Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 496

Li\'s forgetful words made Li Er and Fang Xuanling and others silent for a while.

If they had not seen the rice field yield with their own eyes today, they would naturally scoff at Li\'s forgetfulness and would not consider it at all.

But with living examples in front of them, how can they take Li forgetful\'s words as a joke?

But it is not so easy to make a decision to change those wheat fields that have seriously reduced production into rice.

If winter comes, but the rice cannot mature, it is equivalent to no harvest in the land, and the result is more serious than the plague of locusts.

"Ziyou, how sure are you that you can plant a season of rice at this time? You know, this matter is very important. You can\'t joke about it. If there is no harvest in the field at the end of the year, Ziyou will think about the consequences?" Li Er pondered for a while and asked.

His words made Li forget his worries and don\'t know how to answer. It\'s really hard to say how sure he is.

He thought of letting Guanzhong road rush to grow rice. He was not sure at all, and there was no precedent to follow.

Due to the concentration of population in Guanzhong Road, food was already very tight.

Especially since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the population began to recuperate, resulting in a surge in the population of Guanzhong road. The population of almost all state capitals within Guanzhong road has doubled.

In the second year of Zhenguan, the population of Chang\'an city was more than 900000, and there were tens of thousands of floating people, mainly merchants, tribute paying foreign countries and "foreign students" from various countries.

In history, during the Tianbao period, the population of Chang\'an City surged to 1.96 million, an increase of one million people, which was terrible.

With such a large population, the need for food and vegetables is naturally astronomical.

Li Er, Fang Xuanling and others pay so much attention to farming because of the huge population pressure.

In Chang\'an City alone, more than 100000 families need firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea every day, which is an extremely huge number.

Countless vendors shuttle through Chang\'an city every day to transport enough materials for this huge city.

The grain output of Guanzhong road will affect the stability of Datang, so we can\'t be careless. At this time, although the wheat field in Guanzhong road will be seriously reduced by the plague of locusts, there will not be no harvest. There will always be three or five buckets of grain per mu.

But it is really too risky to eradicate all these young wheat seedlings and cultivate rice.

Li Er can\'t afford this risk, neither can he forget his worries.

Li forgets worry to want to understand these, then also feel that his previous suggestions are taken for granted.

If Li Er, according to his idea, orders the state capitals of Guanzhong road to plant rice, but fails at that time, Li forgets his worries and can\'t imagine the consequences.

"Uncle, I\'m not sure about this. I\'m not thoughtful. But I have an idea. I hope my uncle will allow me."

"Just tell me."

Li forgot to worry and silently calculated. He stared into Li Er\'s eyes and said: "If my uncle allows me, I hope to try to plant another season of rice in Huxian county. Well, it can be regarded as an experimental field. As far as my nephew knows, there are more than 27000 households and more than 18000 people in Huxian county. If I can\'t change rice and let the field lose grain, my nephew is willing to spend all his money to feed them for a year!"

Li forgets to worry to say this, also has the confidence.

In the Tang Dynasty, the land sharing system was implemented, with Zhongnan and Dingnan sharing 100 mu of land. However, in the densely populated area of Guanzhong Road, the per capita land sharing is only about 20 mu.

There are more than 108000 people, of which only half are male and female, that is, about 50000 people. That is to say, within the jurisdiction of Huxian County, the land under the equal field system is about one million mu.

Half of them are mulberry fields, and the farmland is only 500000 mu.

According to one stone of grain per mu of wheat field, it is the output of 500000 stone wheat. Li Qieyou calculated his family\'s savings and industry, estimated the income of all his gold and industry, plus the profits from recasting private money, but he can almost fill this hole.

And his ability can only meet the needs of this county. If it is the whole Guanzhong Road, the little money he makes is just a drop in the bucket.

Li forgot to worry about this, but it shocked Li Er, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others, such as being struck by lightning, and stared at him one by one.

"Son, son worry, what did you just say? You have to feed the people of a county on your own?"

"Huxian uncle, don\'t be fooling around. This is a hundred thousand people. Even the government relief work is very difficult. How can you feed so many people by one person? No, your majesty, this must not be done."

"Ziyou, what nonsense are you talking about? Can you afford the people in this county? If your family wants to live again, you must be angry with your black sheep!"

"Your Majesty, I, the people of the Tang Dynasty, don\'t have the reason to let Boyi young man in Huxian County spare all his family money to support him? It\'s impossible!"

In the face of the persuasion of Li Er and others, Li forgets his worries but stubbornly shakes his head: "Uncle, gentlemen, a few months ago, I was just a small grass-roots citizen. Some of the industries left by adults were forcibly taken away by the clan. When I moved to Dingzhou village, I was accompanied by only an old servant with seven or eight copper coins. My uncle\'s love is the only reason why I can have today\'s title and wealth. Now the people are suffering from locust plague, and I have no other ability, but I can\'t I want to try to help my parents in Huxian county. If the rice is planted successfully, everyone will be happy. If not, my nephew is willing to spend all his money to make up for his mistakes and ask my uncle to help me. "

"Ziyou, why do you bother?" Li Er frowned. He didn\'t expect Li forgetful to have such an idea, which really surprised him.

This kind of thing is unheard of. Who has heard of taking his family\'s money to Zhouji county people?

Cheng Yaojin looked up and laughed: "Your Majesty, I think you should agree. This boy\'s hard work is very rare. Besides, even if it doesn\'t work, don\'t we still have uncles and uncles? Can we watch this boy starve to death?"

After hearing Li\'s words, Fang Xuanling nodded silently and then said to Li Er: "Your Majesty, Huxian is also affected by locusts. It\'s better to exempt the rent adjustment of Huxian this year. In this way, even if Ziyou can\'t grow the rice, the pressure is much less. But if he becomes Guanzhong Road next year, he can fully promote the rice planting, and it\'s still two seasons a year. That\'s a good policy to benefit the country and the people."

Li Er looked at Li QIAOYOU and said, "Ziyou, are you really willing to do this? Once you make a mistake, you will have to pay a lot of copper money."

"Hey, uncle, it\'s just the saying that natural talent must be useful. I\'ll come back after all the money is gone. I don\'t care if I don\'t bring this external thing alive or die."

"OK! He is worthy of being the Kirin son of the Li family! In that case, I\'ll let him do it! I can\'t let you suffer. If Huxian fails to rush to grow rice this year, the rent of Huxian will be reduced. But if rice is harvested at the end of the year, all the rent of Huxian will be handed over to you to reward Ziyou for his boxing for the people!"

"Your Majesty, Shengming!" all the leaders had no objection. Li forgetful was willing to push forward the matter forcibly at great risk, and it should be rewarded. Although the reward was very huge, these leaders were jealous.

"Your Majesty, don\'t worry, I dare not do it with all my heart!" Li forgot to worry and quickly bowed down to take the order, but he was a little happy.

This rent is two stones per Ding. If Huxian County succeeds in planting rice this year, will not 50000 Chinese men and Ding men rent all to themselves?

The grain of 100000 stones is another huge sum of money

Seeing that Li Erzhen agreed to Li forgetting worry\'s seemingly absurd advice, all the big men present lamented unceasingly.

Big hand, this is the real big hand!

Compared with huxianbo\'s so-called family failure behavior before, this time is the real family failure!