Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 497

Because of Li\'s super "loser" behavior, Li Er had planned to stay in his manor residence for a few days, and his plan to stay for a few days was cancelled.

They returned to Li forgetful\'s residence and enjoyed a delicious meal of fish while discussing various matters of changing rice in Huxian county.

After lunch, Li Er led a group of national leaders back to Chang\'an city.

When Yang Zui learned about it, he was so frightened that he sat down on the ground. It sounds like a joke to support the people of the whole county by one person.

When he went to Li\'s residence and confirmed the matter with Li again and again, he looked up to the sky and sighed: "Ziyou, I only know you are not ordinary, but I didn\'t think you could do such a great cause. Don\'t worry, even if I worked hard, I will help you plant this rice and promote it in the whole county."

In this regard, Li Qieyou can only touch his nose and laugh without saying anything.

His decision naturally frightened the old housekeeper Li Heng. Even the cattle brothers looked like they had seen a ghost.

Only the beautiful boss not only didn\'t blame him for his own opinions, but even offered a kiss. This made Li forget his worries and be silly for a long time, and more and more felt that he had made a wise and powerful decision.

In short, Hu county changed its course and formally decided to re cultivate rice in the severely damaged wheat fields.

Soon Li Er issued a royal edict, which caused an uproar in the court.

In the next few days, among the villages under the jurisdiction of Huxian County, there were yamen servants of Huxian county yamen, riding fast horses into the village, posting notices and knocking gongs to gather people.

The people in the village didn\'t know, so they gathered around the Yamen service under the leadership of the village leader.

"Listen, you are suffering from locust plague this year, and there are no two or three wheat seedlings in the field. Therefore, Bert, Kaiguo County, Huxian County, spoke to the sage for you, hoping that you would immediately start digging ditches, building water tankers, ploughing and fertilizing, and prepare to transplant seedlings to rice..."

As soon as the Yamen\'s voice fell, there was noise everywhere.

"Are you kidding? At this time, pull up the wheat in the field and plant rice again?"

"Is this Huxian uncle crazy? How did he come up with such a bad idea? He wants the lives of all of us!"

"In another month, there will still be some harvest in the field. Now we will point to such a small harvest and survive next year. At this time, let\'s dig the land. Don\'t we have to die?"

"Yes, we have no hatred with the Huxian uncle. Why did he harm us like this?"

"It\'s September soon, and rice is still sown at this time. Is this Huxian uncle kicked in the head by a donkey?"

"We have been cultivating wheat in this pass for generations. Why do we suddenly have to change to rice?"

Seeing that the villagers were in a mess, the people became more and more excited. They seemed to be trying their best. The Yamen didn\'t dare to neglect it. They knocked the Gong in their hands so that they temporarily suppressed their voices.

"Shut up and listen to me!" the Yamen finally shut up the people for a while, quickly raised the volume and shouted to the people: "You make a noise! Can the sage watch you starve to death? The sage\'s edict says that if you dig wheat seedlings and get nothing by the end of the year, Huxian uncle will take care of all your rations for one year! And you will be exempted from rent for one year. Do you understand?"

The villagers in this village hurriedly crowded over and bowed to the Yamen: "brother, what you said is true? We can\'t plant it. This year\'s rent will be free, and Huxian uncle still cares about all our rations? Do we just care about the middle and Ding men, or the whole family for a year? Do we care about the new grain in the coming year?"

The Yamen officer nodded: "of course it\'s true. The imperial edict of the sage is clearly written. Can you cheat you? Take care of the rations of your family, no matter how many people! But one thing, the rice must be planted seriously. If anyone steals and plays tricks, don\'t blame yourself for being hungry! Yamen officers and scribes come to check it at any time in the county. Don\'t try to fool!"

These words suppressed the anger of the people just now and began to whisper.

If the Huxian uncle really took care of his family\'s one-year rations, of course everyone would.

This year, because of the locust plague, the villagers are all worried. They don\'t know how to live with a little output after the harvest in October.

Now, since some people are willing to take care of their rations, they just let them dig water diversion ditches, plough and plant seedlings. Such a good thing, fools don\'t want it.

However, some people questioned: "does Huxian Bo really have Jinshan and Yinshan in his family? It is written in the notice that the whole county should plant rice. If it can\'t be planted, can Huxian Bo manage the people in the whole county to eat?"

Yamen officer\'s mouth: "So you Tian Shirang don\'t know anything about it. In Chang\'an City, who doesn\'t know that huxianbo is the reincarnation of the God of wealth? To tell you the truth, huxianbo has taken out 30000 liang of gold and put it in the account of the Ministry of people. If the rice can\'t be planted, the Ministry of people will take this gold to buy food and distribute it to you, okay? 30000 liang of gold! Smash it and kill it You Tian she Lang! "

The villagers have never heard of so much gold, and they can\'t figure out how much money it is. They can\'t say anything except exclamation.

In fact, thirty thousand taels of gold is naturally not enough. This is just a "deposit" given by Li forgetful to chaotang. The source of gold is naturally the income from the three gambling houses.

The villagers now believe that if they can\'t grow rice, they will be given rations to make a living. But people still doubt that no one has heard of planting rice in September. They always think it\'s unreliable.

"Brother yamen serviceman, we still plant seedlings in September. It\'s so untimely."

"You know what a fart! Do you know that the rice fields in Bofu, Huxian county have been harvested a few days ago. Do you know how much per mu? It scares you to death! Two stones! One mu!"

"What? How is this possible? The harvest of two stones and one mu?"

"Can I deceive you? The weight weighed in front of the sage is not bad at all! So is there anyone who knows farming better than Huxian Bo in the world? Although you have planted land all your life, it\'s a fart compared with Huxian Bo! That is the Wenqu star in the sky, who came down to earth five hundred years ago, five hundred years later, astronomy and geography. In short, you follow Huxian Bo\'s advice Charge, do it seriously, I can\'t lose you! "The Yamen servant said decisively.

Although the yield per mu of Li forget worry\'s rice field is exaggerated a little, it is not too exaggerated.

The villagers were still breathing, but they finally accepted the fact and began to talk to each other about the change to rice.

Such a scene is constantly staged in nearly 100 villages under the jurisdiction of Huxian county.

With the continuous explanation and persuasion of the Yamen and scribes sent by Yang Zuan, the villagers in these villages finally believed the contents of the imperial edict, so the villages in Huxian County, which should have been in the slack season, began to get busy again.

The original wheat fields were all dry fields, so ditches without water diversion naturally need to be excavated again. As for the waterwheel for water diversion, it began to be built under the guidance of scribes and craftsmen sent by Yang Zui.

The sparse wheat seedlings in the field were burned by the villagers, and then ploughed again.

Just as Huxian county was busy from Yang Zuo to the villagers of all villages, Li forgot to worry, but he was impeached again