Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 506

The explosion of the pole in the brazier startled all the guests present, and the old ministers were shocked by the sudden loud noise.

Even Cheng Yaojin jumped up from the ground and stared at the fire basin.

"Ziyou, Ziyou, what are you? Why do you make a sound like a mountain collapse, like the thunder?" Li Er was also frightened. He pulled Li forget you and asked.

"Hey, uncle, this is the explosive pole made by my nephew. I told you, the movement is a little big." Li forgets you rubbed his hands and smiled, but he is very proud in his heart.

It\'s worth it to scare Cheng Yaojin and Li Er like this!

As for Zheng Boyi beside the brazier, I can\'t see it now.

Not only was his body covered with carbon ash, but his finely embroidered silk and satin clothes were no different from those of beggars. They were full of holes made by sparks.

Even the hair bun was scattered, and many hair was burnt yellow by sparks in the brazier.

Zheng Boyi, who used to look like a jade gentleman, is not only extremely embarrassed, but also can\'t hear anything except the buzzing in his ears. He looked like a dull chicken. He stayed there and was completely stupid.

If Zheng Boyi had been online in later generations, he must have a soul in his heart. Three questions, who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

His appearance naturally made the guests who had just been frightened and would come back to life laugh.

Li Er couldn\'t help but say hello to the maid of Li\'s house: "take Mr. Zheng to freshen up and change clothes."

After the maid of Li\'s house led Zheng Boyi, who was still confused, to leave, no one proposed that Li forget worry and continue to set off the explosive rod. The noise of this thing is really too big. There are many old people like Yu Shinan who can\'t be stimulated.

Cheng Yaojin also came back to his mind: "zhiniang thief, boy, why is the explosion pole in your house so loud?"

"Hey, uncle Cheng, didn\'t you just say that? The explosive pole in my house is different."

"Don\'t play tricks on me. I haven\'t used the exploding rod before. How can there be such a movement? Quickly explain what\'s going on?" Cheng Yaojin glared at Li forgetful.

"To put it bluntly, it\'s just that the medicines you added in the bamboo branches are different. These medicines are made by yourself. They burn faster, so the sound of cracking is very loud. Hey hey, uncle Cheng, didn\'t you say you were going to try? I have some explosive rods here. Would you like to have a look?"

Cheng Yaojin didn\'t look so old. He wanted to burn the rod himself. But think about Zheng Boyi\'s fate. If he goes, he may not be much better.

"Hum! You boy, think about these useless things all day long!" Cheng Yaojin\'s black face has a tendency of black inside and red: "don\'t you let someone pass the meal soon?"

Li forgets to worry. Seeing that the old rascal is a little angry, he doesn\'t dare to make fun of him anymore. He can only hold back his smile and ask the maid and servant in the house to bring out the food.

The guests here have heard about the delicious food of Li\'s house for a long time, but they have been looking forward to it for a long time.

But a group of maidservants crowded into the table, holding things that confused everyone.

"Ziyou, why did you order people to carry so many fire pots in this hot day?" Li Er couldn\'t understand it and asked curiously.

Li Qieyou smiled proudly and said, "ha ha, uncle, this is a kind of delicious food created by my nephew. It\'s called hot pot. Boil the soup pot with charcoal fire and put the ingredients into it. Eat it now and it\'s hot. It\'s very delicious. Uncle will know it as soon as he tries."

As a person from Sichuan, the life without hot pot is incomplete. Li forget you will not miss this favorite food.

It\'s a pity that the baby pepper hasn\'t spread to Datang at this time, but fortunately, there is Cornus to replace it. Although there is no unique flavor of pepper, it is impossible to boil a pot of red spicy pot bottom, but Li forget worry is also satisfied.

After the maidservants put the charcoal basin in place, a servant immediately brought Li forgetful\'s copper pot, which was specially made by craftsmen in Dongshi. The copper pot is made of beef and fish bones. With Cornus, pepper and ginger, it smells delicious.

Then, the water of all kinds of cut ingredients came up, flew forward and left, left fish and right shrimp, and all kinds of dipping materials were also sent to the guests.

According to Li forgetful\'s hint, Li Er picked up a piece of beef cut so thin that it was transparent, rinsed it in the pot for a few seconds, then took it out of the dip in front of him and sent it to the entrance.

After chewing and tasting for a few seconds, Li Er couldn\'t help but brighten his eyes: "wonderful, it\'s wonderful! Ziyou\'s hot pot, fresh, crisp, tender and smooth, delicious, spicy and mixed with Cornus, which is really wonderful!"

"Uncle likes it, so eat more. This duck intestines is also the best. Uncle, you should try it. There is also some stress in rinsing this duck intestines. It can be eaten at seven up and eight down. It\'s quite crisp." Li forgets worry with a smile and introduces Li Er to the eating methods of various ingredients in the hot pot.

All the guests around me would hesitate to listen to Li Er\'s praise. They learned Li Er\'s eating method and began to scald their favorite ingredients.

The guests gathered around the steaming hot pot, talked with each other, held up their chopsticks and feasted on them. Everyone is quite satisfied with this hot pot. The delicious food of Li\'s house really deserves its reputation.

At this time, Zheng Boyi had washed his face, changed his clothes, and sat down on his seat with a straight face.

He didn\'t know where he was. He was plotted by the Huxian uncle.

According to his temperament, he must leave directly. But looking at the beautiful boss\'s beautiful face, he was reluctant to go again.

At the moment, he naturally didn\'t want to eat delicious food, but when he saw that all the guests were praising Li forgetful\'s hot pot, he couldn\'t help humming and questioned: "what hot pot, isn\'t this wok bucket and wending? According to the records of the book of Wei, Emperor Wen of Wei had such a method. What\'s strange?"

Zheng Boyi still has tinnitus. Although he can listen to the sound, his ears are buzzing and his voice is quite high.

His words were naturally heard by all present. Li Er couldn\'t help stopping his chopsticks and looked at Zheng Boyi unhappily.

Li Er, the straight Bachelor of chongwenguan, is naturally familiar with him. He also knows that he has a talent name and is a direct descendant of the Zheng family in Xingyang. On weekdays, Zheng Boyi looks gentle. Why do he make provocations again and again today?

Li forgot to worry and smiled: "Mr. Zheng is really knowledgeable. It\'s good. The way this hot pot is eaten has existed since ancient times. However, the taste is very different. But I don\'t know what the hot pot tastes like when reading the Three Kingdoms from the book of Wei. Why don\'t you tell us about it and broaden our horizons?"

"You..." Zheng Boyi was speechless again.

How did he know what the hot pot tasted during the Three Kingdoms period? In the book of Wei, it is only mentioned to cook food with a bronze tripod. What flavor has it ever said?

Zheng Boyi\'s original white and tender face was also red and green at this time.

What he said just now was just fooling around. People eat delicious food. Who cares if you have this hot pot in the Three Kingdoms?

Seeing that Zheng Boyi couldn\'t speak, the guests laughed and ignored him. They pushed cups and changed lamps again, making Zheng Boyi even more embarrassed, but they became more and more jealous of Li forgetful