Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 502

When Li forgets to worry about the speech, the man talking to the beauty boss is about 30 years old, with a three inch long beauty, which looks quite decent.

But Li forgets to worry, "Zheng KangBo, apart from being very aloof and arrogant, always looks down on no one, and even has some inexperience, can be regarded as a young talent. Besides, don\'t you think empress Su is a good match with him? Hey, it\'s much better than Ziyou. There\'s too much difference in age between you and that empress su."

"Ha ha, the last love is reasonable!" the dandies nodded one after another and smiled like that, not to mention how cheap it was.

Li forgot to worry and angrily raised his middle finger at the dandies. Who are they? My girl dares to say that she matches others. It\'s really time to fight!

Those newly made sunglasses are still not for these bastards.

Li forgets worry and looks at Zheng Boyi\'s back again. Hum, does he also have a "rival in love"?

Isn\'t it the Zheng family in Xingyang? You look like a bull. Why don\'t you go to heaven? Even Zheng Yuanshou, the master of the Zheng family in Xingyang, Li forgets his worries and has to be defeated.

What is this? Zheng Boyi, do you really treat yourself as a dish?

When they came to their own housewarming wedding banquet, they didn\'t even call. What kind of bullshit Millennium family is the Zheng family in Xingyang?

Li forgot his worries and spat into the ground. He was too lazy to pay attention to such a person who felt too good about himself.

As for the beauty boss will be abducted by others?

He didn\'t even think about it. Do you know what a soul mate is?

On the other side, accompanied by the beauty boss, Zheng Boyi visited the castle, but as the dandies guessed, he looked at the beauty in his eyes and moved his mind