Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 434

Li forgets to worry. He rushes to Mituo, grabs his collar and spits on Mituo\'s face.

"What did you say? Again, what was the Queen\'s birth?"

"Huxian uncle, the queen gave birth to a princess." Mito\'s face was also ugly. When he heard the news, he was also surprised and uncertain. After repeatedly asking the eunuch who came to report several times, he had to accept this reality.

Mito can also understand Li\'s gaffe.

No matter who gambled and lost ten thousand taels of gold, he would not go there better than Li forgetful.

And Li forget worry is completely messy

Princess? Woman?

What happened to this cat?

Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

What about the future Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi? Where\'s Lizhi?

How could she give birth to a girl?

Did what he did stir up the wings of history and make Li Zhi disappear?

A series of question marks have filled Li\'s mind and made him crazy.

But soon, Li forgot that something was wrong. He crossed to the Tang Dynasty. It was February of the second year of Zhenguan. At that time, empress Chang sun was already pregnant.

No matter how you mess up history, you won\'t change what has happened!

Could he have the ability to change the sex of the fetus in the womb of empress Chang sun?

Li Er was only slightly stunned when he heard Mituo\'s report.

He didn\'t have many ideas, although empress Chang sun gave birth to a princess, which disappointed him a little. However, Li Er quickly adjusted his mood. After all, he was born with the eldest grandson queen. He liked both men and women.

Like Princess Changle, Li Er is also a baby. He is even better for Li Li than for Li Chengqian and Li Tai.

Li Er is just a little sorry that he can\'t see the scene of those aristocratic family leaders in trouble.

He comfortingly patted Li forgetful on the shoulder. The birth of his daughter was a happy event, but Li forgetful lost 10000 liang of gold. There are ministers like Cheng Yaojin. It seems that every family has lost 10000 liang of gold. It\'s a pity.

"Ziyou, money is outside your body. You can earn it again. You\'re still young. Don\'t care too much about these things. You\'ve worked hard, so go back to Dingzhou village and have a good rest."

Li Er knew that Li forgot his worries at this time and his mood would be seriously damaged, so he was relieved.

Li Wangyou was still distracted. When he heard Li Er\'s words, he shook his head. "Uncle, little nephew wants to see his royal highness."

Without seeing the child born by the eldest grandson queen with his own eyes, Li forgets to worry about it. He still felt his head buzzing and a piece of paste in his brain.

"Well, well, in that case, let\'s go. Mito, set up the beautiful main hall." Li Er didn\'t know what Li forgot to worry about, so he naturally nodded and agreed.

Surrounded by many internal attendants and palace guards, Li Er went to the main hall of the east palace.

When she arrived at the Lizheng hall, the little princess who was born had been cleaned and sent to the grandma to breastfeed. She could not be seen for the time being.

Li Er went to the bedroom of Lizheng hall to visit his daughter-in-law. Li forgets worry. He can only stay in the main hall of Lizheng hall in a panic, fidgeting and at a loss.

After a long time, Li Ercai came out of the empress\'s bedroom. At this time, the little princess was carefully held in her arms by the palace maid and sent to see Li Ercai.

Li forgot his worries and went straight to the past.

Wrapped in the brocade quilt is a small thing with a cute face. At this time, he is looking at Li Er with big black eyes.

Li Er immediately fell in love with the little guy. He couldn\'t help but stretch out his thick fingers and tease the baby in swaddling clothes.

Li forgot to worry. He couldn\'t help but say, "uncle, don\'t you see if this is the prince or the princess?"

Li Er glared at him discontentedly, but he still reached out and opened the brocade quilt that wrapped the baby. He glanced under the baby and asked the maid to wrap the baby again.

"How\'s it going? Uncle, but the prince? Is wenpo wrong?"

"Ziyou!" Li Er could not help but scolded: "don\'t be fooling around. This is my little princess. It can\'t be wrong."

After being denounced by Li Erxun, Li forgets his worries and can only reluctantly accept this reality.

Although he still doesn\'t understand what happened in this damn history

After cleaning up his extremely depressed mood, Li forgot to worry and squeezed out a smile: "yes, uncle, it\'s my nephew Meng lang."

He also stretched out his hand to tease the baby held in his arms by the maid in charge: "uncle, this child is so cute. Unfortunately, the name Li Zhi can\'t be used anymore. Uncle has to give the little princess another name."

"Ha ha, yes, unfortunately, Li Zhi is really a good name."

While they were talking, a Chamberlain came to Tongbing. His Highness the prince, his Highness the king of Yue and the eldest princess came to see their sister.

"Announce them to come in quickly." Li Er naturally smiled and nodded and asked the Chamberlain to call his son and daughter in and add words. Even in the royal family, it was a happy event.

When the three little boys came in, they saw that Li forgetful was also there. They were very clever to salute Li Er first and then their teachers.

"Chengqian, Qingque and Changle, come and see your little sister."

"Daddy, is this my sister? Hee hee, I\'m a sister too! Daddy, my sister is so small." Princess Changle stretched out her hand to hold the baby\'s small hand and smiled.

Li Er smiled and touched the head of Princess Changle: "yes, this is Changle\'s sister. Changle should be nice to her later? You can\'t bully her."

"Well, I won\'t bully my sister. I\'ll give my sister my ice cream in the future."

Li Chengqian looked like a little adult: "Dad, I will protect my sister when she grows up."

Li Tai hesitated for a long time. He looked reluctant and said, "when my sister grows up, I\'ll give her the abacus given to me by my teacher."

Li Tai\'s words finally made Li forget his worries laugh.

In the hall, Li Er and his children looked like a happy family.

Li forgot to worry and smiled bitterly. Up to now, he can only face this cruel fact. He is ready to return to Dingzhou village as soon as possible to lick the wound and seek the comfort of the beautiful boss.

When Li forgets sorrow and is about to say goodbye, he suddenly feels that there seems to be something wrong.

Raise your eyes and take a closer look at Li Er, San Xiao, and the baby in the arms of the palace maid

Wait, this... Seems not to be the case!

Do you?

An idea flashed through Li\'s mind and startled himself.

He turned around and began to look for something in the hall. Finally, he saw a familiar figure in a corner of the hall.

Li forgot to worry and hurried over: "do you remember me?"

He greeted a little maid in waiting for the empress Chang sun in the main hall of Li.

The little maid in waiting was the "acquaintance" who the empress changsun ordered to take him to the garden to find Princess Changle. On that day, the little maid in waiting was beaten innocently by the vicious Zheng Shangyi, but Li forgot her.

"The maidservant saw the transferred County uncle, and the county uncle was well." when the little maid saw Li forgetful talking to herself, she smiled and gave Li forgetful a blessing.

"If you still remember me, come here. I need to ask you something." Li forgot to worry, lowered his voice, leaned close to the little maid\'s ear and whispered a few words.

His masculine breath sprayed on the little maid\'s ear, but the little maid blushed with shame.

After hearing Li\'s question, the little maid frowned and thought for a long time, but shook her head: "I can\'t remember clearly. I haven\'t paid attention to it on weekdays."

"Is it convenient for you to help me now?"

"Promise, I\'ll go now." the little maid said, holding her skirt in both hands and trotting towards the bedroom in the main hall of Li