Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 505

The beauty boss saw this scene, but he didn\'t stop it. He just glared at Li forgetful and thought he was making fun of others.

The explosion rod that Li forgot to worry asked Niu Wu to explode was naturally made by him. In fact, it is called "firecrackers", which may be more accurate.

A few days ago, when the old housekeeper Li Heng told him about entering the house, he specifically mentioned the need to buy some explosive poles to ward off evil spirits to show good luck.

Li forget worry was also idle and boring at that time. He said casually: "the movement of exploding pole is too small. It\'s really boring."

Niu Wu heard it at that time and said with a smile, "Lang Jun, there is a time-honored brand in Dongshi that specializes in making explosive rods. His explosive rods are louder and more smoke than others. Why don\'t I go and buy some?"

Li forgot to worry disdainfully and said, "how loud can it be? It\'s not interesting. I can make things that explode louder when I was six years old."

The old housekeeper Li Heng listened to Li forgetful\'s words, his beard trembled a few times, and he thought his husband was bragging. He watched Li forget to worry and grow up. Where is such a thing?

Niu Wu naturally didn\'t believe it. Although he didn\'t say it clearly, the look in his eyes has explained everything.

What Li forgets to worry about is naturally his experience in later generations. He\'s really not bragging. When he was six years old, he and several bear children in the village didn\'t think the firecrackers were strong enough during the new year. They took them apart, poured out the gunpowder and stuffed them all into a bamboo tube.

When they lit the "extra large" firecracker and threw it into a dry toilet in the village, there was a smell of excrement and urine in the whole village during the Spring Festival

And the buttocks of Li forgetful and several bear children were almost beaten into four pieces.

In the Tang Dynasty, of course, Li Qieyou couldn\'t produce real gunpowder, but he knew how to make black gunpowder that could be used to make firecrackers.

This kind of black gunpowder, which later bear children do not want to play, dislikes that it is too powerful to be used as firecrackers.

See Niu Wu and Li Heng incredibly don\'t believe, Lee forget worry also angry, must let these two woodlouse open eyes!

"Niu Wu, go and prepare saltpeter for me and grind it into powder..." Li forgetful worry was too lazy to talk nonsense. He directly made a list for Niu Wu to prepare.

"Lang Jun, what do you want chicken to do? This thing can also be used as a blasting rod?" Niu Wu was puzzled.

"If you\'re asked to go, don\'t talk nonsense." Li forgot to explain to the silly goods that the adhesion of egg white directly sent him to buy all the things he wanted.

After Niu Wu had prepared all the things Li forgot to worry about, he dried them according to his instructions, ground them into powder and mixed them in a certain proportion.

Then add egg white, stir evenly, sieve into particles of the same size with a sieve, and finally dry these particles in the shade.

After two days of hard work, the black powder made by Li forgetful worry was a success.

Things are made, but it\'s useless. Li forgets worry. In fact, he has no bottom in his heart. Although there was a small firecracker factory in their village at the beginning, later generations, even the firecracker factory in the village workshop, did not use black powder.

The so-called black powder formula that Li forgets to worry about knows is based on an encyclopedia of later generations. Whether it is accurate or not, where does he know.

And he was also very frightened when he made the black powder with Niu Wu. I dare not even make it in my old house for fear that I might accidentally blow up my house.

Without him, black powder is not safe.

It is highly sensitive and easy to burn. It can be ignited with Mars.

Fortunately, he just made some firecrackers and used a small amount, which was not a problem.

"Niu Wu, go find a bamboo tube. Today I\'ll let you open your eyes and see what the real explosion rod is! What explosion sounds like thunder!"

Niu Wujiang was suspicious, but he naturally did as his husband told him. Promise, go out and cut a bamboo back.

Li forgot to worry and kicked him in the ass.

Nima, she\'s going to make firecrackers, not to be a terrorist to make bombs. How much gunpowder does the fool have to pack when he comes back with such a thick bamboo? How powerful is it?

"What are you doing with such thick bamboo?" Li forgetful asked angrily.

Niu Wu was confused: "Lang Jun, don\'t you want to make a blasting rod? It\'s all made of such thick bamboo. It\'s too thin to burn. It\'s not fun."

Not fun, your sister! Li Qieyou felt so tired that he didn\'t bother to talk to him. He directly ordered, "just the thick and thin bamboo branches. Go, go, go."

Niu Wu cut back the bamboo branches that met Li\'s needs again, filled them with gunpowder and sealed them according to his instructions.

At this time, Li forgot to worry and suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten something. Er, maybe he forgot to make a fuse

However, whatever it is, the explosion poles of the Tang people are burned in the brazier, and the "explosion poles" made by themselves are just the same.

Niu Wu was very disgusted. He picked up the thick and thin one inch long bamboo joint in his hand: "Mr. Lang, this is what you said can explode like thunder? Don\'t tease me."

Li forgot his worries and didn\'t bother to talk to him. He directly asked him to bring a brazier.

Niu Wu had no choice but to listen to him bring the brazier and put it on the open space in the front yard.

"Don\'t put it here, take it to an open place outside." Li forgets worry, but he doesn\'t dare to do experiments at his home.

Future generations of firecrackers are wrapped in paper, but they are bamboo tubes in their hands. Those who have studied physics in junior high school know that when black powder burns rapidly, it will produce a large amount of gas, and the volume can expand nearly 10000 times.

In a limited space, the rapid expansion of the gas will cause an explosion. The more enclosed the space, the greater the power of the explosion.

Firecrackers made of bamboo tubes are certainly more powerful than those wrapped in paper. This is certain.

Niu Wu didn\'t agree with Li\'s instructions, but he did so and took the brazier to the open place outside the house.

Li forgot to worry about how dare he throw the "explosive rod" into the brazier, and directly stuffed the bamboo tube in his hand into Niu Wu\'s hand: "you throw it into the brazier, remember, throw it in and run."

"I see. Don\'t you just burn a blasting rod? It\'s nothing strange." Niu Wu took the bamboo tube carelessly, walked to the brazier and threw it in.

"Run!" Li forgot to worry. Seeing that the silly goods didn\'t move at all, he couldn\'t help being anxious.

Niu Wu turned his head and grinned at him. He was so angry that Li forgot to cover his ears.

"Boom!" the boom in the brazier exploded without any suspense

The sound is as loud as thunder. The charcoal fire in the brazier was splashed everywhere by firecrackers, and sparks scattered everywhere

When Li forgot to worry and saw Niu Wu again, he saw that he was black and covered with carbon ash.

"Niu Wu, are you all right?" Li forgets worry and runs over quickly.

Niu Wu pulled out his ears as if he wanted to quarrel with others. He shouted with a broken Gong voice: "what are you talking about, Mr. Lang? I can\'t hear you!"

There is no doubt that Li forget worry\'s firecrackers are made, and their power is at least equivalent to the largest two kick firecrackers sold in future generations.

The noise was so loud that even the farmers in Dingzhou village were agitated. I don\'t understand how there was the sound of thunder in this dry day.

Niu Wu\'s ears were not deafened, but they hummed for several days.

As for the explosion rod of "the sound of explosion is like thunder" mentioned by Li forgetful, he naturally finally had an unforgettable experience.

Since he made the firecracker, Li forgot to worry about what else he could see. Li Heng sent all the explosive poles he had purchased to the farmers.

He originally planned to set off these firecrackers in the evening when he had fun with the farmers.

Now that Zheng Boyi is in a hurry to find bad luck, he naturally can\'t stop him. Seeing Zheng Boyi throw the explosive pole into the brazier, Li forgets to worry and can\'t help grinning.

Next second, boom