Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 448

Cui Xin, the head of Cui\'s family in Qinghe, doesn\'t mention how ugly his face is.

This damn Cheng Zhijie, as his son-in-law, did not give them Qinghe Cui\'s face at all.

He is more and more regretful. Why was he blind and agreed that his daughter would marry this old man!

However, Cui Xin just thought about it. Cheng Yaojin\'s original wife died of illness when she was only 30 years old. After that, Cheng Yaojin married Cui again as a second string.

Although the world is proud of taking five surnamed women, Cui Xin\'s daughter is not a big yellow flower girl.

When she married Cheng Yaojin, Cui was also in her thirties, which also belonged to the "second marriage".

The folk customs of the Tang Dynasty are open, and women\'s remarriage is not a new thing.

Although Cheng Yaojin and Cui are not the original match, they have a good relationship, but they don\'t have much respect for Cui Xin, the "cheap father-in-law".

Cheng Yaojin and Cui Xin don\'t like each other, but there is also a reason.

Five surnames and seven hopes hold the prestige of the family and are ashamed of intermarriage with other families. When they marry their daughters and other families, they often ask for a large number of recruits.

Even Li Er couldn\'t tolerate the arrogance of the five surnames and seven looks. He once said, "Cui, Lu, Li, Zheng and Wang are arrogant and arrogant. Every time they marry another family, they will widely ask for money. More is more expensive. They agree on numbers. They are the same as the city Jia, which is very detrimental to customs and disorderly rites. Since the weight is inappropriate, it should be reformed."

Cheng yaojingui is the Duke of the state, but in order to marry Cui that day, he was still forced to send a valuable bride price to Qinghe Cui.

Cheng Yaojin was very angry about this, but it was inconvenient to attack.

So that day, when people competed for the gambling house in the Duke of Lu, Cheng Yaojin shamelessly took away the gambling right to go to Changle gambling house of Cui family in Qinghe and bet 5000 liang of gold.

In fact, Cheng Yaojin still gave his wife face. He only bet 5000 Liang. Otherwise, if ten thousand liang of gold is thrown down, Cui\'s family in Qinghe will lose more.

But Cui Xin won\'t Miss Cheng Yaojin for it.

He was in a bad mood. Now he saw that Cheng Yaojin was shameless. He asked him to recover the bet in front of saints and officials in the hall. His nose was almost crooked.

But above the hall, Cheng Yaojin can ask for the bet in public without shame, but Cui Xin can\'t turn his face and can only recognize it by holding his nose.

"Duke Lu, what are you talking about? When I was the defaulter in Qinghe, did Cui? I should pay you 25000 taels of gold. Naturally, there is a lot of money, and all of it!"

After Cui Xin said this, he put on a straight face and stopped seeing Cheng Yaojin\'s goods for fear that he could not help being angry for a moment.

"Hey, hey, that\'s a good feeling. Thank you, Mr. Cui. Changle gambling house is really good. Someone will often take care of the business in the future."

Cheng Yaojin was so angry that Cui Xin almost had a heart attack.

Cheng Yaojin took the lead, Yuchi Jingde, Chai Lingwu and others were also impolite. Just above the hall, in front of Li Er and other officials, they asked the family behind the gambling house for their winning bets.

Li Er was not annoyed, let alone stopped, but looked at the scene with great interest.

Those aristocratic family leaders can\'t say a word "no" on the hall. They can only recognize it by pinching their nose. All promise to pay the gold in full after the next move.

Wang Renyou, Zheng Yuanshou and Cui Xin all regretted it at this time.

Not only did each family suffer heavy losses, but also stealing chickens could not erode rice. The gains outweighed the losses. These aristocratic family owners regretted that their intestines were green.

The aristocratic family hates Li forgetful, who made all this happen.

In particular, the Wang family in Taiyuan hates Li\'s forgetfulness. They want to peel and remove his bones, file his bones and raise ash to vent their anger.

But before Wang Renyou figured out how to deal with Li forgetful worry, he heard Li Er suddenly make a noise on the throne.

"Gentlemen, Huxian uncle has worked hard to protect the Queen\'s birthday in the palace recently. I wanted him to stay in the palace longer to reward Huxian uncle for his hard work. But he said he had no money and food at home early this morning. He had to go to Yongyi gambling house to collect bets to support his family. Alas, he is only 16 now, It\'s very pitiful to have no father or mother. You uncles can\'t insult his youth! "

Hearing Wang Renyou\'s words, Li Er was so angry that he almost jumped to scold his mother.

What\'s that all about?

How can you say such nonsense, Li Er?

Also Li forgets to worry that bastard has no overnight money and food at home and wants to collect bets to subsidize his family? In Chang\'an City, who doesn\'t know that Li\'s family is making money every day?

The Li family\'s industries have long been the envy of their family. If there were not royal elements among them, they would have robbed them.

Li Er\'s remark is to help the boy surnamed Li ask for gambling debts?

On this hall, who doesn\'t know that Yongyi gambling house is the property of Wang family in Taiyuan?

Originally, because Cheng Yaojin and others wanted to gamble on debts in the hall, the hall became very noisy. At this time, it became more lively with Li Er\'s words.

In the Tai Chi hall, all the officials who had nothing to do with the matter became melon eaters and turned their eyes to Wang Renyou with great interest.

Even the saints asked to recover gambling debts for Huxian Bo. Tut Tut, it\'s really a big face.

Huxian uncle\'s position in the hearts of saints can be imagined. He is really simple in the heart of the emperor.

Wang Renyou\'s face was blue and white for a while, and he was speechless for a long time.

What else can he say now?

But at the thought of paying Li Lianyou 50000 liang of gold, Wang Renyou felt blood dripping from his heart.

300000 copper coins!

Nowadays, the Kaiyuan Tongbao newly cast in the Tang Dynasty hall every year is only 300000. It can be seen how rich Li forgets to worry about this harvest.

Not only did Li forget his worries, but also Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong, Yuchi Jingde and Chai Lingwu, all of them made a lot of money.

It\'s a great pleasure to be able to cut meat and drink blood from the aristocratic family.

At the end of the Chang dynasty that day, Wang Renyou walked out of the Tai Chi palace with an iron face. He saw that people from his family were pacing anxiously outside the palace gate. Seeing that the head of his family appeared, the people hurried forward and whispered that Huxian Bo went to the Yongyi gambling house early in the morning to block the door and ask for debts.

Although Wang Renyou was prepared for this, he still couldn\'t stop the blood surging in his heart. He almost scolded regardless of his identity.

The distance between his chest fluctuated and he gasped for breath. It took him a long time to suppress the evil fire in his heart. He said in a hoarse voice: "let the Treasury of the house count the gold and copper money and compensate him! I will repay this revenge in the future! I, the Wang family of Taiyuan, have nothing to do with this Liao!"

When Wang Renyou cursed, Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t help sneezing.

He rubbed his nose and looked at shopkeeper Wang: "it\'s almost noon. How long are you going to pay someone for your gold? Someone doesn\'t have time to grind your teeth here!"

"Yes, yes, Huxian uncle take it easy. The 50000 taels of gold is really a huge amount. Please forgive me..." shopkeeper Wang is about to cry. He has foreseen that his end will not be very good.

Although the original bet was taken by Wang Renyou, the owner of the house. But he can be sure that he will be regarded as a scapegoat and severely punished by the family