Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 447

When the Yamen servant of Wannian County read out in public that Li Er canonized the prince who was just born as the Royal edict of the king of Jin, shopkeeper Wang was completely stupid.

"Well... Well, how could this be possible? The Queen really gave birth to the prince yesterday? It\'s impossible, it\'s impossible..." shopkeeper Wang murmured, unwilling to believe it or dare not believe it.

Li forgot to worry, stood up slowly, dusted off the floating dust, and looked at shopkeeper Wang jokingly: "why? Shopkeeper Wang doesn\'t even believe the imperial edict of the sage? This is the imperial edict to announce the world. Dare you doubt? What\'s your heart!"

"Ah? No, no, I don\'t dare! I, I just..." shopkeeper Wang didn\'t know what to say for a moment.

"Shopkeeper Wang, now the news from the officials has come. Should this bet be cashed for someone? Your Yongyi gambling house is not ready to default?" Li forgetful pressed step by step. Shopkeeper Wang waved his hand again and again, but he didn\'t know how to answer.

If they really want to pay Huxian man 50000 liang of gold, they really don\'t have to open the Yongyi gambling house. Even the gambling house doesn\'t have enough money to pay Huxian man.

Unless Taiyuan Wang is willing to come up with gold, there is nothing he can do even if he wants to make his own decisions. There are not so many gold and copper coins in the money bank of the gambling house.

"Huxian uncle, don\'t be impatient. If our gambling house really loses, the money will naturally compensate you..."

Before he finished, he was interrupted by Li forgetful worry: "wait, what do you mean if you lose? Is the imperial edict of the sage false? How dare you!"

Li forgot to worry and turned to the Wannian County Yamen who gathered around to watch the excitement. He raised his eyebrows: "gentlemen, did you hear what the Yongyi gambling house said? He can speak such a treacherous words? Even the imperial edict issued by the sage dared to question, but he failed to plan a rebellion?"

When this big hat was buttoned down, the Yamen servants in Wannian county had not spoken, but they saw that shopkeeper Wang had softened his knees and knelt down directly.

"Hu, Huxian Bo, misunderstandings are all misunderstandings! Walking down doesn\'t mean that. How dare you question the imperial edict of the sage."

"Tell me, did someone win the bet?"

Shopkeeper Wang pressed down his panic, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said with difficulty, "yes, yes, Huxian Bo won the bet. According to the agreement, our Yongyi gambling house should compensate you 50000 liang of gold, but..."

"But what? If you lose, you\'ll take money out to pay someone! That day, someone was real gold and silver, and shipped 40 cars of money to bet. Why, your gambling house still wants to deny it?" Li forgets worry and says calmly.

"No, no, but now there is not so much gold in the gambling house..." shopkeeper Wang\'s forehead is full of sweat. The more he says, the lower his voice is, and he is about to faint.

What this gambling shop does is reputation. Otherwise, why should it attract gamblers?

There are 72 large and small gambling houses in Chang\'an city. Where can\'t those gamblers gamble?

But today, if they can\'t get gold from the Yongyi gambling house, they will have no credibility. Not only the brand of Yongyi gambling house is smashed, but also the reputation of Taiyuan Wang family will be affected, which is a consequence that shopkeeper Wang absolutely can\'t imagine.

"Huxian uncle, let me tell the owner. Please also ask Huxian uncle Gao to raise your hand and let us have some time in the gambling house to transport gold and copper money."

Shopkeeper Wang has nothing to do now. This matter has gone beyond his scope. Now he can only wait for the master of Wang Renyou to deal with it.

When Li forgets worry and runs to the Yongyi gambling house to block the door and ask for gold, there is another scene in the Tai Chi hall.

Li Er sat back on the throne and told the story of what happened in the East Palace yesterday as if he were talking about storytelling.

In the hall, the officials heard that someone was so bold that they colluded with wenpo and two palace maids in the palace to bring the baby girl fed with medicine into the palace.

In the Queen\'s bedroom of Lizheng hall, the prince was replaced by the baby girl we just saw.

Even more maddening was that Prince Zhi wanted to drown in the well. If it weren\'t for the two palace maids who didn\'t have the courage to murder the prince\'s life, I\'m afraid Li Zhi would have died.

Cheng Yaojin and others were so angry when they heard that someone was so arrogant that they scolded in the hall on the spot.

This group of old killers scolded all the dirty language in the army, which was very ugly.

Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou were so popular that they clenched their teeth, but they had to pretend to be distressed, as if Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde were right and good, not to mention how much they were oppressed.

Wei Zheng\'s face was as black as the bottom of the pot. His eagle eyes shot around the ministers in the hall, as if he wanted to find out the behind the scenes.

He didn\'t even bother to correct Cheng Yaojin and others. If it weren\'t for his identity, the old man would want to scold such disorderly subjects and thieves.

When the eldest sun Wuji learned that his nephew was almost replaced and almost killed, he also looked around at the officials with an angry face, looking ready to work hard.

Their attitude made Wang Renyou, Zheng Yuanshou and other aristocratic family leaders even more nervous. Fortunately, these are old foxes. No matter how rough the waves are in their hearts, they don\'t show their face at all.

Besides, they are also confident that they can clean up their hands and tails. Even if Li Er finds out the truth, he has nothing to do with them.

In fact, there are many wise people in the hall.

Many people speculate that this matter is related to the aristocratic family. In particular, they think of the noisy gambling in the market. They suspect that the people behind this matter are the aristocratic family leaders who stand above the court and have five surnames and seven hopes.

But no one dares to say such words.

How dare they offend these aristocratic families for no reason?

In fact, Li Er exposed this matter in front of all civil and military officials at the court meeting today. He just wanted to disgust those aristocratic families in public.

The Baiqi division checked the matter of the East Palace all night, but as Li forgetful thought, he got nothing.

Wenpo died without proof.

The palace maid Yueran and Niantao know nothing about who ordered them. It was a eunuch directly under the code of the inner square Bureau of the East Palace who issued tasks and delivered messages to the second daughter.

Dian Zhi is the official product under the nine grades.

A humble Chamberlain, but when the people of the Baiqi division rushed to the Dianzhi room, they found that he had been poisoned and murdered.

Obviously, this is killing people again. The clue to track down the maid Yueran and Niantao online is broken.

The Baiqi company also encountered this situation when tracking down the channel for the female baby to enter the palace.

It was not easy for the Baiqi division to find out that there seemed to be some problems with a guard of the Yongchun gate of the east palace. Hearing Yongchun entrance guard, they learned that yesterday, their lvshuai once hurried into the palace with a package on his back, but when he left the palace, the package was gone.

Therefore, the brigade of Baiqi company killed the brigade commander\'s residence again. When they broke into the house, they found that the brigade commander had already fallen into a pool of blood and could not die anymore

One clue after another was cut off, and the Baiqi division now has no clue.

Li Er knew it, but he could only sigh that the aristocratic family leaders were really black and hot. In order to keep it secret, they didn\'t leave any future trouble at all.

Just because he had no choice, Li Ercai could only make such a bad decision to make the matter of the East Palace public.

It\'s just to insult the aristocratic family and export the evil spirit in your heart.

Above the hall, Cheng Yaojin was eloquent and scolded for a long time. Something unspeakable had happened with the maternal relatives of the 18th generation of his ancestors who were behind the scenes.

"Prince, Duke Zheng, Duke Lu and Duke Cui, are you right to scold someone? Should such evil officials and thieves be their mother!"

Cheng Yaojin scolded for a long time. Unexpectedly, he asked the five surnames and seven hopes. Was he right.

Wang Renyou: "

Cheng Yaojin suddenly said, "Cui Gong, can I cash my bet?"

As soon as he said this, don\'t mention how ugly the aristocratic family leader\'s face is