Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 436

If Li forgets his worries, Li Er and Mituo are confused. What\'s the matter if the little princess has double eyelids? Empress Chang sun gave birth to a little princess with double eyelids. Is it still against the law?

Although China has always been beautiful with a single eyelid, it doesn\'t like double eyelids as much as later generations. It even has artificial surgery to cut out double eyelids.

But even if the world takes slender Phoenix eyes as beauty and likes single eyelids, so what?

The little princess has double eyelids. What bullshit evidence is this?

Seeing that Li Er didn\'t understand what he meant, Li forgot to worry and repeated what he had just said.

"Uncle, that baby girl is double eyelid!"

Li Er looked at Mituo and saw that he was also at a loss. Then he turned and looked at Li QIAOYOU again.

"Li forget worry, what are you trying to say?"

"Uncle, both parents are single eyelids, so they can\'t give birth to children with double eyelids! So the baby girl can\'t be born by uncle and aunt anyway!" Li forgetful said firmly.

His words made Li Er a little confused and looked suspiciously at Mituo.

"Mito, is that so?"

Mito quickly bowed: "everyone, I haven\'t heard of this. However... Since Huxian uncle said so, why don\'t you let me check it?"

He had never really heard of a single eyelid for both parents and children. But as Li forgets to worry, the relationship is too big, and he doesn\'t dare to say whether it\'s true or false.

Even Mito has prayed in his heart. What Li forgets to worry about must not be true, otherwise there will be a shocking earthquake in the Tai Chi palace.

It\'s terrible just to think about it.

The eldest grandson empress Yu Donggong Li is a middle-class son in the main hall. Unexpectedly, the children will be changed... If this incredible thing really happens, Mituo can\'t imagine how many people will lose their heads.

But he did not dare to tell Li Er that there was no such thing. He could not afford such a thing.

So Mituo can only tell Li Er that he doesn\'t know, but he is willing to verify what Li forgets about.

Li Er didn\'t believe what Li forgot to worry about, but now he is so sure, and his heart can\'t help shaking.

"Go and find out! Let the Baiqi division go to Chang\'an city to find those people with single eyelids and double eyelids, see whether their children have single eyelids or double eyelids, and immediately verify the truth of what Li forgetful worry said!"

Since he had doubts in his heart, Li Er naturally could not ignore them.


Mituo took the order and hurried outside the hall to convey Li Er\'s oral instructions to the Baiqi division.

After Mituo left, Li Er looked at Li forgetful again. After a long time, he sighed: "Ziyou, if what you said is true, it would be terrible. This can happen in my Tai Chi palace?"

Li forgets worry and is silent. He still can\'t believe that such a thing will really happen.

Civet cat for prince!

Originally, I thought this kind of thing was just a literary story in the novel "three Xia and five righteousness", but I didn\'t expect that such a thing really happened in the Tai Chi palace!

Li forgot his worries and even felt a shudder. Who on earth is so bold?

If he had not known in advance that empress Chang sun was born to the future Prince Li Zhi of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, I am afraid he would not have thought that the prince born to empress Chang sun would be replaced by a baby girl.

In the era of no paternity test, I\'m afraid no one will know the truth.

Even Li forgot to worry about himself. If he hadn\'t accidentally found that the baby girl was double eyelid, he thought that there was something wrong with history. He would never have thought that Li Zhi had been switched.

The reason why Li forgets to worry knows that both parents have single eyelids is that they can\'t have children with double eyelids. It\'s also a coincidence.

When he went to work in later generations, a colleague\'s daughter-in-law had a child. He went to visit with a group of colleagues.

After congratulating the father\'s colleague, when it was busy, a colleague suddenly joked: "you two have single eyelids. Having a child is double eyelids, which is much more beautiful than your two eyes."

The speaker didn\'t mean it, but the listener meant it.

Somehow the child\'s father became suspicious and ran to do a paternity test.

The result is self-evident. The child has no blood relationship with him. It was born by his daughter-in-law cheating and others.

This matter was so noisy in Li forgetful\'s unit that the couple naturally divorced. And Li forget worry also remember, parents are single eyelid, can not give birth to double eyelid children.

He also inquired on the Internet and learned that single eyelid is a recessive gene and double eyelid is a dominant gene. When parents are recessive genes, children cannot become dominant genes.

Therefore, when he accidentally noticed that both Li Er and San Xiao had single eyelids and that the baby girl had double eyelids, he immediately came up with this thing in his mind.

Coupled with the doubts about Li Zhi\'s disappearance, Li forgets to worry, so he asks the little maid in charge to check the eyelids of empress Chang sun.

Thus confirming the chilling truth, Li Zhi was transferred! Replaced by a baby girl!

Li forgets worry and thinks that Li Zhi\'s whereabouts are unknown. He quickly tells Li Er, "uncle, if you want to trust your little nephew, please immediately let someone block the palace and prohibit anyone from leaving the Tai Chi palace. The prince Zhi, born by my aunt, should still be in the palace and has not been smuggled out of the palace!"

Hearing the speech, Li Er hesitated for only a few seconds and made up his mind.

It\'s better to believe it than nothing. Even if it turns out that what Li forgot to worry said was wrong, it would be a false alarm at most.

But it would be terrible for a million riders to confirm what Li forgot to worry said.

"Someone, send my order, close all the palace doors and block the palace. No one is allowed to enter or leave the palace without my order! In addition, all the palace attendants and palace people return to their respective palaces and wait for my order!" Li Er shouted to the palace guard leader outside the hall.

"Promise!" the guards immediately took orders and ran to give orders.

All the officials on duty and working in the imperial city were stunned to find that the gate of Taiji palace had been closed in advance!

Taiji palace has ten palace gates in four directions of southeast and northwest.

Originally, these palace gates, like the city gates and square gates of Chang\'an City, were opened by the sound of morning drums and closed by the sound of evening drums.

At this time, it was still early before the evening drum sounded. Why was the palace gate closed?

All officials talked about it one after another, and some even thought that it was the time for her royal highness bodu to give birth in Huxian county. Could it be that her royal highness had any changes?

All officials don\'t know, so even Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and changsun Wuji are confused about what happened in the palace.

As a national uncle, sun Wuji was worried about the safety of his sister, so he wanted to visit empress sun in the palace.

He went to Shuntian gate and handed in his waist token, but he was rejected by the guards guarding the palace gate.

This kind of thing has never happened.

Even he was not allowed to enter the palace, which made the eldest sun Wuji even more flustered, for fear that something might happen to his sister. After all, women giving birth in this era, even if it is as expensive as the eldest grandson queen, are also breaking through the "gate of hell", and the danger remains.

The gate of Tai Chi palace was suddenly closed without warning, which led to a surge of undercurrent in Chang\'an City