Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 455

Wang Ziyu glanced at Li forgetting his worries and said to Yu Shinan.

"Duke Yu, I heard that today\'s Huxian uncle also prepared a congratulatory gift for Duke Yu to celebrate his birthday. A few days ago, the Wang family in Taiyuan lost 50000 liang of gold to Huxian uncle, which made Huxian uncle a windfall. Even though I lost so much money, I, the Wang family in Taiyuan, still sent a heavy gift to Duke Yu to celebrate his 70th birthday. What should I do Should it be more extraordinary? Why don\'t you let Huxian uncle pay a birthday call to Duke Yu first and let us open our eyes and listen to Huxian uncle\'s gift list? "

His words made the noisy lobby suddenly quiet.

What does Taiyuan Wang want? Is this going to humiliate huxianbo?

Everyone present knows the contradiction between Wang in Taiyuan and Bo in Huxian.

Speaking of this, everyone thought that the Wang family in Taiyuan had no eyes. Originally, the two families were married, and the Wang and Li families could be good friends of Qin and Jin.

As a result, Li Zhou died only a year ago, and Huxian Boshang was an intermediary, so the Taiyuan Wang family couldn\'t wait to come to the door and want to withdraw their marriage.

Taiyuan Wang family lost more than one hundred liang of gold and forced Huxian Bo to withdraw from his marriage. This matter was despised by aristocratic families and xungui in Chang\'an city.

As a result, no one expected that in just a few months after the Wang family withdrew from marriage in Taiyuan, Li forgot his worries and soared to the sky. He was granted the title of Kaiguo County male from a private agent and added the title several times.

Now Huxian uncle is simple in the heart of the emperor, and his talent is undoubtedly revealed.

In Chang\'an City, every family with a young lady of the right age doesn\'t think about forming an in laws with this hot young Kaiguo County uncle?

Now Taiyuan Wang\'s pit has become a joke in Chang\'an City, but he is still tangled with Huxian Bo, which is really disgusting.

As for Huxian Bo\'s winning of Taiyuan Wang\'s 50000 liang of gold, it makes people feel that Taiyuan Wang deserves it.

Since your casino dares to open and take bets, you are willing to admit defeat.

Wang Ziyu, the second son of the Wang family, seemed too small at this time.

The meaning of Wang Ziyu\'s words is well known.

Isn\'t it because they gave a heavy gift to the Wang family in Taiyuan today, and want to humiliate Li forgetful?

But among the people who came to celebrate Yu Shinan\'s birthday today, whose gift can be more valuable than that of the Wang family in Taiyuan?

Moreover, it was not only Li forgetful who won the gold in the lobby of Yu house.

Cheng Yaojin, Chai Lingwu and Yuchi Jingde also took a piece of meat from the aristocratic family.

Wang Ziyu\'s words offended people too much.

All the big men in the audience showed an uneasy look and felt that the second son of the Wang family was really frivolous and unprovoked. However, due to their identity, they are inconvenient to get angry with this young generation, and can only be regarded as not hearing.

At the thought of this, Cheng Yaojin and his group found that they regarded Wang Ziyu, who had reached the crown, as a junior and did not have the same knowledge as him.

But in the face of Li forgetting his worries, no one regarded him as a 16-year-old young man.

Whether Cheng Yaojin or Yuchi Jingde, although they shout one by one on weekdays, they actually talk to their peers and trust what he said.

So on that day, Li forgot to worry and proposed to bet heavily on the Queen\'s birthday. Only then did these big men nod and agree so quickly.

In comparison, Cheng Yaojin can only whisper "freak".

Then he suddenly turned his head and glared at the Chumo brothers beside him. His eyes were full of discontent.

Chumo and Chumo are puzzled by his expression.

What do you mean?

Wang Ziyu is the bastard who is talking. Why does his father stare at them?

Where do they know that there is a kind of harm in the world, called "other people\'s children"

Yu Shinan was also quite dissatisfied with Wang Ziyu\'s words.

But today, the hall is full of birthday guests. He doesn\'t say much, so he can only laugh.

"Ha ha, don\'t worry, don\'t worry. Li Ziyou and I are friends who forget their years. His gifts are mostly calligraphy and paintings given to me, which are worthless. I feel lost now. They say that courtesy is light and affection is heavy. Ziyou should not pay so much attention to friendship with me next time, ha ha!"

His words were not only to help Li forget his worries, but also to laugh at himself. Instead, all the guests in the lobby laughed at his words.

I thought it was over, but Prince Yu continued: "Duke Yu hasn\'t heard the gift list from Huxian Bo yet. How do you know that Huxian Bo didn\'t send a heavy gift today?"

Yu Shinan was angry when he saw that the second son of the Wang family was so stubborn.

He looked up at Wang Renyou to see what Wang Renyou meant.

But he saw that Wang Renyou was drinking with a glass of wine, as if he hadn\'t heard his son\'s words.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the lobby of Yu house became a little strange, and even Li Er\'s face was stiff.

Yu Shinan\'s 70th birthday today. In order to sweep away Li\'s worries, the Wang family in Taiyuan actually ignored Yu Shinan\'s face. It\'s really annoying.

Li forgot to worry, but then stood up: "ha ha, what I want to give is guessed by Duke Yu. Duke Yu said it well, but..."

Before he finished, he was interrupted by a female voice.

"However, my husband has prepared another gift, which Yu Gong can\'t guess." it was the beauty\'s boss who spoke.

Li forgot to worry and was stunned. Wasn\'t she in the small hall next door? How did you get out?

He was about to speak, but he saw the beautiful boss squeeze his eyes at him and give Yu Shinan a ten thousand blessing gift: "the little woman is the cousin of Huxian Bo. Today, at the invitation of Yun\'s family, she came to pay a special birthday to Duke Yu. I wish Yu Gonghu a leap in the new era of 70 years and the sea of Shoushan poetry soars."

The "cousin" of the beautiful boss was quite vague.

In the lobby, including Li Er, they couldn\'t help laughing. They thought that the little lady and Li forgetful were really deceiving themselves and others.

Naturally, Yu Shinan knew that the lady Su was laughing happily when he met her today: "ha ha, I thank lady Su for her good words. Lady Su just said, what gift did Ziyou prepare for me, which I can\'t guess?"

"Hee hee, Duke Yu knows at a glance."

The beauty boss turned his head and motioned outside the lobby. He saw Niu Yong and Niu Wu carrying a huge wooden box into the lobby.

Li Qieyou was also stunned. Didn\'t the beautiful boss say he wanted to give it to Yu Shinan?

Why in his name?

He immediately reacted. This was what the beauty boss said just now, Wang Ziyu, who was angry, and was afraid that he would lose face in front of the public.

To figure this out, Li forgets to worry about looking at the beautiful boss, adding a bit of tenderness.

Seeing huxianbo\'s congratulatory gift, he directly carried his own episode into the lobby, which was beyond everyone\'s expectation.

Without the master of ceremonies singing the gift list, Yu Shinan didn\'t nod and agree to accept the gift. Why did he carry it in? It\'s against the rules.

Yu Shinan said with a narrow smile, "Madam Su, are you sure that old man will accept this gift?"

The beauty boss smiled and nodded: "hee hee, I\'m sure Yu Gong will accept this gift."

"Oh, you are so confident? Then show it to all the princes. I want to see what gift Ziyou has prepared for me."

Yu Shinan said so, others naturally have no opinion. They all cast their curious eyes on the wooden box carried by the Li family\'s trilogy