Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 498

This is the third time that Li has been impeached, and the reason for impeachment is naturally the change of rice in Huxian county.

Burned all the wheat fields in a county and ploughed again to grow rice. After Li Er issued an imperial edict, it immediately set off waves in Chang\'an city.

Naturally, ordinary people just watch the excitement and talk about it as gossip, while the ministers above the court reacted more fiercely.

In particular, some old courtiers reacted strongly to the matter and scolded Li forgetful.

In their view, Huxian Bo Li forgets his worries. This move is a disaster to the country and the people, and will be damned by heaven. It\'s rare that there is no aristocratic family behind the fire. Many old ministers in Chang\'an city began to connect everywhere, trying to impeach Li forgetful and eradicate sycophantic ministers for the court!

In this day-to-day Dynasty, as soon as Li Ergang sat on the throne, he Hula stood up and bowed to more than a dozen old courtiers, and said, "Your Majesty, the courtiers are going to impeach Bo Li, Kaiguo County, Huxian County!"

Li ershang didn\'t know, so he thought what had Ziyou done? Let so many old ministers stand up and impeach him?


"I want to impeach Bo Li, the founder of Huxian County, for forgetting worry. There are three crimes! One is hurting the farmers! Seeing that the wheat seedlings in Huxian county can be harvested in the spare time of a month, Li forgetting worry actually forced the people to burn the wheat seedlings and plant rice. This actually forced 100000 people in Huxian county to a dead end. Now everyone in Huxian county is complaining and the people are living in poverty. The second crime is to invite people\'s hearts and live in poverty Evil intentions! Your majesty, Li QIAOYOU actually proposed that he should provide for the people of Huxian county. What\'s his heart? He is not a subject! He wants to invite people to do the wrong thing! The third crime is to deceive the public! Planting rice in September is nonsense. I have read the ancient books, and there is no record of planting seedlings at this time. It can be seen that it is Li QIAOYOU\'s school Nonsense! Please take back your royal Edict and order to punish Hu County and Kaiguo County! "

This group of old ministers spit one by one. It looks like they are sworn to kill the harm for the country and the people with Li forgetful.

Li Eryue\'s face became more and more gloomy: "have you finished?"

When the word "Er Deng" was said, the hall was suddenly quiet.

It\'s not a good thing to call others "Er Deng". It is usually the address of people with lower generations or grades. The tone is strong and it belongs to the address with less respect.

When facing the courtiers, Li Er never used the title of "Er Deng", usually called "Zhu Gong" or "Zhu Qing".

The group of old ministers were stunned. They had never heard Li Er speak to them in such a tone. For a moment, they didn\'t know how to speak.

Seeing that no one was talking in the hall, Li Er stood up from the throne with a gloomy face, looked around the officials in the Tai Chi hall, and spoke slowly after half a ring: "All of you are the ministers of the Tang Dynasty. You should be loyal and honest. Although there are locusts in the world this year, there are no two or three of them in the fields, and famine will start everywhere. Ai Qing, such as Fang Xiang and Du Xiang, racked their brains to find ways to raise food and prepare for disaster relief. Bo Li forgets worry and is willing to give all his wealth to fight for next year\'s food for the people of Hu County How can loyalty and righteousness become a crime in your mouth? "

More than a dozen old ministers who were standing just now all knelt down: "your majesty! If Huxian uncle is really loyal, he should give his family property to the court to buy food and relieve the people in disaster. Instead of forcing the people to burn the wheat seedlings in the fields and plant rice. Please use Your Majesty\'s good advice. He is clearly inviting the hearts of 100000 people in Huxian to do that."

In the main hall, there are naturally many Xun GUI who make friends with Li forgetful. After listening to these old ministers, everyone is so angry that his teeth itch.

Cheng Yaojin stared and wanted to get out of the line, but Qin Qiong grabbed him and whispered in his ear, "take it easy to know the festival. Your majesty won\'t let the boy suffer."

Ma Zhou and Yan Liben, the two disciples of Li QIAOYOU, were so angry that they clenched their fists. They didn\'t care about the court etiquette. They directly stood up and bowed to Li Er.

"Your Majesty, since these princes are so patriotic, it\'s better to ask your majesty to order them to donate all their family property for disaster relief in the court hall."

"Your Majesty, the life of the people is difficult. It\'s rare for the princes to take so much trouble. Why don\'t you ask these princes to set an example for us and donate our family property first."

Ma Zhou and Yan Liben immediately let the dozens of old ministers kneeling in the hall fry the pot: "nonsense, nonsense! How can I mix my private property with public tools? Isn\'t it public and private? Can I learn from the Huxian uncle, sell names and be the people who fish for fame and reputation?"

"Yes, public is public and private is private. How can we confuse them?"

"Hum, I\'m alone and have no money like Huxian uncle!"

The words of these old ministers almost made Ma Zhou and Yan Liben laugh angrily. It was really an eye opener to this extent.

The minister who said he was alone and had clean hands spent a lot of money to buy a gorgeous Hu Ji in the western regions last month. He was still showing off among his colleagues for a while. Now he is crying and poor.

Most of these old ministers were officials in the former Sui Dynasty. Even after the chaos in the world at the end of the Sui Dynasty, which family was not a thousand hectares of fertile land and a group of servants?

Li Er was so angry that he almost laughed.

When you talk about others\' feelings, you can open your mouth and let them donate all their family property, but it\'s your turn to distinguish between public and private

"That\'s enough. Don\'t mention it again! Huxian uncle is loyal to the country. He is sincere. If anyone criticizes Huxian uncle again, I will not spare him!"

Li Ershi was too lazy to entangle with these old ministers, so he directly opened his mouth to settle Li forgetful sorrow. Those bullshit impeachments are nonsense. Li Er is too lazy to continue to talk to him.

But Li Er didn\'t expect that after his words, the group of old ministers kneeling at the foot of the steps were still chattering.

"Your Majesty, my ministers are all thinking of the country of the Tang Dynasty!"

"How can your majesty only listen to the words of the courtier?"

"Your Majesty, no! This must not happen!"

"Hundreds of thousands of people in Huxian county are so innocent! If you want to suffer such an unwarranted disaster, your majesty, please attach importance to the country and mountains! Close gentlemen, far villains!"

"Your Majesty, if you have to do the wrong thing, kill the old minister first!"

"Yes, your Majesty must kill the people in Huxian county. Then kill me first and wait!"

This group of old ministers not only did not converge, but even became more and more excessive. They actually cried on the hall, which made Li Er very angry.

However, these old ministers, all with white hair and beard, have been officials in the court for many years. Many of them are still great Confucians in the Dynasty and are known as famous. On weekdays, Li Er has always respected these old ministers, but he doesn\'t want these people to play a rogue in the Tai Chi hall, rely on the old and sell the old, and act recklessly.

Li Er said it was a heavy responsibility, but for these old ministers, he could not beat and scold, but it was useless, which made him a little embarrassed.

Seeing that these old ministers were going to turn the Tai Chi hall into the mouth of the vegetable market, Li Er\'s face became more and more ugly.

But in the hall, Cheng Yaojin\'s laughter came: "Wow, ha ha..."