Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 456

The huge wooden box is very common, about one meter square, square, and covered with a lot of ice above the wooden box.

This surprised everyone, including Li Er and Yu Shinan. No one can understand why this gift is covered with ice?

Is it the fresh river that huxianbo fished out of the river? Or litchi produced in Yizhou?

During the Tang Dynasty, Fuchou, Bazhou, Tongzhou and other places in Sichuan were rich in litchi. In fact, the poem "when you ride a concubine in the world of mortals to laugh, no one knows it\'s litchi" is actually litchi transported from Sichuan Express horse, not Lingnan litchi.

At that time, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty specially ordered people to build a post road from Peizhou to Chang\'an to transport litchi, also known as litchi road.

If it is litchi, it is rare.

Especially in the early Tang Dynasty, even Li Er rarely got fresh litchi. But it\'s just rare. Compared with the three foot high langgan tree sent by Wang\'s family in Taiyuan, it\'s not a strange thing.

Seeing the big wooden box, Wang Ziyu couldn\'t help laughing.

He has been thinking about how to satirize Li forgetful, stingy and stingy later, so as to make him lose face in front of the public.

In the wooden box, there is naturally a birthday cake made by the beautiful boss. Considering the large number of guests at the birthday party, if the cake is small, it will not be enough.

The beauty boss took the boss\'s effort to make such a large birthday cake as a congratulatory gift.

The two brothers Niu Yong and Niu Wu resented the birthday cake very much.

Naturally, they have tasted the taste of cake, but it is quite wonderful, which can be called the unique taste in the world.

But the process of making cake, in retrospect, the cattle brothers felt it was a nightmare.

The reason is that Datang has no mechanical equipment.

The cream used to make cakes must be continuously rotated and stirred. In later generations, it is simple. Hundreds of electric agitators can solve the problem.

But now it all depends on manpower to make cream.

If you want to stir more than ten kilograms of milk with a stirring rod and rotate it quickly, it will make your scalp numb. Even a strong man like the Niu brothers was so tired that his hands almost dislocated because he had to send cream.

Therefore, the Niu brothers love and hate this birthday cake.

Li forgets to worry and approaches the beautiful boss\'s ear and whispers, "what are you doing, Changqing? Hey hey, I\'m afraid I\'ll lose face?"

The beauty boss gave him a white look: "hum, you\'re tough! I can\'t stand the arrogance of the Taiyuan Wang family. Didn\'t he just give a valuable gift? What\'s the big deal? At least no one in the Tang Dynasty has seen the birthday cake I made."

For the maintenance of the beauty boss, Li forgets worry. Naturally, his heart is warm. If it weren\'t for the public, he would like to hold the beauty and send a kiss.

The ice covered outside was removed and the wooden box containing the cake was carefully opened by the Niu brothers, revealing the true face of the birthday cake.

When the huge cream cake was displayed in front of everyone, everyone was stunned.

What\'s this?

The people present can be said to be the most distinguished and knowledgeable people in the Tang Dynasty, but no one has seen this thing in front of them.

It is very large, flat and round. It is white all over. It looks like white marble. There are many patterns on it. It is very exquisite.

In particular, a huge longevity peach on the cake is eye-catching, and its meaning of longevity worship is self-evident.

There is also a birthday poem written on Nuo Da\'s cake.

Yu Shinan leaned close and watched carefully, muttering.

"It\'s a dream for more than 70 years. It\'s presented to my children and grandchildren.

Sorrow is empty. There is no pain. The heart does not move.

There is a great weight here. Early articles are for the world.

The middle-aged Zen is suspicious of heaven. When the stone pagoda was completed, there was no crack.

Who shares with him? Heaven on earth is with him. "

"Good! Good words! Ziyou, is this your new work again?" Yang Zui clapped his hands and cheered, and the guests praised it again and again.

Yu Shinan\'s beard trembled with excitement, and even two lines of old tears couldn\'t help falling.

Isn\'t this the life of Yu Shinan?

"Ziyou, sure enough, you know me! With this word alone, this gift is the best I\'ve seen today." it was not easy for Yu Shinan to wipe away the tears left by his excitement with Yu Chang\'s encouragement. He held Li forgetful with both hands and said.

This made Li forget you a little embarrassed. Hey hey, unexpectedly, copying a word made Yu Gong so excited.

The song "Fisherman Ao he menren\'s birthday" by Su Zhe on the cake was naturally copied by Li forgetful.

The beautiful boss asked him to write a birthday poem on the cake, so he copied the word Su Zhe, one of the three sous. It was quite an occasion, but the old man was very excited.

Li Ermo tasted the word carefully and nodded frequently: "Ziyou, this word really summarizes Yu Gong\'s life."

Kong Yingda, Lu Kuan, Dai Zhou and other great scholars all praised this birthday congratulation.

In the lobby, the praise of everyone changed Wang Ziyu\'s face.

Especially when he heard Yu Shinan say that this was the best gift he saw today, his face was even more ugly.

He couldn\'t help but open his mouth and said loudly, "I dare ask Huxian uncle, what is this gift you sent? Is it just to write a birthday message? It\'s really not very good."

Wang Ziyu\'s words are really a bit of a spectacle.

Many guests shook their heads secretly and felt that Wang Renyou\'s second son was really ignorant.

But Prince Yu\'s question, although rude, did ask the voice of many people. Up to now, people don\'t understand what the gift from Huxian Bo is?

If it\'s a birthday message, shouldn\'t it be written on paper, framed and sent out? What is such a big white thing in front of you?

Li forgot his worries and smiled at Yu Chang: "brother Jingming, please get me a clean long knife and ask your servants to prepare some dishes."

His words puzzled the two monks in law. How could they even ask for a knife?

"Huxian uncle, what do you want a knife for?" Yu Chang asked puzzled.

"Divide and eat!"

"What? Ziyou, don\'t be fooling around!" Li Er couldn\'t help but hear him say: "this is food? I think it looks like jade and not jade. Although I can\'t see what it is made of, how is it food?"

All the guests, including Yu Shinan, were stunned by Li\'s words.

Is such a beautiful object edible?

Only Wang Ziyu burst out laughing and sneered: "Huxian uncle, you only sent food for Duke Yu\'s 70th birthday banquet? I\'ve heard that Huxian uncle has a good life and wealth. Now it seems so. He\'s very diligent and thrifty."

He is satirizing Li forgetful, stingy and stingy. Yu Shinan\'s 70th birthday. You Huxian uncle sent a worthless food, which is really ridiculed.

Li forgot to worry, but ignored Wang Ziyu. He just didn\'t hear his ridicule.

He smiled and arched his hands at Yu Shinan and Li ERGONG: "Duke Yu and uncle Yu, this is really food. I call it birthday cake, which is eaten on the birthday."

"Oh? Really eat? Then why eat on your birthday? What do you say? What is cake? But steamed cake?" Li Er asked curiously.

Li Er\'s words made Li forget his worries silly. He never thought about it.

Later generations are used to eating cakes on their birthdays, but why eat cakes? He never thought about it.

Yeah, why do you have to eat it on your birthday? Why is it called birthday cake?

It seems that birthday cake was introduced into China from the west after the revolution of 1911. Its origin is probably related to Western legends.

Since ancient times in China, there is a custom of eating long-lived noodles at the time of birth, which is to hope for a long life. There is also eating boiled eggs and peeling off the egg shell, which symbolizes the bad past and a new look.

But how to explain the birthday cake made by the beautiful boss?

He couldn\'t help looking up at the beautiful boss, but he saw that the goddess was also stupid. Obviously, he didn\'t think about it