Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 500

August 31, the second year of Zhenguan, is a auspicious day. It is easy to enter the house and meet relatives and friends.

Today, not only does Li forget to worry about moving into the new residence, but all 127 families in Dingzhou village have also moved.

Originally, the old village wanted to stagger the days in the evening, so as not to disturb Li forgetful\'s guests at today\'s banquet.

However, Li forgets worry and her beautiful boss, but they don\'t agree with what they say, so they all decide to move today.

The traditional housewarming banquet of the Tang Dynasty is held in the evening.

After all, the residence of Li QIAOYOU is in Dingzhou village, Huxian County, a hundred miles away from Chang\'an city. In order to take care of his guests, Li forgets to worry, so he can only arrange the banquet at noon.

Early in the morning, just after the dawn of genius, Li forgetful\'s door was knocked by the old housekeeper Li Heng.

"Lang Jun, Qian village is coming. They are waiting for you to preside over the relocation."

"I see. I\'ll get up right away." Li forgot to worry and replied vaguely.

As soon as he had finished speaking, the door was pushed open. Little girl Peilan and Aphrodite, holding a brand-new Kaiguo County Bo imperial dress in their hands, pushed the door and came in.

At this time, it was still midsummer, and Li forgot to worry. Later generations were used to sleeping only in underwear, and he was only wearing a thin brocade quilt.

Seeing that the two beauties suddenly "don\'t invite yourself in", Li forgot to worry. He was so frightened that he sat up from his bed and pulled the brocade in front of him.

You can\'t do it without blocking. In the early morning, men have a "flag raising ceremony". They can\'t face two big and small beauties so indecently, can they?

"What are you doing in here? Go out. Put down your clothes and I\'ll wear them myself." Li forgets worry\'s old face is also red, so he wants to drive them out.

Peilan shook her head proudly: "no, it\'s a big day today. You don\'t dare to wrinkle this dress, my husband. I\'ll help you change clothes with Alfred."

Alfred also nodded: "yes, sir, you always wrinkle your clothes when you change clothes. Others don\'t know. They thought it was the slave who didn\'t take care of you. Which Sir is like you? You have to change clothes yourself. Hee hee, I heard that last time Duke Lu came to the house, it was the maidservants who gave them a bath."

Li forgot to worry and scolded secretly in his heart. Those old hooligans who are not in good repair have ruined the reputation of our Huxian Bofu!

He coughed, "others are others. I have hands and feet. I don\'t need you to help me dress. Get out, get out."

Peilan not only didn\'t leave, but Gu Lingjing gave Li forgetful worry a look at the lower body blocked by Brocade: "Lang Jun, you don\'t have any difficulties to hide? Why don\'t you go to show the micro and ask old immortal sun to show you the disease?"

The little girl\'s words made Li forget worry and almost choked by her saliva.

Died prematurely, contrary to the sky!

This girl really can\'t take it. She dares to question herself like this. A man can\'t bear it!

Li forgot to worry about whether he would run out or not. He jumped out of the bed, grabbed Peilan, patted her on her hip and made a few light noises.

"Tell you to slander your husband! Dare you do that again? Be careful what I do!" Li forgets worry and stares at Peilan.

The little girl\'s face turned red, "ah!" and twisted the snake\'s waist and ran away.

On the other hand, Alfred smiled forward and backward, and his exaggerated body curve made Li forget worry that his heart beat faster.

"Whatever you laugh at, you go out too!" Li forgot to worry and shouted at Alfred.

The goblin stretched out her pink red lips, licked them on her sexy flame red lips, threw a charming look at Li forgetful sorrow, and said, "Lang Jun, I\'ll help you change your clothes, OK."

Her coquettish actions and voice immediately made Li forget to worry shiver, blood gas surged, and her nasal cavity almost bled.

Look at the angel\'s face like "Angelina Jolie" in front of him. Li forgets worry and can\'t help it anymore

I caught Aphrodite and slapped it again

"If you don\'t go again, I\'ll serve you!" Li forgot to worry, pinched his thigh, kept calm, avoided turning into a wolf, and roared with a vicious look.

After Alfred covered his face and ran away, Li forgetful finally grew a mouth and sat down on the bed.

It\'s early in the morning. Do you want to be so exciting?

These two goblins are really terrible... Er, but they feel great just now

Is he the one who stays calm?

It\'s because I can\'t get a beautiful boss... In fact, which man has no heart? What\'s more, there are so many flowers at home that he can pick at will.

After all, he and his beautiful boss are soul mates, and goblins like Alfred can only be regarded as physical attraction for Li forgetful worry, at least now.

When Li forgets you to dress neatly and walk out of the door, the two goblins are still red and pretty, with a shy face, which makes Li forgetful you speechless.

Nima, who was flirting with who just now?

The beauty boss also got up at this time. When he saw the appearance of the girl Hanchun of Perrin and Aphrodite, he couldn\'t help holding out his hand and pulling it at Li forgetful\'s waist.

"Early in the morning, you played tricks on these two girls?"

Li forgets the pain and grins at the beautiful boss. Yes, you are beautiful! But can beauty pollute people\'s innocence for no reason?

You\'re the victim, okay?

Li forgot his worries and looked up at the sky for a long time.

"What are you looking at?" seeing that he didn\'t speak, the beautiful boss looked up at the sky.

"I don\'t think it snows, so as to clear my injustice!"

The beauty boss was teased by his words and couldn\'t help puffing and laughing: "all right, all right, stop it. Let\'s go. Old village is waiting for you."

They talked and laughed for a while and went out of the house together.

The old village and a group of farmers have been waiting here for a long time. Seeing Li forgetting to worry, he hurried forward to salute: "I\'ve seen your husband."

"Don\'t be too polite, old village. Are you ready to enter the house today?"

"Yes, it\'s all ready. Mrs. Su also made a special trip to transfer those four-wheel carriages back to help carry things. Now each family has already packed up and is waiting for your husband to speak."

"Ha ha, let\'s go. Don\'t let everyone wait."

The group stepped on horseback and headed for the threshing ground in the village.

When we arrived at the drying field, it was already a noisy place.

One hundred and twenty-seven farmers, the masters of each family have come, and there are nearly a hundred four-wheel carriages here, which have already been filled with all kinds of things.

"Yes, sir!"

"Well, Mr. Lang!"

"I\'ve seen lady Su!"

Seeing that Li forgot to worry about them, they hurried forward to salute. It was a mess. Everyone\'s face is full of joy today.

Li Qieyou was also happy to laugh: "well, don\'t talk nonsense! Niu Yong, Niu Wu, light the explosive pole!"


Bundles of explosive rods were thrown into the brazier, making a crackling sound and sending up bursts of smoke.

Li forgot to worry and waved his hand: "enter the house!"

"Promise! Enter the house!" the farmers jumped into the carriage and waved their whip. More than 100 carriages rushed out and drove towards xindingzhou village