Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 454

Seeing Li forgetting his worries, Li Er waved to him and motioned him to sit next to him.

"Ziyou, you bastard, leave so much private money in my palace? What on earth do you want to do?"

As soon as Li Qieyou sat down, Li Er asked softly.

Since Li forgot to worry about bringing the three million jin of private money into the Tai Chi palace, he didn\'t bother these days, which made Li Er very depressed.

I finally caught him today. How can I not ask him clearly?

"Er, I\'ve been preparing gifts for Duke Yu these days, but I forgot about it. I\'ll talk to my uncle about it later. In short, it\'s a good thing."

"What\'s good? Make it clear to me!" Li Er refused to let him go.

"Hey, hey, it\'s just turning private money into official money. Is uncle interested?" Li forgot to worry and said with a smile.

Li Er couldn\'t help staring, so he planned to continue questioning.

But at this time, the good time to pay a birthday call has arrived, and the birthday call has begun in the lobby. Li Er can only give up temporarily and plans to go back and ask Li forgetful.

In the lobby of Yu\'s residence, Yu Shinan, dressed in new clothes, dressed in red and colorful, sat on the birthday hall facing south, ready to receive congratulations and worship from relatives, friends and younger generations.

At the beginning of the birthday celebration, the cannon was fired and music played, and the eldest son Yu Chang lit the birthday lamp.

The birthday lamp is a red candle. The birthday star lights one candle every ten years. A total of seven red candles are lit, which means a little birthday candle for later generations.

The master of ceremonies presided over the scene. Yu Shinan\'s children and grandchildren walked through the longevity hall in the order of elders and children and began to pay respects to their birthday.

Yu Shinan has a son and a daughter. His daughter Yu xiuyao has already been married, but today he also rushed home with his children to celebrate his father\'s birthday.

Yu Shiji, Yu Shinan\'s brother, was killed by Yu wenhuaji ten years ago when the world was in chaos at the end of the Sui Dynasty. But he has four sons, all of whom have got married.

Yu Shinan, as the head of the Yu family in Yuyao, is celebrating his birthday today. Naturally, these younger generation will kowtow to pay their respects and send congratulatory gifts.

It was the first time that Li Qieyou saw a Chinese birthday. He was very amused to see it.

After Yu Shinan\'s relatives and younger generation finished their birthday, it was the guests\' turn.

Li forgot his worries but was surprised to find that this birthday worship seemed to be the place of "showing off his wealth" between the aristocratic family and Xun GUI.

Every guest gave Yu Shinan a congratulatory gift, and the master of ceremonies sang out the gift list loudly.

Gifts should be given with a gift list and received with a gift account.

In fact, Yu Shinan didn\'t accept all the gifts.

According to custom, in most cases, the owner takes a few samples and returns them. If "jingling" is marked on the gift list, it is accepted by the host. If "thank you" is written, it is returned to the guest.

After being marked by the owner, the gift list should be returned to the original owner as a voucher for receiving gifts.

The gift account, of course, is the owner\'s household to keep an account, which is good for paying back the gift afterwards.

If the gift giver cannot attend in person because of something, he will send someone to give gifts and attach his own famous post, which is equivalent to giving gifts himself.

Whenever Yu Shinan nods and accepts gifts, the servants of Yu house will hold those pearly gifts and enter the lobby to show them to the guests.

Many xungui and aristocratic families gave gifts that were precious and priceless. Li forgot to worry and smacked his tongue.

Now he also thinks he is rich, but compared with the gifts given by these noble families, it seems that he is still very poor.

Li forgot to worry and secretly feigned. No wonder Yang Zui said that his teacher was rich. Now these gifts are converted into copper money, which is tens of thousands.

In fact, it\'s not Yu Shinan showing off, but the customs of the Tang Dynasty. That\'s what the old man can\'t do.

Yu Shinan even has a headache, because since ancient times, China has paid attention to "coming but not going". This return gift is also troublesome.

"Taiyuan Wangshi, send a three foot langgan tree!" when the master of ceremonies read this gift list, his voice couldn\'t help raising a few points, which attracted everyone\'s eyes in the noisy lobby.

When Li Er heard the speech, he couldn\'t help but show his teeth and murmured, "this Taiyuan Wang family is really a book. These treasures are also willing to be sent out as gifts?"

Li Qieyou didn\'t quite understand. He asked in a low voice, "uncle, this is a gift from Taiyuan Wang to Yu Gong. It\'s very precious?"

Li Erbai glanced at him: "don\'t you even know langgan tree? It\'s also called pearl tree. It comes from Penglai mountain and looks like coral. Its texture is like ginger branches, and it sounds like gold and stone. Langgan tree is more precious than coral, and the three foot high langgan tree is even more valuable and valuable."

After hearing Li Er\'s words, Li forgot to worry. Suddenly, he remembered that there seemed to be a poem about langgan in ancient poetry.

For example, "langgan is not a tree on earth, where there is a phoenix in the rising sun", and Du Fu\'s poem, "when you know your plan to grow, zhicao langgan day should grow.".

The langgan juxtaposed with zhicao is the langgan tree sent by the Wang family in Taiyuan, right?

Isn\'t that the legendary fairy tree? Does it really exist?

When Yu Shinan heard the gift list sung by the master of ceremonies and the gift given by the Wang family in Taiyuan, he couldn\'t help but stand up and bow his hands to Wang Renyou and said, "prince, this gift is really too valuable. I\'m ashamed to accept it! Please take it back. I appreciate it. Thank you."

Wang Renyou also stood up and laughed: "Duke Yu, what are you talking about? Does it make sense to take back the gift you sent out?"

"This..." Yu Shinan hesitated. The langgan tree sent by the Wang family in Taiyuan is too precious.

The three foot tall langgan tree can\'t sell ten thousand liang of gold.

The weight of this gift is too heavy.

Although the gifts given by many guests today are valuable, most of them are only worth hundreds of copper coins.

Like Cheng Yaojin and other princes, they have given thousands of gifts, but they are already very valuable.

Taiyuan Wang\'s move is a gift worth thousands of gold. How can this not make Yu Shinan tangle.

Seeing Yu Shinan hesitating and waiting for Wang Renyou to speak, Wang Ziyu, the second son beside him, suddenly made a noise.

"Duke Yu, this langgan tree was specially selected by my adults for you. Please accept it. Otherwise, if it is spread out, others don\'t think I\'m the Wang family in Taiyuan. Now I can\'t even afford to give gifts? Make a look to fool Duke Yu, then we\'ll lose all the face of the Wang family in Taiyuan."

He said this very impolitely. It seems that Yu Shinan looks down on them if he doesn\'t accept the gifts of Taiyuan Wang\'s family.

Yu Shinan was stunned when he heard the speech.

Wang Renyou\'s second son, why does he speak so ugly?

Wang Renyou didn\'t think so. He said with a smile, "the dog is young and can\'t speak. Don\'t blame Duke Yu. Please don\'t be polite and accept the langgan tree."

Young your sister!

Wang Ziyu spoke impolitely, and Li forgot to worry.

He secretly scolded Prince Yu in his twenties. Wang Renyou, you mean young? Young man, I\'m young, okay?

However, Li forgets his worries and is unhappy about his return. Today is Yu Shinan\'s birthday banquet. Naturally, he can\'t stir up Yu\'s wedding, so he can only make his own stomach Fei.

Seeing the attitude of the Wang family, Yu Shinan could only smile and nod, thanked Wang Renyou again and again, and accepted the gift.

Seeing Yu Shinan nodded and accepted the gift, the servant of Yu house carefully carried the langgan tree given by the Wang family in Taiyuan into the main room and showed it to the public.

This tree looks like a coral, but it is reflected by the lights in the lobby. It is shining with jewels all over. Li forgot to worry about it.

He has never seen this thing in later generations, whether in museums or on the Internet. It\'s really amazing. It\'s really rare. In the next 1000 years, it was annihilated in the long river of history.

After the appearance of the three foot high langgan tree, many guests in the lobby shouted and even alerted the women\'s family members in the small hall.

Behind the bead curtain between the small hall and the main room, the women\'s family members all came together, pointed at the langgan tree and talked one after another.

Wang Ziyu of the Wang family in Taiyuan became more and more proud at this time. Looking around, he was like a proud rooster.

After seeing Li forget his worries, he couldn\'t help but grow up, arched his hands to Yu Shinan and said, "Duke Yu, I heard..."