Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 493

Li forgot to worry. Confused, he watched the sergeants take the bamboo mat, spread the harvested wheat on it, and then beat it with a wooden stick.

He suddenly realized, and then a black line.

It was threshing... He forgot that there was no thresher in Datang. It seems that people beat the ears of wheat to make the rice fall off.

Even in later generations, Li forgets that he has seen a video taken by a tourism blogger. In the mountains of India, farmers still thresh the ears of rice in this way.

But to get rid of grain in this way, you have to get monkey years and horses? It\'s too inefficient.

Li forgot to worry and didn\'t talk nonsense. He sued Li Er, immediately led Niu Wu onto his horse, turned and galloped to the village.

His destination is naturally carpenter Liu\'s house.

When Li Qieyou was a child, his family used wooden manual threshing machines.

When threshing rice, you must step on the transmission pedal with your feet, grab the ears of rice and put them into the fast rolling thresher to knock down the grains.

It was not until mechanical threshing machines were popularized in the village that these old-fashioned manual threshing machines were gradually eliminated as furnishings and accumulated ash in the corners of the yard.

In fact, it\'s tiring to keep using the pedal, but Li forgets worry. When he was a child, he enjoyed it.

Although his legs trembled and cramped every time, he would still rush to help step on the thresher during busy farming.

I\'ve been busy on the thresher for a long time. I have to maintain the thresher, put on the oil and change the belt.

After a long time, Li forgets about the working principle of the thresher.

This kind of thresher has the simplest structure.

A wooden box is used to hold the fallen rice.

A wooden drum is installed on the box, many curved iron nails are nailed on the surface of the drum, and then a handle for shaking is installed on the side of the drum.

Although the efficiency of this simple thresher is not as high as that of the pedal, and it is even more tiring, Li forget worry can\'t manage so much. Anyway, he doesn\'t work

In addition, even if the hand is more tired than the foot, after all, compared with beating the threshing with a stick, I don\'t know how much it can save manpower or efficiency.

It\'s not that Li forget you can\'t get a pedal thresher. The main reason is that the pedal thresher needs a transmission device. Obviously, it\'s much more complex and can\'t be built in a moment.

The hand-operated threshing machine, which Li forgets to worry about, can be built with little effort with the skill of Liu\'s father and son.

In fact, as he expected, he simply drew a sketch for carpenter Liu on the ground with branches. Carpenter Liu led his three sons and built a hand thresher in half an hour.

Although it is so rough that even the wood is not planed, it is enough.

Li forgets to worry and asks Niu Wu and the trilogy to carry the threshing machine. He also asks carpenters Liu and his family to build several more threshing machines. Later, he will send someone to carry them.

Obviously, it is not enough to use only a hand thresher for rice on 300 mu of land.

Carpenter Liu naturally agreed with joy. After Li forgot his worries and left, Liu Dalang picked up the saw and prepared to saw the board, but carpenter Liu slapped him on the head.

"Dad, why did you hit me?"

"You bastard, you don\'t have to give incense to your grandmaster first. Thank you for your gift!" Carpenter Liu stared and scolded his son.

After being scolded by Carpenter Liu, Liu Dalang hurriedly led his two younger brothers to wash their hands and ran to the main room to prepare incense for his grandfather.

Master carpenter, of course, is Luban.

In the main room of carpenter Liu\'s house, this Luban statue is also enshrined in the shrine. The father and son respectfully kowtowed to the statue and offered incense. They thanked the master for his blessing and the Lord\'s gift, so that the Liu family could learn the same way to make "artifact".

It\'s just that the statue of Luban in the shrine looks familiar. If others see it, they will cry out in surprise.

Isn\'t this what Li forgets to worry about?

Anyway, Liu Dalang knew that the statue of his ancestors originally enshrined in his family was naturally not like this.

But since the Lord taught his father to build waterwheel, carriage and other things, when he came home one time, he found that the statue of the grandfather in the shrine at home had changed

I don\'t know what Li forgets worry would think if he learned that carpenter Liu carved himself into a statue and put it in the shrine.

When he led Niu Wu and others to carry the freshly baked thresher to the rice field, the sergeants were still beating the rice with wooden sticks.

Li forgot to worry about their achievements and couldn\'t help but be happy.

For more than half an hour, more than a dozen sergeants beat the rice with up to one point, and the efficiency was terrible.

Li Er and others are still waiting for the sergeants to thresh the ears of rice so that they can weigh them and see how Li forgets to worry about the output of the field. When I was impatient, I couldn\'t help asking questions when I saw Li forgetful leading people and carrying a strange thing back.

"Ziyou, why did you bring a wooden box back?"

"Hey, uncle, this is the threshing machine that my nephew specially asked people to build when he saw that the sergeants were really hard to thresh." Li forgets to be shameless and takes the "invention right" of the threshing machine into his own name.

"Oh? This is a thresher? How to use it?" Li forgets worry. Li Er and Fang Xuanling are interested and gather around the thresher to look carefully.

"It\'s very simple. Just turn the handle, and then put the harvested ears of rice and wheat on the drum. In a moment, the rice can fall off and fall into the wooden box below."

Li forgot to worry and motioned Niu Wu to turn the handle, while he grabbed a handful of rice ears and stuffed them into the thresher.

The fast rotating drum, the curved iron nails constantly collide with the ears of rice, and it is easy to knock down the rice on the ears one by one. The rice rolls away one by one and falls into the wooden box below.

After working hard in twos and threes, Li forgot to worry about the handful of rice ears in his hand and was cleaned up very easily.

Li also found the feeling of helping grandpa beat rice when he was a child. He quickly grabbed a bundle of rice ears and stuffed them into the thresher.

It didn\'t take much effort to thresh the rice in one field, and the golden rice covered the bottom of the thresher.

This made Li Er and others look silly and think it\'s amazing.

Only two people, and at most one incense stick of time, were as efficient as the dozen strong sergeants who spent more than half an hour

Moreover, the rice ears hammered with a stick are obviously not clean. It can be seen with the naked eye that there are still a lot of the rice on beaten ears that have not been beaten down.

On Li\'s side, Li Er grabbed a handful of beaten ears of rice, which were clean and could not see a grain of rice.

"Ha ha, good! Ziyou thresher is really powerful! The strength of two people is even lower than dozens of manpower. What\'s more, it\'s very simple and can be popularized all over the Tang Dynasty."

Fang Xuanling also exclaimed, "Your Majesty, Confucius said, \'if you want to do well, you must sharpen your tools first.\' sure enough, this thresher can save much manpower and must be popularized immediately. This is an artifact!"

Du Ruhui, eldest sun Wuji and Dai Zhou all praised them, especially Li forgetful.

"Ha ha, that\'s right! Someone sent a message to the work department, ordering the work department to immediately copy the thresher and send it to all counties and counties, ordering the local people to promote it. Well, I looked at the thresher and called it \'worry free thresher\'. What do you think?"

"Da Shan!" all the big men clapped and stamped their feet. Only Li forgot to worry about the black line on his face.

Meow, have you really become the mascot of the Tang Dynasty? Even the thresher?