Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 495

Li Qieyou smiled and pointed to the two acres of fields on one side, which he deliberately asked people to stay and not harvest first.

"Uncle, have you forgotten? Didn\'t you tell Mr. Fang that my nephew ordered people to plant seedlings indiscriminately? Those two mu of fields are the rice fields that my nephew asked people to plant by throwing seedlings. Why don\'t you let people harvest them now and see the yield per mu."

Hearing the speech, Li Er and others turned around to see the two Mu rice fields.

The rice at the completion stage seems the same at a glance. It is not as conspicuous as when it was just transplanted. It can tell whether it was planted neatly.

Li Er now dare not say that Li forgets worry is a rice field that doesn\'t know farming and sows indiscriminately. Today, Li Qieyou has given them too many surprises. Now he specifically mentioned the two Mu paddy fields, which must have a mystery.

He and Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and other big men, reminded by Li forgetful, came close to observe carefully.

They are also heavy golden rice, which seems to be no different from other rice fields.

"Ziyou, are you going to continue to embarrass me and the princes? Ha ha, in that case, let me and the princes see what\'s the secret of your two Mu paddy field planted indiscriminately."

Fang Xuanling and others also smiled: "Ziyou, today I and others are wrong. Let someone harvest now. Let me see the difference?"

Li forgets to worry. Seeing that Li Er and they have made such a statement, it\'s not good to continue to be arrogant. Since Li Er and Fang Xuanling and others bow their heads and admit their mistakes, what else can he say.

The lack of a chance to dress up and force him to fight in the face made Li forget his worries and feel a little depressed. He could only immediately arrange the farmer and Jin Wuwei\'s soldiers to harvest the two acres of paddy fields.

The ears of rice are cut one by one, stacked neatly on the ridge, threshed by the thresher and collected.

The carpenters Liu and his family moved very fast. They made two threshers and carried them to the edge of the field, which made the harvest speed a little faster.

Soon, the rice of the two Mu paddy field was harvested and the rice weight could be weighed.

This time, Li Er and Fang Xuanling all gathered together and stared at the farmers weighing rice.

In fact, in the hearts of Li Er and Fang Xuanling, they still don\'t believe that the output of these two Mu rice fields will be any surprise.

After all, people still remember the situation of seedling planting. There is a big gap between the crooked seedlings and the neat seedlings in other rice fields.

For thousands of years, isn\'t this the case with rice planting? Horizontal and vertical, orderly spacing, and maximize the use of land.

Li forgot to worry about the two Mu rice fields. At that time, the seedlings had no rules at all. It is said that the planting method of "throwing seedlings" is actually to throw seedlings indiscriminately, and then straighten them, which is very perfunctory.

Even the laziest farmer dare not plant rice fields like this.

If you spoil the land, you will be struck by thunder!

Because of this seedling throwing method, the old village was almost going to complain to the Huxian county government at the beginning of the year, but I wonder how the Tang people treated this planting method.

But when the rice of these two acres of rice fields was weighed, all the big men from Li Er, Du Ruhui and Fang Xuanling to the old village Zheng and the farmers in Dingzhou village were stupid.

One stone and nine Dou and one liter

One stone and nine Dou, two liters

When the two groups of figures were reported, the people were quiet in an instant.

The yield per mu is close to two stones. What\'s the concept?

In particular, the old village and the farmers almost slapped themselves in the face.

At the beginning, Li Qieyou also advised them to plant rice instead of wheat and sorghum.

Of course, none of the farmers who have been doing farm work all their lives took the young man\'s words seriously.

Even then, in private, everyone laughed at Li\'s youth and frivolity, waiting to see Li\'s jokes.

The villagers in the ten miles and eight townships around Dingzhou village heard that Li forgot to worry and ordered people to dig the rice field into such a shape. Which one didn\'t laugh at it, and even came to Dingzhou village to watch the excitement.

But today\'s rice harvest has shocked everyone too much.

Not to mention the output of more than 300 kilograms of fish per mu of rice field, just the output of rice, which makes the old village and the farmers regret, and their intestines are green.

The wheat field they planted had a maximum harvest of only one stone per mu. Even compared with ordinary rice fields, it was much worse, not to mention that it was twice as fast as the two Mu rice fields planted by seedling throwing method.

The old village suddenly slapped himself in the face, then flopped down and knelt in front of Li forgetful, which frightened Li forgetful.

"Old village, what are you doing?"

"Mr. Lang, you are old and stupid! You shouldn\'t have stopped Mr. Lang from planting rice by throwing rice seedlings. This is all my fault. Please punish him!"

"Old village chief, don\'t talk nonsense. Get up! This method of throwing rice seedlings is just my attempt. Success or failure is different on that day. What\'s more, you don\'t arrange people to take care of these rice fields every day. Where can you get today\'s harvest? Old village chief, it\'s all your credit." Li forgetful hurried forward to help the old man and said with relief.

The old man squeezed out an ugly smile after being comforted by Li forgetful, but he secretly made up his mind to do what Li forgetful said in the future.

Even the most absurd things can turn corruption into magic when they come to their barons.

Anyway, it is certain that the whole village will change to rice at the beginning of next spring.

The old village is even sure that the output of the paddy field will spread out, and many people will follow in the surrounding villages and towns to grow rice.

Li Er grabbed a handful of rice and let the golden rice flow down from his fingers.

"Ziyou, tell me why the rice fields in your family are so amazing. I still can\'t figure out why the rice seedlings are thrown indiscriminately, but the yield is up by 10%?"

Li forgot to worry about Li Er\'s problem.

He knows that seedling throwing can increase the yield by 10%, but why, where does he know?

"Hey, uncle and gentlemen, the yield of my paddy field is higher, but it is mainly because of the fertility of the land. The fish and ducks I raise in the paddy field can provide fertility for the paddy field, so it is normal for the yield of the paddy field to be higher. As for the seedling throwing method, um, it mainly does not hurt the seedling roots, and the seedling rate is high, so the yield is slightly higher."

Li forgot to worry about it. He even took a guess and made it up. Only then did he give such an explanation, but he had heard the people nodding again and again.

After all, Li Er, Fang Xuanling and others attach importance to farming, but they are not agricultural scholars after all. Just know the general meaning.

"Duke Fang and Duke Du, I want to order Si Nong temple to come here to settle the Zhoucun village so that students can learn this farming method. What do you think? It would be a blessing if I could cultivate the land in the Tang dynasty like this."

"Your Majesty is right. If the yield of rice fields in Datang can be increased by 10%, it will be great."

Fang Xuanling and others naturally have no reason to object. Today, they decided to go to Zhoucun, but it opened their eyes.

No one thought that this rice could be planted like this.

"Uncle, as I said before, let the wheat fields with serious production reduction in Guanzhong road change to rice if conditions permit. What do you think with the princes?" Li forgetful worry also mentioned this matter while the iron is hot.