Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 437

In the Lizheng hall, Li Er also began to get nervous, fidgeting back and forth, and summoned the waiter from time to time to ask if Mituo had come back.

Li forgets worry and sits aside wondering how Li Zhi was replaced.

He suddenly thought of something and scolded himself as a fool.

Li forgot to worry, hurriedly got up, walked to Li Er and whispered, "uncle, we have also ignored one thing. Prince Zhi, if you want to be replaced, it is absolutely related to the stable woman and the maid in the Lizheng hall when your uncle gave birth. Please ask your uncle to immediately order someone to control the stable woman and the maid in waiting."

Hearing the speech, Li Er immediately reacted.

If the Baiqi division really confirms what Li forgets about, it naturally has something to do with the steady woman and the maid in waiting.

He immediately ordered someone to catch wenpo, who delivered the eldest grandson empress, and the palace maid in Lizheng hall at that time. At this time, Li Er was also a little flustered. He would rather kill wrong than let go!

More than an hour later, Mituo hurried back and knelt down directly to Li Er.

He didn\'t have time to wipe his sweat: "I\'d like to inform you that the Baiqi Division has come to report. They have been in Chang\'an city. According to Huxian Bo, they are cooperating through the workshops of various Lifang. They have found 147 couples for verification. Both of these couples are single eyelids, and their children are, all..."

"What are they? Don\'t hesitate to talk! Say!"

Mito knocked his head heavily on the floor of the hall: "147 couples have 314 children with single eyelids. There is no exception except one child with double eyelids."

"What?" Li Er exclaimed with Li forgetful.

Li Er thought that the proportion was very high, but Li forgot to worry, but wondered why there were exceptions.

Li Er was surprised, but he also reacted immediately. Since there are exceptions, it shows that what Li forget you said is not an iron law. He and the eldest grandson empress, even if they are both single eyelids, are equally likely to give birth to children with double eyelids.

"Ziyou, what else do you have to say? Parents have single eyelids and can give birth to children with double eyelids. Although the probability is very small, it is not impossible."

Li Er\'s words made Li forget his worries and frown. He doesn\'t know what\'s wrong. Is there any possibility of gene mutation?

But seeing Mito hesitate, he said to Li Er, "go back to everyone, this matter... There is another secret about this matter."

"Hmm? What\'s the secret?" Li Er wondered.

"The hundred riders reported that they interrogated the family because they only found the child with double eyelids. They were afraid that there were problems in it. The lady\'s maidservant was afraid and told the truth in the face of the hundred riders\' interrogation. The husband of the mansion couldn\'t stand loneliness and had an affair with others because he was away in business all year round. Therefore, the child with double eyelids may not be born by the couple. “

Li Eryi was stunned: "is there such a thing? Are you sure?"

"There should be no mistake. After the husband learned about it, he took his wife to the county government of Chang\'an County and said he would sue his wife for adultery. In addition, the Baiqi Division has seen the child with double eyelids, but he looks different from the husband and should not be his own. Now the Baiqi division is still investigating in Chang\'an city. If there are other circumstances, the slave and maid will report immediately." Mito answered honestly.

The information replied by Baiqi made Li Er\'s heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

In this way, what Li forgot to worry about is the truth!

He and the eldest grandson queen are both single eyelids. They can\'t have double eyelids anyway

At this time, Li Er had the heart to kill.

The great emperor of the Tang Dynasty was teased and held in his palm. If Li forgets worry and found the flaw, isn\'t he really the No. 1 fool?

His prince was stolen, but he kept a Xibei goods as his own daughter. At this time, he had no place to put his old face.

Li Er was so angry that he pulled out his sword from his waist and slashed several cases in the hall. With fierce force, he cut the generous cases in half.

He turned murderously to Mituo: "Mituo, go to interrogate the stable woman and the palace maid in Lizheng hall immediately! Be sure to get the prince back! If you can\'t find the prince back, I\'ll cut you alive!"

Now he doesn\'t care who is behind the scenes. The most important thing is to find his own son.

"Promise!" Mituo also knew that it was important and dared not talk nonsense. He turned his head and rushed out of the hall again.

"Ziyou! Who do you think is so bold? If I know who is plotting against my prince, I will destroy his nine families!"

Li forgot to worry and smiled bitterly: "uncle, it\'s not my nephew\'s nonsense. I\'m afraid my uncle can\'t help them."

Now he wanted to understand what was going on.

In the original history, naturally, there was no civet cat changing the crown prince, and Li Zhi would be replaced with a baby girl for no reason. Li forgetful also guessed the reason.

Li Er looked ferocious and glared at him: "why do you say so? Do you know who did it?"

"Uncle, think about it. Who will benefit from replacing the prince? Uncle forgot that the birth of his aunt\'s son could involve 500000 taels of gold."

Li Er frowned and immediately looked at Li QIAOYOU: "Ziyou, do you mean those aristocratic family leaders? How dare they do that!"

"Uncle, half a million taels of gold, why don\'t they dare?" Li forgot to worry and bowed to Li Er: "the source of this matter lies in my nephew. If it weren\'t for my nephew Meng Lang, who was angry for a moment, took the gold to gamble with the Taiyuan Wang family, and encouraged Lu Guogong and others to bet, I\'m afraid there would be no such storm. I\'m really sorry, and please punish my uncle."

Li forgot to worry. He really regretted it at this time. He didn\'t expect that those aristocratic family leaders were so crazy that they could do such things.

He forgot that Marx had said that capital dared to commit any crime and even risked being hanged for 300% profit.

For the aristocratic family, 500000 gold is enough for them to take risks.

Moreover, there may not be less danger.

As he said to Li Er, even if he knows what the aristocratic family calls, what can he do?

How can the aristocratic family\'s door lords personally handle such a shocking case and give it to Li Er.

You don\'t have to think about it. If you follow up, you\'ll just catch a few ghosts for death. Just like the last time Wang ziqiao, the legitimate son of the Wang family in Taiyuan, ordered the episode to kill and set fire, but they couldn\'t get any evidence, so they had no choice.

Li Er stared at Li forgetful for a while, but waved his hand: "this has nothing to do with you. I won\'t be angry with you. Now the top priority is to get my prince back."

Li Er, who was in his prime of life, was a little depressed at this time, which made Li forget his worries and felt that he was a little old.

Li forgetful worry is right. Even if he knows that the behind the scenes is an aristocratic family, what can he do? Without solid evidence, Li Er could not help these aristocratic families.

"Uncle, the prince treats auspicious people with his own natural appearance. I think Mituo will do it. Under the means of thunder, the steady woman will tell the truth. The prince should still be in the Tai Chi palace and have not been sent out of the palace." Li forgets worry comfortingly.

"I hope so."

While they were talking, they saw that Mito had gone and returned, and his face was very ugly.

"How? Does Mrs. Wen explain?" Li Er immediately asked.

Mituo knelt down and robbed the ground with his head. He didn\'t dare to look up at Li Er: "go back to everyone. When the maidservant went to the room where the guard was guarding the stable woman, the stable woman had hanged herself in the room and had long lost her anger..."

With a bang, Li\'s second-hand sword landed with a soft sound