Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 471

Li forgot to worry and was very angry at Hou Junji\'s shameless words.

He wants to yell, it\'s none of your business!

In particular, Hou Junji insulted Niu Wu as a one eyed dragon, which made Li forget to worry more angry.

But Hou Junji\'s provocative words stirred up the hearts of these veterans. In the face of a group of eager killers, Li forget worry was really caught off guard.

He and his Niu brothers have deep feelings. What is a powerful sentence that can be summarized. Even if the Niu brothers have no ability, he will not dislike the two brothers. It is certain that he will not abandon them.

When he was still at the end of his life, he still had a headache about how to spend the locust disaster. The Niu brothers were able to commit themselves to membership at that time. How can this friendship be measured by the monthly salary?

You are welcome to say that Niu Yong and Niu Wu are Li forgetful\'s family in Datang.

Not to mention the salary of 50 yuan a month, even if half of the family property was divided between the two brothers, his eyelids would not blink.

However, these words could not be explained to these veteran ruffians for a moment.

But Li forgot to worry, but he didn\'t want Niu Wu to fight with these veteran ruffians to prove his ability.

Although Niu Wu said that it was not a problem for him to fight two with one, he had no eyes. If Niu Wu was hurt, he would have to kill Li forgetful. Even if you hurt these veteran ruffians, it\'s very troublesome.

This group of veteran ruffians are all willing to join his family, which Li forgets to worry about naturally.

In the future, these people and Niu Wu will be colleagues. If they lose their temper and hurt their harmony, it will not be beautiful.

But before he could figure out how to speak, Niu Wu straightened his chest and walked out directly: "I really don\'t have any ability, and I was blinded by the Turks. However, if you want to weigh my ability, you can try it."

Niu Wu seems reckless, but he is also careful.

The reason why he stood up to challenge these veteran ruffians was not just because Hou Junji provoked him.

Niu Wu knows that if these killing talents are attached to their own husband, they will become a part. He and his brother are the leaders of this episode.

This is not only the self-confidence of their brothers\' abilities, but also the understanding of Li forgetful\'s family\'s emphasis on love and righteousness.

Therefore, Niu Wu naturally has to consider for Li forgetting his worries. It is the best choice to beat these killing talents with his fist.

Otherwise, a group of army ruffians born in Jin Wuwei may not obey him and his brother. If they can\'t do it with one heart, how can they protect their husband?

Niu Wu was stunned by this, and subconsciously wanted to speak against it. But Niu Wu\'s firm eyes made him hesitate. At the same time, he immediately understood Niu Wu\'s mind.

It made Li forget to worry and scold his mother, and became more and more angry at Hou Junji\'s villains.

As soon as Li forgot to worry and turned his eyes, he said in a loud voice: "Hehe, what Duke Hou said is that I have no ability in this episode, that is, I\'m just a little boxing. Duke Hou said that, I think it\'s reasonable. Most of the 50 monthly salaries are lost. But since Duke Hou wants to recruit a episode today, why don\'t you let me try my skills with Duke Hou\'s episode? Let me see the six monthly salaries and the 50 monthly salaries What\'s the difference? Tut Tut, six monthly salaries are really cheap. Duke Hou is really powerful. "

Since he could not stop Niu Wu, he simply pointed the spearhead at Hou Junji.

Don\'t you humiliate Niu Wu? Is it a one eyed dragon? Let\'s see how powerful your Hou Junji\'s episode is.

Li forgets to worry about the six monthly salaries, which greatly changed the faces of several episodes behind Hou Junji.

Just now, I heard about hou Junji\'s trilogy that Li forgets to worry about his own trilogy, which has a monthly salary of 50 Guan, and has offered Jin Wuwei\'s veterans a monthly salary of 30 Guan. They are filled with blood in their eyes and envy.

At this time, I heard Li forget you say that they were described as "bargains" both inside and outside. These people couldn\'t help it.

"Grandpa, let me try the skill of the one eyed dragon! I want to see who can get a monthly salary of 50 Guan!"

"Grandpa, let someone weigh him!"

"Lang Jun, please fight!"

Li forgot to worry about a word, provoked Hou Junji\'s episodes, one by one and ate gunpowder, which greatly surprised Hou Junji.

It was always him who overcame others. Today, he was overcame by the young man\'s words, which made Hou Junji\'s face a little ugly.

But his own episodes asked for war one after another. Could he still say no?

However, Hou Junji was not in a hurry. He naturally had absolute confidence in his own episodes. These people were fierce soldiers in his army and followed him for many years.

To deal with a one eyed dragon, Hou Junji is not a problem.

He just regretted that his provocative plan had been destroyed by Li forgetful\'s simple sentence.

"Hehe, since Huxian uncle is interested, let them compete. But......" Hou Junji\'s eyes shot cold and stared at Li forgetful worry like a poisonous snake: "however, since you want to compete, you have to be a little colorful. What do Huxian uncle think?"

"Oh? What does Hou Gong mean?"

Hou Junji smiled sadly and said, "I heard that there are 40% of the members of the knife burning wine workshop in Huxian Bo\'s house. I\'m not greedy. You take 20% of the members as a prize. I don\'t know if Huxian Bo dare to gamble?"

His words made Li forget to worry and scold in his heart. This girl actually stared at her own industry.

Li forgot to worry, but also wondered that these four wheeled carriage shops, as well as wine making workshops and underwear workshops, are naturally cash cows. In Chang\'an City, which family is expensive?

But everyone knows that this is the joint-stock industry of Li forget worry and Li Er. Even if others are hot eyed, no one dares to reach out.

Why is Hou Junji so bold that he wants to be a member of the brewing workshop?

But thinking of the name of Hou Junji\'s greed in history, Li forgets to worry. This goods was originally an asshole who regarded money as his life.

In the 14th year of Zhenguan, Hou Junji led the army to destroy gaochangguo and plundered treasures to enrich his private pockets.

According to historical records, "it is very refined to get the golden mat, which is not available to the imperial house, but also hidden and not offered".

He dares to embezzle even the precious booty, which shows his greed.

"Hehe, if Duke Hou is interested, he can\'t help it, but he doesn\'t know what Duke Hou takes as his colorful head?" Li forgets to worry, sneers in his heart and asks quietly on his face.

"There are two stunning beauties in a family. I wonder if Huxian uncle is interested?" Hou Junji laughed.

Li forgets to worry about a black thread. NIMA, exchange two women for 20% of the brewing workshop. I\'m afraid Hou Junji is not crazy?

He suddenly remembered a rumor about hou Junji in unofficial history.

"Hou Junji killed him, recorded his family, and won two beauties. The Taizong asked him," since you have come, you often eat human milk instead of rice. "

It is said that Hou Junji copied his residence after he was killed in rebellion. Not only all kinds of treasures were found, but also two stunning beauties.

These two beauties have unique looks and their skin is smoother than a baby. Li Er was curious about how to maintain it. He replied: since he entered Hou\'s house, he has eaten human milk every day.

At the thought of this unofficial history, Li forget worry almost got goose bumps.

He doesn\'t have as much taste as Hou Junji. What\'s more, is he the kind of person who can\'t walk when he sees beautiful women?

It\'s wishful thinking to bet two women on wine shop members!

"Hehe, the beauty is better for Hou Gong to keep and enjoy himself. I\'m not interested. Hou Gong might as well take some other colored heads."