Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 449

After Wang Renyou spoke, the Wang family in Taiyuan naturally did not delay any more.

Soon, an endless stream of carriages drove into the Yongyi gambling house in xuanyang square and unloaded carts of copper coins and silk.

Taiyuan Wang also deliberately disgusted Li forgetting his worries. It was clear that there was enough gold in the Treasury, but he deliberately didn\'t take it out. Instead, he transported carts of copper money and silk.

Even these copper coins have been stored in Wang\'s treasury in Taiyuan for too long. Many strings of copper coins were rotten and broken, and the scattered copper coins were piled up in baskets.

Many copper coins are even rusty and look very shabby.

Li forgets his worries and doesn\'t dislike it. As long as he gives enough money, he will pay copper money. Even the silk he has always disliked is going to take it.

Anyway, silk was also used as currency in the Tang Dynasty.

Two pieces of silk are worth copper coins.

China has been short of copper since ancient times. Although copper money is legal tender, it has always been in a state of lack. Therefore, even in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, silk was still one of the currencies used for trading.

In the prosperous Tang Dynasty, Yang Guozhong was in power all over the world. According to historical records, his family "left a lot of wages at home and abroad, and accumulated up to 30 million pieces of silk", which shows the monetary status of silk.

If the Wang family in Taiyuan just took silk to offset the copper money, Li forgot to worry and recognized it. Anyway, he had already prepared. Before that, he begged Li Er for a favor and planned to transport all the copper money and silk won by the Wang family in Taiyuan into the palace to be exchanged for gold.

But when Li forgot to worry and grabbed a handful of scattered copper coins from the basket of copper coins, he was so angry that he almost threw all the copper coins in shopkeeper Wang\'s face.

The copper coins he caught were obviously not Kaiyuan Tongbao. Not only are the coins small, but they are also thin and light.

Li Qieyou immediately responded that it was private money!

The Tang Dynasty has been short of copper money for a long time. Kaiyuan Tongbao, which was forged in the fourth year of Wude, can only cast 300000 Guan every year.

By the second year of Zhenguan, in only seven years, the full count had only cast more than two million copper coins.

Even if half of these copper coins are in Chang\'an City, they are still a drop in the bucket. Therefore, barter and silk token are normal phenomena.

When money was not enough, the aristocratic family forged private money in their sphere of influence to make up for the shortage of copper money.

These private money are naturally inferior to Kaiyuan Tongbao. Although the material and workmanship are good, they are much lighter than Kaiyuan Tongbao.

Private money can circulate, but most of the time, two or three private money can offset a Kaiyuan Tongbao.

Now the Wang family in Taiyuan has moved so much private money. It is obvious that they intend to pass off inferior goods and deceive them. How can Li forget his worries and not be angry.

"Shopkeeper Wang, what do you mean by Taiyuan Wang family? Taking so much private money to offset official money is to treat someone as a fool?"

"This, this may be the new servant. He made a mistake. Go down and let them change huxianbo."

When shopkeeper Wang saw that his family wanted to fish in troubled waters, he was found by Li forgetful. He could only apologize awkwardly and threw the pot on the "temporary worker".

He was about to ask someone to take the private money away. Li forgot to worry about it. He turned his eyes and stretched out his hand to stop him: "wait, the money has been shipped, so don\'t be so troublesome. Discount it. I\'ll take the private money."

"I don\'t know how huxianbo plans to discount?"

"Someone doesn\'t take advantage of you. Two catties of private money is worth one catty of official money. If you want to, someone will take it and save you from carrying it back and forth."

On the market, according to different regions, two or three private money can be used to offset one Kaiyuan Tongbao. Li forgets to worry about the conditions. In fact, it is not harsh, or even a lot less.

Shopkeeper Wang inquired about the accounting room sent by Wang in Taiyuan, and immediately nodded and agreed.

This large number of copper coin transactions are weighed by official names.

Five catties of Kaiyuan Tongbao copper coins are generally consistent.

Private money is slightly lighter, and six kilograms is consistent.

Under normal circumstances, twelve to eighteen pounds of private money can be exchanged for five pounds of Kaiyuan Tongbao. Now Li forgets to worry and proposes to exchange ten kilograms of private money for five kilograms of official money. How can Taiyuan Wang disagree.

Niu Wu also wanted to persuade him. He felt that his family suffered too much from such exchange.

Li forgets his worries, but it doesn\'t matter. It\'s a blessing to suffer losses, not to mention he has other plans.

He stretched out his hand to attract shopkeeper Wang: "shopkeeper Wang, you Taiyuan Wang family, do you still have a lot of private money? If there is more, someone can take all of them and exchange them according to this proportion."

Shopkeeper Wang was overjoyed to hear Li forget you say so.

"Huxian uncle, are you serious? This copper coin worth 50000 liang of gold can be exchanged for private money?"

Li forgot to worry and nodded: "naturally, you want all of the Wang family in Taiyuan."

In this regard, shopkeeper Wang was naturally overjoyed.

If Li forgets to pay his 50000 taels of gold bet in the proportion of two kilograms of private money to one pound of official money, he may still be free from family punishment.

Now, you only need to pay Huxian Bo 3 million jin of private money to pay off your gambling debt.

These private money, calculated by converting three private money into one official money, is only worth 160000 Guan Kaiyuan Tongbao on the market, which is equivalent to saving 140000 Guan copper money.

Even if it was two for one, it was only 250000 Guan Kaiyuan Tongbao, which still saved 50000 Guan copper money.

This is not a small number. Shopkeeper Wang naturally nodded and agreed.

Fearing that Li would forget his worries and repent, he hurriedly asked the waiter to transport all the Kaiyuan Tongbao back, including the silk, and replace them with the private money forged by the Wang family in Taiyuan.

Li forgot to worry and refused to come. While counting the copper money, he asked people to load the car. These private money will be directly transported to Taiji palace in a four-wheel carriage.

After tossing about for most of the day, until the sun was about to tilt to the west, I finally counted the three million kilograms of private money.

Since then, Li forget worry and Taiyuan Wang\'s gambling debt is cleared.

He handed back the promissory note worth thousands of gold issued by Yongyi gambling house to shopkeeper Wang: "well, I\'m cleared with your gambling house."

Shopkeeper Wang held the note and almost cried.

The ups and downs these days are really too exciting.

Shopkeeper Wang made up his mind that as long as he escaped the family punishment this time, he would apply to go back to Taiyuan and never come to Chang\'an city again.

When Li forgets to worry about escorting the copper coins of the last carriage into the Taiji palace, he is stopped by Mituo.

"Huxian uncle, why did you order people to bring all the private money? This, how can I exchange it into gold for you?"

Eunuchs in the Tang Dynasty usually claim to be miscellaneous.

Mituo, the highest ranking Eunuch in the Tai Chi palace, calls himself a slave only in front of Li Er and empress Chang sun.

He originally claimed to be someone in front of Li forgetful.

Until after the East Palace, Mito was also in awe of Li forgetting his worries. In addition, Li Qieyou is also Li Er\'s nephew before he came out of five clothes. Therefore, Mituo simply lowered his posture and began to call himself a slave in front of Li Qieyou.

Li forget worry and Li Er agreed that the copper money he transported from the Wang family in Taiyuan would be exchanged for gold by the palace.

Li Er naturally explained the matter to Mito, the provincial supervisor of the internal service province.

But today, when the copper money was brought into the palace, Mituo was foolish.

What was transported into the palace was not Kaiyuan Tongbao, but car after car of private money. He really doesn\'t understand what the Huxian uncle is doing. How can this private money be converted into gold?