Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 501

The reason why the farmers in Dingzhou village rush to move together early in the morning at dawn is naturally to avoid delaying Li forgetful\'s housewarming wedding banquet at noon.

In fact, every household, most of the sundries in the home, have already moved into the new house.

Today\'s relocation is mainly a ceremony.

In addition, the most important things are incense and spirit, that is, entering the house to worship the ancestors\' blessings and gods, incense and fire, which is usually called returning to fire.

When entering the house, you should first use salt to reconcile water, clean and purify the house, which is a tradition.

On auspicious days, the door was opened, incense was offered and fire was fired. 127 families in Dingzhou village were busy. Throughout the new village, there were bears, children running screaming, the crackling sound of burning poles, the shouting of men full of joy, and the busy figures of mothers and aunts.

It is the bear children who are most looking forward to moving into the new village.

There\'s no other reason. When Li forgot to worry about repairing the village, he also asked the craftsmen to build an area for children to play, such as slides, swings and climbing frames... These bear children have long been jealous and look forward to moving into the new village every day.

The village\'s farmers are not going to work in Chang\'an city today. They are busy in their new house. After returning the things in their house, the farmers went out of their homes and began to clean the roads in the village and hang colored lights.

There were many people and great strength. At the end of the day, the Dingzhou village of Nuo university had been cleaned up and decorated everywhere, looking peaceful and festive.

The episode of Li QIAOYOU\'s family had already changed into brand-new clothes, held his head high and stood neatly at the gate of the village, ready to welcome the guests.

Since Li Qieyou accidentally recruited 73 Jin Wuwei\'s old soldiers as his own trilogy. He discussed with the old village, and his family\'s episode took over the guard of Zhou Village, so as not to delay the work of the young farmers.

In this regard, the old village is naturally no opinion.

Nowadays, these episodes of Li\'s house have been patrolling the village on horseback every day. They have long been familiar with Li\'s worry free manor residence and the farmers.

Less than noon, there were guests riding from Chang\'an city to Dingzhou village.

All guests who came to Dingzhou village for the first time were shocked after entering the new village.

No one has ever seen such a beautiful village. Even if it is placed in Chang\'an City, it is better than most Li Fang.

Village roads paved with beautiful pebbles, canals with gurgling springs, constantly rotating waterwheel, lush trees and beautiful flowers, plus the brand-new green tile and white wall farmyard... The farmhouse scenery of the small bridge and flowing water, but I didn\'t know how many guests were stunned.

"Duke Yu, this Huxian uncle\'s handwriting is too big. Tut Tut, I\'ve never seen such a village in my life."

Kong Yingda joined hands with Yu Shinan and Lu Kuan today. After entering the village in a carriage, even Kong Yingda, a great Confucian, was stunned.

"Ha ha, Ziyou is really extraordinary! I saw him for the first time, but I didn\'t expect that he was now the uncle of Kaiguo county. What\'s more, Ziyou didn\'t forget his roots. Ziyou paid for the construction of this village for his city households." Yu Shinan couldn\'t help smiling and admired Li\'s forgetful friend.

Lu Kuan, the Minister of rites at one side, nodded: "I heard that since Huxian Bo moved to Dingzhou village, the original mud village is now the richest in a dozen townships. The farmers in Dingzhou village are also polite, but they are different from ordinary farmers. If they know etiquette in a hurry, they know honor and Disgrace in enough food and clothing. Huxian Bo has the power of education. It\'s amazing!"

All the big men admired Xinding Zhoucun.

After they passed the brand-new village of Dingzhou village and entered Li forgetful\'s mansion in Kaiguo County, they were even more surprised.

Like Li Er, Cheng Yaojin and others on that day, all the guests were shocked by the huge manor.

The artificially excavated lake is full of guests, enjoying the beautiful scenery and forgetting to return.

Today, the guests Li forgot to worry about invited almost all the civil and military officials and noble families with more than five grades in Chang\'an city. This is not his ostentation, but the etiquette. It\'s really impolite not to invite each other.

Even for those aristocratic family leaders who didn\'t deal with him, he asked Ma Zhou and Yan Liben to send posts for himself.

Even if it is the Wang family in Taiyuan and the Zheng family in Xingyang, even if the two sides have the same situation, this kind of face Kung Fu still needs to be done.

Of course, Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou, the two heads of the family, would not come to congratulate themselves today, but they also ordered people to take their own worship cards and send them gifts without losing the number of rites.

With the arrival of more and more guests at noon, fortunately, the roads in xindingzhou village are spacious, and Li forgetful\'s manor residence covers a huge area. It\'s not afraid that these guests are blocked on the road.

The guests who entered the mansion were received by their maidservants and servants, and respectfully invited them to a lawn in front of the castle.

The lawn has been covered with excellent carpets, all of which are western region carpets bought by Li Qieyou at a high price from Hushang in Xishi.

Several tables were placed on the carpet for guests to sit down, and a huge umbrella surface was set up above to shade them.

In the lawn, there are singing and dancing girls in Li\'s house. They are playing musical instruments hard and twisting their waist to set off the atmosphere.

Li Qieyou and her beautiful boss also kept greeting all officials and invited everyone to sit down.

Sitting on the outdoor lawn is the first time for these guests to attend the house banquet. They feel very fresh.

"Wow, hahaha, my dear nephew, what are you doing today? How did you get to the grass when you didn\'t have a big banquet in your stone house?" when Cheng Yaojin arrived, he was not polite at all, and directly asked the guests out loud.

"Hey, uncle Cheng, you look at the hillside. How beautiful the scenery is? There are green mountains and green waters, and there is a breeze blowing your face. It\'s not fun to drink and enjoy the beautiful scenery at the same time. It\'s more comfortable than that house. It\'s very spacious here. Uncle Cheng will be happy later. He wants to have a friendly competition with any uncle and uncle, and he can show his fist."

Li forgets sorrow this explanation, but listens to Cheng Yaojin laughing, and can\'t help ravaging Li forgetful sorrow\'s shoulder with the palm of a PU fan.

The other guests also thought that Li forgets worry was a good arrangement.

Tang people originally liked outings. It was also an elegant thing for three or five friends to take their singers to eat and drink in the wild and recite poems against each other.

What\'s more, Li forget worry\'s residence, no matter the lawn or scenery, has been carefully polished, which is naturally more comfortable.

So these guests were not hypocritical. They took off their shoes and socks one after another, stepped on the thick carpet barefoot, sat down next to several cases, and their maidservants immediately sent a glass of iced wine and water, which was very comfortable.

Li forgets worry and the beautiful boss are busy greeting the guests, but he sees a young man who has never met and walks towards the beautiful boss: "empress Su, I haven\'t seen you for many days, and Bo Yi is very worried..."