three people fell into the water

This funny scene naturally led to a roar of laughter from all the guests, including Li Er.

On the swing bridge, the remaining dandies were dancing and trying to maintain their balance. However, as the shaking of the swing bridge became more and more intense, all the guys who played the swing bridge for the first time fell into the water.

This made the laughter of the people around the pool even louder, but the dandies didn\'t care at all. Instead, they laughed and thought it was quite interesting.

"Wow, hahaha, this bridge is very interesting! I\'ll try it too. Gentlemen, who is interested in fighting with me?" Cheng Yaojin jumped out to challenge.

"Old man Cheng, don\'t be crazy! I\'ll meet you!" Yuchi Jingde stood up to fight when he was willing to fall behind.

With these two leaders taking the lead, the present military general Xun GUI was naturally unwilling to fall behind and spoke one after another to accept the challenge.

The swing bridge is ready to swing again