Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 435

Li forgot to worry and waited anxiously. It didn\'t take long for the little palace maid to run back from the middle and small bedroom in the palace.

"How about it?" Li forgot to worry and asked.

The little maid in waiting ran a little flushed. She gasped and calmed down. After breathing, she nodded to Li forgetful and whispered in his ear.

Li\'s face suddenly changed, his fists clenched, the green veins on the back of his hands raised, and his expression became ferocious.

His change of face startled the little maid. I don\'t know why huxianbo suddenly became like this when he learned about it.

Li forgot to worry and nodded to her, "thank you very much. It\'s all right. Go and be busy."

Then he turned and strode towards Li Er, leaving the little maid in waiting at a loss.

"Uncle, I have something important to tell you. Please hold back. It\'s inconvenient for others to know."

Li Er tou didn\'t lift his head. He smiled and teased the baby girl: "Ziyou, what\'s the matter? Talk about it tomorrow. I\'m not free now."

Li Qieyou is not a court official. In Li Er\'s opinion, there are important things that must be said now. He naturally doesn\'t want to be disturbed at this time.

Li forgot to worry but raised his voice: "uncle, it\'s important! You have to say it now, you can\'t delay it!"

Hearing the speech, Li Er frowned and looked up at Li forgetful unhappily: "Ziyou, didn\'t I say something? Talk about it tomorrow! Don\'t disturb me today, I want to accompany my daughter!"

"Your majesty! I must report this now!" Li forgot to worry and stopped calling Uncle Li Er. He looked very dignified and looked directly at Li Er.

Seeing his attitude, Li Er was stunned.

He knows that Li forgets his worries and is not a fool.

Although this time he said firmly that the empress changsun would give birth to a prince, but it turned out to be a little princess, it didn\'t hurt much. Li Er still trusted Li forgetful.

Seeing that Li forgot to worry, even the king and minister called out their names, Li Er naturally could no longer be regarded as not having heard.

He stared into Li\'s eyes, looked at each other for a few seconds, and finally nodded gently: "OK, I\'ll listen to you. What\'s so important."

"Please hold back, your majesty. It\'s not suitable for others to know about it." Li forgetful insisted, thought for a while and added: "Mito can stay."

As the provincial supervisor of the internal service Province, Mituo is in charge of the large and small matters in the palace and communicates with the Baiqi division inside and outside. He also needs his assistance later. Naturally, there is no need to avoid him.

Seeing that he was so serious, Li Er waved his hand and motioned all the maids in the hall to withdraw. Li Chengqian and the three of them, and Li Er also ordered them to visit the empress Chang sun in the bedroom first, and sent the three little girls away.

After waiting in the hall, only Li Er, Mituo and Li forgetful worry were left, Li Er said, "well, you can tell me what\'s going on."

Li forgot to worry about looking around and confirming that there was no eavesdropping, he lowered his voice and said a word in a voice that could only be heard by the three.

The voice was very quiet, but in the ears of Li Er and Mito, it was like thunder, which shocked both the monarch and the minister.

"Uncle, the baby girl is not my uncle\'s own child!"

Li forgetful worry said this sentence, which was so amazing that Li Er couldn\'t help reaching out and taking out his ears, wondering if he had auditory hallucinations.

"Ziyou, what did you say? Say it again!"

"Uncle, you heard me right! What I said is that the baby girl is not my uncle\'s own child!" Li forgets worry in a very light voice, but his tone is very firm.

Mito has been completely sluggish. Didn\'t BoMo in Huxian County lose gold today, get too much stimulation and lose his mind?

How can he say that?

The Queen\'s Royal Highness is not his Majesty\'s own child? Huxian uncle, is he slandering the empress\'s infidelity?

How dare he throw sewage on the queen like this?

Li Er also became furious. He pointed to Li forgetful and said angrily, "Li forgetful! Do you know what you\'re talking about? You dare to slander Guanyin maidservant, I, I\'ll kill your nine families!"

Li Qieyou is also a little silly. What\'s the meaning of Li Er\'s big reaction? Why did he slander the empress Chang sun?

Take another look at Mituo\'s ghost expression. Li forgets worry and suddenly reacts. His words are not clear, which makes Li Er misunderstand his meaning.

He didn\'t mean to say that empress changsun came out of the wall with red apricots!

"Uncle, you misunderstood my nephew! I mean, the baby girl was not born between you and your aunt! She is a Siberian! Someone harbored evil intentions and replaced the prince Zhi born by your aunt with this baby girl!" Li forgetful explained quickly.

Hearing this, Li Er lost his anger, but he didn\'t believe what Li forgot to worry about.

"Forget your worries, don\'t talk nonsense! OK, I know you\'re tired today. Go back to your house! Mituo, send Huxian Bo out of the palace!"

Li Er doesn\'t want to talk to Li forget you anymore. The goods are becoming more and more disrespectful.

Even his newly born daughter, he dares to say that he was not born with the eldest grandson queen, but was replaced by someone. It\'s nonsense.

How could such a thing happen in the Tai Chi palace in full view of the public?

If someone else dares to say this, Li Er will surely let that person know what is the inviolability of Regal power and must be killed directly.

But Li Er is also the same as Mito thought. It should be because Li forgets to worry about losing the bet today and is too stimulated.

Therefore, Li Er didn\'t want to punish Li forgetful\'s nonsense, but asked Mituo to drive Li forgetful out of the Tai Chi palace.

Li Er said that, as soon as he shook his robe and turned around, he was ready to go.

Li forgot to worry, but flashed past Mituo\'s stop. He rushed to Li Er with an arrow and stopped him with open arms.

"Uncle, I\'m not kidding. I have evidence!"


Li Er was stunned when he heard the speech: "what evidence?"

Li forgot to worry and quickly stretched out his hand and pointed to his eyelids: "eyelid! Uncle, it\'s eyelid!"

"What eyelid? Make it clear to me!" Li Er was more and more confused by his words. How did the eyelid become any evidence?

"Does uncle know that some people have single eyelids and some have double eyelids?"

The so-called single eyelid and double eyelid are single eyelid and double eyelid.

Most of the Han people are of single eyelid. Whether the terracotta warriors and horses unearthed in later generations or the pictures of ladies, they are almost single eyelids.

It was not until the Tang Dynasty that a large number of double eyelids, namely double eyelids, began to appear due to the integration of ethnic origin.

Before Li forgot to worry, he went to find the little palace maid to ask the empress changsun whether she had a single eyelid or a double eyelid.

Although he has seen the empress Chang sun several times, where will he pay attention to whether the empress Chang sun has single eyelids or double eyelids? He just vaguely felt that the empress Chang sun seemed to have single eyelids.

Naturally, the little maidservant didn\'t know. Li forgot to worry, so she asked her to go to the bedroom to help him see whether Her Highness the queen had a single eyelid or a double eyelid.

When the little maidservant came back and told Li forgetful that the eldest grandson queen was a single eyelid, he suddenly woke up and found this amazing secret!

The baby girl was not born to Li Er and the eldest grandson queen!

This discovery made Li forget his worries and shudder. He finally understood why Li Zhi disappeared

Li Er nodded at Li\'s forgetfulness: "I naturally know that some people have double eyelids. It\'s nothing strange."

Although there are not many people with double eyelids in the Tang Dynasty, it is indeed not rare.

Li forgot to worry and looked into Li Er\'s eyes: "uncle, you have a single eyelid?"

"Yes, so what?"

"Chengqian, Qingque and Changle are all single eyelids," Li forgets worry and continues.

Li Er was already impatient: "what are you trying to say?"

"My little nephew just asked the maid in charge to check on my aunt. She is also a single eyelid!"

"That\'s enough, have you finished?" Li Er didn\'t want to listen to his nonsense.

"Uncle, that baby girl is double eyelid!"