Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 504

Li forgot what he thought. If others knew, he would want to kill this pretending man.

Why did Li Er come again... What a favor it is for the sage to come to the house banquet in person? How dare you be so disgusted?

Li forgets to worry. He really dislikes it. Li will come as soon as he comes. It\'s not the first time. Li Er and Cheng Yaojin, their own manor residence, lived in before his master.

But this is just make complaints about Lee\'s heart. When he heard Li Heng\'s words, Li Wangyou didn\'t dare to delay. He jumped onto the horse\'s back to greet Li Er\'s imperial driving.

The manor is too big. There is also a small problem. It\'s really not good not to ride a horse from the castle to the gate of the mansion. Walking can kill people.

Li Er not only came by himself today, but also brought all the three small schools.

Li Chengqian, Li Tai and Li Lizhi saluted Li QIAOYOU skillfully, and looked curiously at the manor house they had never seen before. The three of them came to Li\'s new residence for the first time.

"Little nephew, I\'ve seen your uncle." Li forgot to worry and saluted Li Er.

"Ha ha, Ziyou doesn\'t need to be polite. Come and see the gift I prepared for you." Li Er Chao waved behind him, and two internal attendants came forward with a plaque.

The seven gilded characters of "Bofu, Kaiguo County, Huxian county" were recognized by Li Qieyou. They were written by Li Er himself.

To make complaints about this, Li Wangyou\'s mind is tucking up his own plaque. I\'m not sincere. Why don\'t you give me something valuable?

Li Heng, the old housekeeper behind him, and a group of trilogy and maidservants were too excited to help themselves.

How glorious is it for the sage to write the plaque of his husband\'s residence?

In Chang\'an City, you can count what Li Er can do like this, and none of them is as high as the founding Duke.

Although Li forget worry is not rare, he also has to put on a look of uncontrollable joy: "thank you, uncle. I\'ll let people hang up. Please, uncle. All the princes have arrived, so I\'ll wait for my uncle to have a dinner."

But Chengqian bowed to his father and Li forgetful: "Dad, sir, can we go to the village first?"

Just now, when they rode through xindingzhou village, Sanxiao had seen many of their playmates in the village and the amusement park. They were already itching.

Li Er was stunned and then laughed: "ha ha, then go."

"Yes, thank you, Dad." the third child cheered, turned and ran to the door of the house. Several internal attendants and guards hurriedly trotted up.

"Ziyou, look at Chengqian. When you get here, you\'re more like a child." Li Er sighed as he looked at the three children\'s happy back.

Li forgot to worry and smiled: "uncle, this child likes to play with his peers, which is also his nature. In addition, he is not in the palace and there are not so many rules, so they are naturally happy."

"Well, I like them. If you have more contact with folk children, you can understand the hardships of folk. Don\'t be a minced meat fool."

Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t help grinning. Now in Dingzhou village, where can we understand the folk suffering? These farmers are now rich in wealth, not to mention great wealth, but they are all well-off families with no worries about food and clothing.

After the three children went to play in the village, Li Er and Li forgetful got on the horse again and went to the castle.

When Li Er arrived, everyone came forward to salute again. It was a mess for a while.

When the people sat down again, Li forgot to worry and asked Li Er what he meant: "uncle, that little nephew will make a party?"

Before Li Er spoke, Cheng Yaojin laughed and said, "Wow, hahaha, open the dinner. My good nephew quickly asked people to pass the meal. I\'m greedy for your family\'s dishes. What\'s new today?"

Cheng Yaojin\'s words made all the big men who had eaten in Li\'s house nod one after another. On this gluttony alone, the food of Li forget worry\'s family is unique!

Even the pork that Xun GUI didn\'t eat on weekdays has now become a delicacy.

Many bigwigs asked Li Lianyou for a secret recipe and asked the cook in his house to learn to do it. Nowadays, pork in Chang\'an City has changed from cheap meat to hot.

Even the price of pork has risen from 40 Wen a catty to 60 Wen. Among them, Li forgetful\'s recipe has contributed a lot.

"Hey, uncle Cheng, I\'ve prepared a delicious food today. I\'m sure I won\'t let uncle Cheng and the princes down."

"Wow, hahaha, what are you waiting for? Let someone bring it up." Cheng Yaojin laughed.

Instead, Li Er stared at him, turned to Li forgetful and said, "Ziyou, it\'s just a lunch in the house. Why don\'t you even set off the explosion rod?"

Before entering the house and having dinner, the people of the Tang Dynasty should first offer incense to their ancestors and firecrackers in front of the court to ward off evil spirits to show good luck.

Li forgot to worry and felt his nose: "uncle, today the farmers entered the house together. All the ordinary explosive poles in the house were used by the farmers. The rest were too noisy. I\'m afraid I\'d disturb the princes. I\'d better forget it."

Cheng Yaojin added: "bullshit, how much noise can several explosive rods make? Your majesty is right. How can we not set off explosive rods before the house banquet? Go and get explosive rods quickly. It\'s lively!"

"Hey, uncle Cheng, my explosive pole is specially made by my nephew. Don\'t underestimate it."

"I don\'t believe it yet. What\'s the difference between your family\'s explosive pole? You let someone take it and I\'ll set it off for you." Cheng Yaojin shook his head.

Li Er also smiled without saying anything. Obviously, he didn\'t believe what Li forgot to worry about.

The explosion pole of Datang puts saltpeter in a bamboo tube and makes it make a louder sound and stronger smoke when lit. But the noise was a little stronger than the crackling sound of burning bamboo.

When they were talking, Zheng Boyi came together: "Your Majesty, Xu is a young man in Huxian county. He is timid, can\'t be frightened and can\'t hear anything. That\'s why he is afraid of the explosion sound of the explosion rod. Your majesty, it\'s better not to let go of the explosion rod."

His words seem to be helping Li forget his worries. In fact, they sound disgusting.

All the guests around said in their hearts that Zheng Boyi was on a par with Huxian Bo today? It\'s interesting to provoke huxianbo again and again.

Li Er frowned in displeasure and said in his heart, "why can\'t Zheng Boyi speak so?"?

Li forgot to worry about it. Instead, he arched his hand at Zheng Boyi: "Oh? Childe Zheng must be very brave? That\'s great. Niu Wu, go get some firecrackers and let childe Zheng help set them off."

Niu Wu and others had already looked at Zheng Boyi. When they heard Li forget you say so, they naturally grinned and ran to hold a bundle of explosive rods.

Li forgot to worry and asked someone to bring the brazier. He sat down with an invitation gesture to Zheng Boyi: "please, childe Zheng, please help me, a frightened young man, set off the explosion rod and don\'t wrong you?"

Zheng Boyi didn\'t expect Li forgetful worry to come out, but he said everything. He could only hum coldly, turned and walked to the brazier.

"Ha ha, Huxian uncle, it\'s funny that your explosive pole is so small." Zheng Boyi picked up a explosive pole and joked.

Most of the common explosion poles in the Tang Dynasty are thick and thin bamboo tubes at the mouth of the bowl, which makes more noise after burning.

The explosion poles held by Niu Wu are made of bamboo tubes with thick and thin fingers. They really look very pocket.

Li forgot to worry and didn\'t speak. He just smiled and continued to make an invitation gesture to him.

Zheng Boyi snorted coldly, muttered "playing tricks!" and threw the explosive rod into the brazier.

He didn\'t notice that when Niu Wu asked the episode to bring the brazier, he put the brazier away from the lawn. When he picked up a blasting rod and threw it into the brazier, Niu Wu and others hid far away. Li forgot to worry and covered his ears, waiting to see a good play