Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 494

After continuing "forgetting elbow", "forgetting window", "forgetting lottery" and "forgetting cooked water vending machine", Li forgets to mention the naming right again.

In his mind, he couldn\'t help but say: "the worry free thresher will become famous all over the world. In the near future, it will rush out of Asia and go to the world. It is well-known, known to all women and children, suitable for all ages and necessary for everyone!

Worry free threshing machine will become the first of the three elements of life in Datang! Without worry free threshing machine, there will be no happy family! Without worry free threshing machine, you can\'t get a target for young people! You don\'t need worry free threshing machine, students can\'t go to college! You don\'t need worry free threshing machine... "

Er, it seems to be a string of words. It\'s a cosmic cigarette

Li forgot to worry and shook his head, not thinking about these messy things. Li Er can call him whatever he likes. Let him be happy. Now he is more concerned about the yield per mu of his rice field.

With the hand thresher, the efficiency of ear threshing was significantly improved. Soon, all the rice in the first mu of paddy field was threshed and the harvest could be weighed.

The rice bucket and Sheng Zi used to weigh grain have long been moved to the rice field. The unit of measurement in the Tang Dynasty is ten liters for one bucket, ten buckets for one stone, and one liter of rice is equivalent to 1.25 Jin in later generations.

The weighing apparatus used to weigh grain is rice bucket and liter.

The farmers continuously pour the threshed grain from that mu of field into the rice bucket. Above the rice bucket, there is a beam flush with the mouth. When weighing, use a ruler to scrape the high grain stacked on the rice bucket along the beam, so as to ensure the accuracy of weighing.

A bucket full of rice is a bucket. Immediately pour the weighed rice into the sack, empty it, and then continue weighing.

The old village is counting with the account book, but the old man doesn\'t know a few big words at all. It\'s painful.

Fang Xuanling simply grabbed the bookkeeping account book from the old village, took the pen, squatted down without image, and became the bookkeeper.

Every time he weighed out a bucket of rice, he would write down a sum in the account book.

Li Er asked Du Ruhui, "Duke Du, do you see how much grain can be produced in this paddy field?"

"Your Majesty, ordinary paddy fields produce about one stone and five Dou of grain. But huxianbo has dug up a lot of grain for fish farming. In addition, there is a plague of locusts this year. I estimate that the output should be about one stone. However, it is also quite worth it. The 300 kg of fresh fish has been beyond my imagination. Huxianbo is really amazing!"

The eldest sun Wuji on one side also said: "yes, your majesty, I have never heard that fish can be raised in rice fields, and I didn\'t expect that there can be so many fish. This is equivalent to an acre of rice field and has done two things."

"Yes, even if the rice harvest in Huxian county is less than a stone, I think it\'s too valuable."

Li Er nodded: "that\'s the truth. Ziyou\'s move really surprised me. I laughed at him before that he didn\'t know how to farm, but he was taught a lesson by this boy. It really embarrassed me."

"Ha ha, your majesty, we are not like this. But I hope I can come a few more times for this embarrassment." Du Ruhui smiled.

Li Er also laughed when he heard the speech: "ha ha, Duke Du is right. I hope he will come more times for this embarrassment. Ziyou\'s method of raising fish in rice fields is worth popularizing. In this way, the life of the people of the Tang Dynasty is much better."

While Li Er and others were talking, the first mu of rice harvested was finally weighed.

Fang Xuanling held the account book in her hand, as if she had read it several times, and seemed to doubt whether she had added the wrong number.

"How about Fang Gong? How much does Zi worry about the yield per mu of the rice field?" Li Er asked.

Fang Xuanling raised his head and murmured, "Your Majesty, you are worried about this rice field. You can produce one stone and seven buckets of rice per mu."

"Ha ha, that\'s good. After all, so many fish have been produced... Wait, Mr. Fang, what did you just say? How much rice is produced per mu?" Li Er laughed casually. He didn\'t think it was right until half of what he said.

Just now, Fang Xuanling said how much is the per mu yield of Li forgetful rice field?

One stone and seven buckets?

How is this possible?

Fang Xuanling also showed a helpless expression: "Your Majesty, you heard right. It\'s really one stone and seven Dou. To be exact, it\'s one stone and seven Dou and three liters of rice."

Once again, Xuanling confirmed the yield per mu. Not only Li Er was stunned, but also Du Ruhui and changsun Wuji.

That acre of rice field, at least one part of the land has been dug for fish cultivation, and how much can the remaining fields yield per mu?

You should know that the best paddy field in Datang has only so much output under the condition of good weather and bumper harvest.

This year, affected by the plague of locusts at the beginning of the year, the local governments reported that they would certainly reduce production. All the leaders in the court were worried about this, so they hurried to Dingzhou village today to discuss with Li Er about food relief.

Li forgets to worry that the 300 mu rice field was originally improved from useless saline alkali land. It is a miracle that rice can grow.

But now not only rice is produced, but the yield is too high, isn\'t it?

"Mr. Fang, you can\'t be kidding? Seven fights with one stone, can\'t you make a mistake?"

"Isn\'t this weighing instrument inaccurate? I\'m afraid it\'s not that the rice bucket is not enough?" someone asked suspiciously.

Fang Xuanling immediately shook his head: "it\'s impossible. This is the weighing instrument issued by the Huxian county government to each village to collect rent. There is also the stamp of the Huxian county government on it. How can this be allowed?"

"Come on, a few more people, weigh the rice again!" Li Er turned his head and ordered the sergeants of Jin Wuwei.

Soon, the rice produced by that mu of rice field was weighed again under the crowd.

The result remains the same, one stone and seven buckets and three liters

Now everyone was speechless and looked at each other. They didn\'t know what to say. After a long while, Li erling suddenly turned his head and shouted, "move another mu of rice, come on! I want to see the results!"

The output of several mu of paddy fields was weighed continuously, and the access was not large, which was basically about seven Dou with one stone.

Li Er was really speechless. He looked at Li forgetful, who had been smiling and speechless: "Ziyou, you really surprised me today."

"My uncle praised me."

Li forgot his worries and smiled calmly. In fact, he was very proud in his heart.

Isn\'t it normal to have a high yield per mu? Otherwise, it is called modern three-dimensional rice planting technology.

Before the rice field was drained, the water in the canal was connected with the rice field, but the fish lived in the rice field.

The floating objects and rice flowers in the rice field are the feed for fish, and the fish feces nourish the rice field. Not to mention that so many ducks were raised before, and the feces also nourished the rice fields.

As a result, the originally barren saline alkali land has become superior farmland after improvement. In Datang without chemical fertilizer, when the land fertility is sufficient, the rice yield will naturally increase.

Li forgot to worry about it. The yield per mu is equivalent to 216 kilograms, only about 100 kilograms.

In later generations, the yield of his hometown\'s fields was about 800 kilograms per mu. The output of 100 kilograms of rice is really not worth mentioning.

The hulling of 216 kilograms of rice will also lose 25% to 30%. In fact, the final output of rice is only more than 160 kilograms, and the output is really poor.

Li Er and others have been astonished by the yield of these paddy fields.

A group of big men have heated discussions on how to promote Li forget worry\'s rice planting method in Guanzhong road.

"Uncle, have you forgotten something?" Li forgot to worry and asked with a bad smile.

Li Er was stunned when he heard the speech. What else?