Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 472

Hou Junji could only shake his head when he saw Li Lianyou say so: "it seems that Huxian Bo is still young and doesn\'t understand the benefits of this beautiful woman. Ha ha, in that case, how about someone take out 20% of Jing\'an gambling house and gamble with Huxian Bo?"

Jing\'an gambling house is Hou Junji\'s industry and one of the 72 gambling houses in Chang\'an city.

Hearing the speech, Li forgot to worry and immediately shook his head: "dare you ask Duke Hou, how much profit does your Jing\'an gambling house make every month?"

"Well, it\'s about five thousand."

"Hehe, Duke Hou, do you know the monthly profit of the brewing workshop?" Li forgot to worry sneered.

"I don\'t know."

"At present, the monthly profit of the wine making workshop is 40000 yuan, and it is still increasing. Even if it is calculated as 40000 yuan, 20% of it is 8000 yuan a month. Duke Hou thinks it\'s inappropriate for you to gamble with me with 20% of the members of the gambling workshop?"

Hou Junji\'s eyes turned red when he heard that the profits of the winery were so terrible. He gasped: "then I\'ll bet with you the whole Jing\'an gambling house! The land of the gambling house is also worth a lot of money."

Seeing Hou Junji\'s appearance, Li forgot his worries and couldn\'t help laughing.

"Although I\'m not interested in the gambling house, since Duke Hou is so elegant, it\'s OK. But..."

"But what?" Hou Junji couldn\'t wait to ask. He seemed to have seen 20% of the brewing workshop fall into his pocket.

"But since it\'s such a big bet, the gambling fight can\'t be so casual. You have to ask the Chinese to prove it. In addition, it\'s too childish to just compete in boxing. I have a suggestion for gambling fight. Would you like to listen to it?"

Li forgot to worry and said calmly.

"Just say it!"

"It\'s really boring to compete with just two episodes. Why don\'t you and me find a mountain forest outside Chang\'an City and have a real battle? Duke Hou thinks it\'s ok?"

"This..." Li forgets worry\'s proposal, which surprised Hou Junji.

"Of course, since my monthly salary is high, it can\'t be the same as that of Duke Hou\'s. tut Tut, six monthly salary is really cheap." Li forget worry\'s words made Hou Junji and the music behind him start to turn black.

This bastard said he was addicted, didn\'t he?

"It\'s reasonable to say that the monthly salaries of the two ministries in my family are hundreds of times, which can be equal to the monthly salaries of the 16 ministries of Duke Hou. However, these two ministries in my family, as Duke Hou said, are disabled." Li forgot to worry, pointed to Niu Wu and continued: "so, after weighing, how about the two ministries in my family and the ten ministries in Duke Zhan\'s family? Is Duke Hou interested?"

Li forgot to worry about this, but it brightened Hou Junji\'s eyes.

The two disabled people are in a hurry to give him money for the ten episodes in their house? There\'s no reason why he won\'t agree.

One on one, he didn\'t think that the episode around Li forgetful worry had a chance of winning, let alone two on ten, which was simply suicide.

Is this young man afraid of his own episode and dying fast enough?

"But! Just as Huxian Bo said!" Hou Junji nodded and agreed immediately for fear that Li forgot his worries and repented.

Li forgot to worry and smiled happily: "well, it\'s a deal. Of course, in order to avoid hurting the harmony between you and our two families, they need to wrap the knives, guns and arrows with cotton cloth when they gamble. But they can apply lime on them. When they are hit by the sword and printed by a reporter, they will withdraw from the competition for the defeat. Duke Hou, do you think it possible?"

Hou Junji thought about it. It was not bad for him, so he still nodded and promised: "can!"

"In that case, please invite Duke Lu and Duke Hubei to be the Chinese and judges. Three days later, you and I will find a mountain forest near Cuiwei palace and decide the victory!"

Hou Junji naturally nodded and agreed. The two sides clapped their hands to swear, which was a formal bet.

"Ha ha, so I won\'t delay Huxian Bo\'s recruitment. I\'ll go to find Duke Lu and Duke E and ask them to witness the gambling fight for the Chinese. I\'ll see you in Cuiwei palace three days later!"

Hou Junji finished, then laughed and led the episode away.

Li forgets sorrow to look at Hou Junji\'s back, the corners of his mouth also show a smile.

Chumo hurried over and asked anxiously, "Ziyou, are you crazy? How can you agree to this condition? Even if it\'s one-on-one, the Niu brothers may not be able to win. Why do you take the initiative to ask for two against ten? How can you win?"

Li forgot to worry about not answering, but Niu Wu replied in a deep voice: "hum, what if two enemies are ten? Are my brother and I still afraid of them?"

"Oh, that\'s what you said. Ziyou, why do you agree to such a gambling fight? It\'s not fair!" Chumo said anxiously, "no, I\'ll go to my adult and let him come forward to stop the gambling fight."

Li forgets worry and quickly pulls Chumo: "Hey, Chumo, don\'t worry, don\'t worry. Since I dare to put forward such gambling conditions, I\'m sure."

"What are you sure? I know the good skills of the Niu brothers, but they, after all..." Chumo glanced at Niu Wu and said the word "disability" without meaning.

"Hey hey, let\'s keep it a secret. In short, brother Chumo, don\'t worry. I\'m not a black sheep. How can I gamble with that bastard Hou Junji if I\'m not sure? Hum, look, he dares to scold Niu Yong and Niu Wu. They are disabled. I\'m bound to make Hou Junji fall down this time. I have to submit his hands to the gambling house. By the way, go back and ask Uncle Cheng. Are you interested in taking it Jing\'an gambling house? I\'m not interested in gambling houses. If Uncle Cheng is willing to take over, he\'ll transfer it to him later. "

Chumo was a little confused by his words. Did he go astray on weekdays? What kind of peerless expert is this Niu family brother?

However, he could only hesitate a little: "well, you should be careful. The episodes of Duke Lu are not easy to match, and they are all born of fierce soldiers in the army."

"Hey, hey, what are you afraid of? Isn\'t that the part of six monthly salaries? Brother Chumo, haven\'t you heard a word? Cheap goods are not good!"

Chumo\'s nose is almost crooked. Where is there such a comparison?

What\'s more, isn\'t he also paid six monthly salaries in the trilogy of the Duke of Lu\'s residence? Are they all bargains?

"Ziyou, you\'d better be careful, and don\'t be careless."

"OK, OK, I see. Let\'s not talk about this first, I have to recruit a episode." Li forgets worry and turns to the group of veteran ruffians: "you guys, what do you think? Are you interested in joining the affiliated nationality and going to the Bofu of Kaiguo County, Huxian County?"

Just now, Li forgot to worry about the confrontation with Hou Junji. They had already been stunned. At this time, they had no intention to compete with Niu Wuyi.

Seeing Li forgetful\'s question, Jin Wuwei\'s group of veteran ruffians looked at each other. One veteran asked, "I dare to ask Huxian Bo, our monthly salary, but what Huxian Bo said just now, is the monthly salary of 30 years? Do you still count?"

"Of course, what I say is naturally a spit and a nail. Of course, I count."

Another veteran asked, "Huxian uncle, but why don\'t you find your mother-in-law and aunt?"

Li Qieyou laughed at the speech: "ha ha, this is nature!"

A group of veteran ruffians looked at each other again and finally made up their mind.

At the next moment, 73 old soldiers of Jin Wuwei all knelt on one knee: "I\'ve seen your husband! If you don\'t give up, you\'re willing to take me in. Dare you die!"

Originally, Li had only planned to recruit 50 episodes, but he didn\'t expect to bring all 73 old soldiers today.

Of course, he doesn\'t refuse to come. This episode is Han Xin\'s military call. The more, the better.

"Ha ha, OK, OK! Please get up quickly! From now on, as long as you don\'t lose me, I will not lose you!"

At the thought that he could lead a group of episodes, stand eagles, lead dogs and swagger through the market in the future, Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t help laughing up! So proud