Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 446

Chang\'an City, xuanyang square. As soon as the door of the square opened early in the morning, an endless stream of carriages came to the square.

The old pawn guarding the gate was surprised and couldn\'t figure out what was going on? Xuanyang square is not the East and West cities. Why are there so many carriages? Could it be that which residence in the workshop has to be relocated?

When the four wheeled carriage convoy passed the Wannian county yamen, the Yamen servants had sharp eyes. They saw Li forgetful on horseback and hurried forward to salute.

"Huxian bo\'an, it\'s early in the morning. What\'s the matter with Huxian Bo? Can I help you?"

Li Qieyou smiled and waved his hand: "it doesn\'t matter. Some time ago, he made a bet in the Yongyi gambling house. Today, he went to the gambling house to collect the gold and copper money won by a bet."

His words made all the Yamen servants stupid. All the dozens of carriages were going to carry copper money?

Huxian Bo is really a big deal. How much copper do you have to hold so many carriages?

A shrewd yamen immediately remembered the uproar in Chang\'an city. It was the Huxian uncle who made a heavy bet of 10000 taels of gold. His Highness the queen gave birth to the prince yesterday.

Look at what huxianbo means. Did he win?

Tut Tut, ten thousand taels of gold bet. How much do you have to win from Yongyi gambling house? No wonder we have to bring so many carriages today.

Hearing the speech, these yamen guards couldn\'t even take care of being on duty at the Yamen entrance. One by one, they immediately led the way with enthusiasm.

It\'s rare to see such a grand occasion!

Although those gold and copper coins are not their own, it\'s good to have a look. In this grand occasion of seeing tens of thousands of liang of gold and copper coins at a time, they can boast with people all their life, and fools don\'t go to see the excitement.

Li Qieyou didn\'t object, so a group of people came to the door of Yongyi gambling house.

The waiter of the gambling house was startled when he saw this. He quickly turned and ran to the gambling house.

Shopkeeper Wang, who got the news, hurried out and was also startled by the battle. He didn\'t know what it meant when the Huxian uncle led a group of Yamen servants and carriages?

He had already been informed by Wang Renyou that they were the aristocrats who won this amazing gamble.

The eldest grandson queen did give birth yesterday, but she gave birth not to the prince, but to a princess.

In that case, according to the agreement of both parties, the winner is the gambler. The 10000 taels of gold that Li forgets to worry about betting on is not Li, but Wang.

What does this Huxian uncle mean when he comes to the door with people? Did you lose a lot of gold, become angry and want to smash the field?

Shopkeeper Wang made up his mind and arched his hands at Li forgetful: "I dare to ask Huxian uncle, what can I do for you today? Can I help you? But I still want to bet a few more hands?"

Li forgot to worry with a smile and shook his head: "no, I\'m here to get the gold today! I bet 10000 liang of gold that day and bet that the queen gave birth to the prince yesterday. Your gambling house should lose 50000 liang of gold if you bet one to lose five. Go and count it quickly. I still have something to do and can\'t afford to delay."

what? Shopkeeper Wang looked at Li forgetful, just like looking at another madman.

Your highness empress Mingming gave birth to a princess. How dare you talk nonsense and say it\'s the prince?

"Why do you say that? Your Highness the queen gave birth to a princess yesterday, but we won the bet!" shopkeeper Wang quickly argued.

Li forgot to worry and looked at him with interest: "Oh? How did you know about it?"

"This... This..." his rhetorical question made shopkeeper Wang speechless.

Yesterday, Li Er blocked the palace and didn\'t disclose any information. It\'s reasonable that he, a gambler, shouldn\'t know this very secret Royal affairs.

"That\'s what I guess." shopkeeper Wang can only explain casually. He can\'t say that the owner told him.

Li forgot to worry but looked up and laughed: "unfortunately, you guessed wrong. Your Highness the queen gave birth to a prince yesterday. Therefore, according to the gambling agreement, your gambling house needs to pay a 50000 liang of gold!"

His words made shopkeeper Wang\'s face black, and he felt more and more that Li forgetful was here to make trouble today.

"How did Huxian uncle know?"

Li Qieyou stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers smartly: "It\'s very simple, because someone was in the Tai Chi palace yesterday. Why don\'t you know? His Highness the queen gave birth to a prince yesterday. There\'s nothing wrong with that. Shopkeeper Wang, let someone quickly move the gold out for counting. Someone doesn\'t have time to grind his teeth with you. Or do you want to refuse to admit when you lose? Hum, if so, someone will go to the Tai Chi palace and ask the sage to make the decision."

His words almost stopped shopkeeper Wang from mentioning them.

In the view of shopkeeper Wang, this Huxian uncle is really deceiving people too much!

But he couldn\'t refute Li\'s words. After all, Li said he was in the Tai Chi palace yesterday. He couldn\'t answer it.

Shopkeeper Wang reacted quickly and turned his eyes: "what\'s Huxian Bo saying? If our gambling house loses, we naturally have to pay according to the pledge. However, your highness, whether she gave birth to a prince or a princess is groundless. We\'d better wait for the news from the officials."

Li forgot to worry about hearing the speech, looked up at the sky and nodded: "well, shopkeeper Wang, what you said is also reasonable. In that case, someone is not unreasonable. Then wait and see. I think there will be news soon."

"Huxian uncle, how about you exchange the gold before the official news comes out? You see, the sun is so big that it\'s not beautiful when it shines on you." shopkeeper Wang doesn\'t want Li forgetful to continue blocking the door of the gambling house, so he can only give advice.

Li forgot to worry, but he smiled: "it doesn\'t matter. Someone can rest in the shade of this tree."

After he said that, he turned over and dismounted, and asked Niu Wu to lead people to the cooked water shop in xuanyang square to buy iced drinks for the farmers driving the carriage and the Yamen servants in Wannian county.

Li forgets worry and sits under a big tree in front of the gambling house, waiting leisurely. It\'s nice to have a shade of trees above your head and an iced drink.

However, shopkeeper Wang sat in the wax. He was neither leaving nor not leaving at this time. He could only accompany Li forget his worries and stay at the gate of the gambling house.

He scolded secretly in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

Shopkeeper Wang could only reach for a Wang clan and whispered a few words to him.

The Wang clan naturally took orders and ran directly to the Taiji palace.

Shopkeeper Wang wants to find his own master, Wang Renyou, but he also knows that it is still Chang Dynasty at this time. He wants to come to the master who is still in the Tai Chi hall and does not go to court.

When he was depressed, he saw another Yamen in Wannian County running over not far away, with a roll of notices in his hand.

"Yes, there is an imperial edict! The sage issues an imperial edict and informs the world!" the Yamen ran panting and shouted before he came near.

Li forgot to worry about hearing the speech and couldn\'t help smiling at the corners of his mouth