Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 503

Zheng Boyi looked at the beautiful boss who was as beautiful as peach and plum beside him, but his heart was like a cat\'s paw. He wished he could get the beautiful beauty back to his house today.

He has no interest in Li forget worry\'s castle, but he just wants to find an excuse to talk to the beauty in front of him.

But the beauty in front of him was neither hot nor cold, just polite, which made him even more uncomfortable.

After a cursory stroll, he returned to the outdoor lawn with the beautiful boss.

At this time, the lawn was full of guests and was not lively.

Seeing that the beautiful boss came back, Li forgot to worry and hurriedly came over: "Changqing, you came back just in time. Duke Yu was still asking where you went. The old man still cares about the birthday cake you made. Just now he asked me if there was any cake for today\'s banquet."

The beauty boss also covered his mouth and smiled: "OK, I\'ll go to see Mr. Yu."

When they whispered and whispered, they looked close, but Zheng Boyi felt more and more depressed.

He suddenly turned his eyes, raised his voice and said, "Madam Su, it\'s very inconvenient for you to go back and forth between this remote mountain village and Chang\'an city every day. I still have an empty courtyard in Yongjia square of Chang\'an City, which is still clean and elegant. It\'s better for madam Su to move there to avoid the daily hard work."

The beauty boss was stunned, smiled and shook his head: "thank you for your kindness, but I\'m used to it, so I won\'t bother you."

"No trouble, not at all. My house is empty. It\'s also an elegant thing that lady Su can move in. Don\'t refuse my kindness."

His words were very loud and fell in the ears of the surrounding guests, but they could not help but make people think. Many guests gathered together and whispered.

Chumo and other dandies are so angry with him that he is almost ready to roll up his sleeves and beat people.

Zheng Boyi\'s words simply didn\'t pay attention to Li forgetfulness.

More than half of the guests who came to celebrate today knew about the "Lady Su", and they knew that the relationship between her and the young Huxian uncle was ambiguous and a little unclear.

However, since the two people are commensurate with their cousins, others will not do much.

But what does Zheng Boyi mean? In front of Huxian Bo and a group of guests, let the women of Huxian Bo\'s house live in his house. Isn\'t this directly beating Huxian Bo\'s face?

Everyone is waiting to see a good play. They want to see if Huxian Bo will be angry with Guan Yi and order someone to beat Zheng Boyi of the Zheng family in Xingyang?

Zheng Boyi finished these words and looked at her boss with a smile.

But when he heard that Li forgot to worry, he couldn\'t help getting angry. Instead, he smiled and asked: "I wonder if Mr. Zheng is going to send the house to empress Su, or just lend it to empress Su for a temporary stay? If you borrow it, who doesn\'t know in Chang\'an city that empress Su is now a famous\' goddess of wealth \'. She can\'t afford to live in someone else\'s house. The Zheng family in Xingyang is also a millennium family. I think they won\'t be so stingy. They just want to lend a yard to empress Su?"

Li forgot to worry about these words, but Zheng Boyi didn\'t know how to answer.

His original intention, of course, was to lend the yard to the beautiful boss. He was really reluctant to give it away.

It\'s a house in the north of Chang\'an city. It\'s worth no less than 5 million yuan, that is, more than 5000 copper coins and nearly 1000 liang of gold.

Although Zheng Boyi is the eldest son of his family, a straight bachelor and a six grade official of Chongwen hall, the monthly family share and salary are only about 100 yuan. The house was bought by his father Zheng shanguo when he was promoted to a straight Bachelor in Chongwen hall.

He said these words. First, he wanted to hit Li forgetful in front of everyone. Second, in case the beauty boss agreed, he could get the month first. He also had the opportunity to get close to the beauty and let Li forgetful stay away from the beauty boss. Why not?

Zheng Boyi thought that Li forgetful worry might get angry and turn against himself in front of beautiful women, or he would have to bear it in front of many guests. But he never thought that Li forgetful worry would ask such a question.

"Well, naturally, it\'s a gift. I\'m willing to give the house in yongjiafang to empress su. Please don\'t refuse me."

Zheng Boyi broke his teeth and swallowed his blood. He was reluctant to give up, but he also said so.

Otherwise, in front of a large number of guests, he would say that he only wants to lend the house, which is really a matter of no face. Sometimes, these aristocratic family leaders regard face more important than anything.

Naturally, Li forgot to worry about this characteristic of the aristocratic family, so he asked questions in front of everyone.

The beauty boss looked at Li forgetful worry and was about to continue to refuse. Li forgetful worry grabbed in front of her and said, "ha ha, childe Zheng is really heroic, so I\'ll thank you for lady su. I\'ll take the house for lady su."

His words made Zheng Boyi almost cry. How can there be such an unreasonable player?

You shouldn\'t refuse. I\'ll push the boat with the water. Will both sides be happy? How can you be shameless and open your mouth and accept it?

Seeing Zheng Boyi\'s aggrieved expression, the beautiful boss couldn\'t help puffing and laughing.

"Young master Zheng, don\'t listen to him joking. I have no merit and no reward for that house. How can I accept it? Young master Zheng, don\'t mention it again."

Zheng Boyi was relieved to hear the beautiful boss say so, so he planned to go down the slope and say a few beautiful words.

"What\'s Mrs. Su\'s remark? I\'m willing to give you the house. It\'s no joke."

At this time, Li forgot to worry again and said, "look, Changqing, I said that childe Zheng is not kidding? How can the world-famous Zheng family in Xingyang care about a small house? If you take it back, where do you put childe Zheng\'s face? Where do you put the Zheng family\'s face in Xingyang?"

"I......" Zheng Boyi\'s face turned red because of Li\'s forgetful words. He didn\'t know what to say for a long time.

The beauty boss silently turned her beautiful eyes. Li forgets to worry about these careful thoughts. Where can she hide it from her. Obviously, this guy is "jealous", so he will target Zheng Boyi.

But the beauty boss couldn\'t help but feel very sweet.

Women are like this, even if the beauty boss is such a goddess, how can their beloved be angry when they are jealous of themselves.

She quietly stretched out her hand and secretly grabbed Li QIAOYOU: "QIAOYOU, don\'t make trouble with Childe Zheng. Childe Zheng, I really can\'t accept that house. Don\'t mention it again."

Zheng Boyi had suffered the loss of Li forgetting worry. At this time, he didn\'t dare to play fat again. He could only smile awkwardly at the beautiful boss and stop talking.

Li forgot to worry and sneered. This guy with low EQ also means to be the young master\'s "love enemy"?

He secretly compared a winning V-sign in his sleeve, ignored Zheng Boyi, and took the beautiful boss to Yu Shinan.

Seeing that the banquet was about to open, Li Heng, the old housekeeper, ran panting again: "Lang, Lang Jun, the saint is coming. Go and pick him up."

Li forgot to worry and was stunned. Why did Li Er come again?