Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 470

Li forgot to worry and scolded in his heart, these old sex wolves!

On hearing of marrying a beautiful daughter-in-law, even the wolf howled.

His words just now made Cui Xin and Hou Junji anxious. Hou Junji\'s face was flat: "Huxian uncle, how can you say that? Marriage is a big event. Naturally, you have to be ordered by your parents. What\'s the reason for giving away? Don\'t you become a prostitute?"

Li forgot to worry and turned his eyes: "how is it a matchmaker? Naturally, it\'s a matchmaker. Isn\'t this episode of my family also a palace maid? The saint personally sent the kiss, and Duke Hou doesn\'t know?"

Hou Junji said angrily, "even so, last time the saint was kind enough to let three thousand palace maids out of the palace and wanted to come to your house. It was also the palace maids you married. But now, where are you going to give these military robes the chance to marry palace maids? Aren\'t you teasing them with robes?"

His words also made a group of veteran ruffians suspicious. Just because huxianbo\'s episode can marry a palace maid doesn\'t mean they can too.

Li forgot to worry but smiled: "why not? I can invite saints and release dozens of palace maids. It\'s not difficult."

"You... Who do you think you are!" Hou Junji was so angry that he almost choked on his saliva.

"My surname is Li, my name is forgetful, and my handwriting is worried. Can\'t Hou Gong forget?" Li forgets to shake his head, as if regretting Hou Junji\'s bad memory. Without waiting for Hou Junji to speak, he continued, "by the way, my uncle\'s surname is Li."

His words immediately made Hou Junji speechless.

Li forgot to worry, but he felt great in his heart. He finally realized the pleasure of shouting "my father is Li Gang" in Datang.

What\'s more, "my father is Li Gang", where is "my uncle is Li Shimin"? When I say this, I feel both physically and mentally happy and have a good idea!

Li forget worry is not fooling these veteran ruffians. Anyway, there are thousands of palace maids in the Tai Chi palace.

In his face, Li Er asked him to release dozens of palace maids willing to marry. Doesn\'t it seem difficult?

The performance of these veteran ruffians even made Li forget his worries and began to wonder whether he could use this method to recruit a series for a long time in the future?

He doesn\'t think it\'s enough to have dozens of episodes.

Zhang Liang shamelessly accepted five hundred fake sons. He forgot to worry about so many industries and didn\'t recruit more episodes to protect them.

If Li Er knew that Li forgot to worry about taking the maids in his Tai Chi palace as a bargaining chip to attract the episode, he didn\'t know whether he would directly cut people with a knife.

Li forgets to worry so shamelessly to say these words that even Chumo stares at one side.

Dandy, what a dandy!

Seeing that many of Jin Wuwei\'s veterans still didn\'t understand, Chumo coughed and said to those stunned veterans, "Uncle Hu\'s subordinate is a saint today. Well, he\'s a subordinate without five clothes."

With this explanation, those veteran ruffians of Jin Wuwei finally came back and knew why Li forgetful had just said such words.

The young County uncle in front of us is the nephew of today\'s saints without five clothes!

Five times the salary, promise to send a daughter-in-law, and a frightening background... This Huxian uncle seems to be the meat and potatoes.

Before they spoke, Li forgot to worry and added a heavy chip.

"When you have children in the future, you can study with your Royal Highness the prince and the king of Yue. Oh, by the way, and your Royal Highness the king of Jin, the seven princes of the saint. My Lord may also accept them as disciples."

His words first stunned these veterans, and then ecstatic.

Yes, how did they forget that this Huxian uncle is still the prince!

If it becomes his part, won\'t his sons be able to study with the prince in the future? Compared with this, what Qinghe Cui\'s Ethnology is hardly worth mentioning!

In fact, they also forgot that now the prince is nine years old, but they don\'t even know where their daughter-in-law is.

Even if he immediately married his daughter-in-law, conceived in October and gave birth to a son, how old is Li Chengqian when he is old enough to study? Where will I read with those little children.

But Li forgetting to worry is not fooling them. After all, Li Zhi, the future real emperor of the Tang Dynasty, has just been born.

If they move fast enough, it is not impossible for their children to study with Li Zhi in the future.

Li forgot to worry about throwing out so many conditions that Cui Xin and Hou Junji both looked bitter.

Originally, I thought that Huxian Bo competed with himself and others to compete for the episode, which was simply overestimating his strength. But now look at the group of veteran ruffians with bright eyes. They don\'t know where they are. They probably have to go in vain today.

As the head of the Cui family in Qinghe, Cui Xin doesn\'t have much resentment, although he doesn\'t like Li forgetting his worries.

Among the five surnames and seven outlooks, there are only the Zheng family in Xingyang and the Wang family in Taiyuan, which are in the same situation as Li forgetting worry.

The others, although they don\'t like Li forgetting their worries, won\'t make it too stiff.

Seeing that he couldn\'t do anything, Cui Xin simply didn\'t bother to stay. With a cold hum, he led his servant\'s episode and turned away.

But Hou Junji was not as straightforward as him. A pair of triangular eyes full of resentment kept sweeping around Li forgetful.

Hou Junji was originally a narrow-minded person and was rude. "Old book of the Tang Dynasty" describes his character as "arrogant and boastful.".

Li Er ordered Li Jing to teach him the art of war, but the goods turned to Li Er to falsely accuse Li Jing, saying that Li Jing was going to rebel.

This shows how narrow Hou Junji\'s mind is.

He made great contributions to the transformation of the Xuanwu Gate, and was granted the Duke of Lu and the right guard general. He was arrogant. Naturally, he didn\'t look up to Li forgetful, the founder of the county.

But today, when Jin Wuwei came to solicit the episode, he was so popular that he immediately made Hou Junji angry.

In fact, where did Li forget to worry offend him? It\'s just fair competition.

The conditions he put forward were not as generous as Li forget you. He was angry and angry with Li forget you.

However, Hou Junji also knows that Li forgets to worry. As Xun GUI and Li Er\'s nephew, he can\'t do anything about him.

With a pair of triangular eyes, he couldn\'t help looking at Niu Wu standing behind Li forget you, and a sinister smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"Huxian uncle, I heard about your family\'s two trilogy, one with one arm and one with one eye. When I saw it today, I was sure of it. Since you are willing to give him 50 Guan monthly salary for this one eyed trilogy, I think you should be very capable to make Huxian uncle value it so much? But a one eyed dragon, Huxian uncle gives him 50 Guan monthly salary, but these elite soldiers of Jin Wuwei, Huxian uncle is talented Is it unfair to give 30 Guan? Tut Tut, I really think these fierce soldiers are not worth it. "

Hou Junji\'s words were very cruel.

This is to clarify the contradiction between the veteran ruffians of Jin Wuwei and Niu Wu and give Li forgetful eye medicine.

Sure enough, with his words of provoking discord, the veteran ruffians of Jin Wuwei looked at Niu Wu with a little bad.

Now that they have wanted to join the affiliated Li forget their worries, they naturally want to show their abilities in front of him.

As Duke Lu said, since the one eyed dragon can get a monthly salary of 50 Guan, why can\'t they?