Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 433

The fourth day passed in a hurry, and July 21 of Zhenguan came.

Before the morning drum in Chang\'an city sounded that day, Li Er got up and called the internal waiter to serve him to change clothes.

"Good morning, everyone. It\'s still early from Changchao. Don\'t you have a rest?"

"Well, no, I can\'t sleep today. In addition, let someone inform me that today\'s regular court is cancelled and the court is suspended for a day."


If what Li forgets to worry about is true, today is the day for his daughter-in-law to give birth. Where is Li Er in the mood to go.

When Li Er got up, he looked a little anxious and kept pacing back and forth in the hall.

"Mituo, let someone ask. Is Guanyin maid unwell? If you have any news, send someone to tell me immediately. Also, wenpo and Nanpo should be ready."

"Back to everyone, the maids and maids have already arranged and are ready. However, whether to prepare a nurse for feeding the princess?" Mito asked carefully.

Hearing the speech, Li Er hesitated and shook his head: "no, I believe Ziyou! Since he dares to pat his chest and say today is my zhier\'s birthday, I think he can\'t be wrong. By the way, call Ziyou and let him accompany me to wait for the birth of Guanyin maid."

The reason why Mituo asked was that the nanny who fed milk to the prince and princess in the Imperial Palace, that is, the nanny, was not chosen at will.

The nurse who feeds the prince can only be a woman who has given birth to a boy. On the contrary, those who feed the princess choose the woman who has given birth to a girl.

Moreover, there are many requirements for the selection of nannies. They must be over 15 and under 20 years old, have both husband and man, and have a correct description. Only those born in March can be selected.

These grandma, because the prince and princess have eaten their milk, have feelings with them. In particular, the prince nurtured by the milk woman ascended the throne, which is worth a hundred times.

In history, many milk women were granted high positions.

For example, Li Xian, Emperor Zhongzong of the Tang Dynasty, named several of his nannies "county lady" and "country lady". The county lady is the mother of officials above the third grade in the Tang Dynasty, or the wife can be granted, while the country lady is the mother and wife of officials of the first grade.

However, at a young age, these nannies have to leave their husbands and children to enter the palace, and even many cannot leave the palace for life.

Seeing that Li Er said so, Mituo stopped persuading and asked people to call Li forgetful to set up the government hall.

In fact, Li forgets to worry. After all, he is not the only one who has made a heavy bet. All the country leaders have been dragged down by him.

If there is a mistake, he can\'t explain it.

Although Cheng Yaojin and others said that since they bet, winning or losing is naturally their own business, which has nothing to do with Li forgetting worry. But out of human nature, if there is an accident, even if Cheng Yaojin doesn\'t blame Li forgetful, how can there be no resentment in their hearts?

However, it\'s so far. It\'s useless to think more. We can only wait and see the change and wait for the result.

After entering the legislative palace, Li Er Chao waved to him: "Ziyou, come and play chess with me."

Li forgets to worry about where he can play the elephant play of the Tang Dynasty, and even the chess of later generations, he is a rotten chess basket.

"Uncle, I\'m not good at chess. I\'d better forget it."

"Forget it, Mito, let someone bring tea." Li Er actually didn\'t want to play chess. Although he has many children, what he values most is the children born to his wife\'s eldest grandson queen. Now that his eldest son is about to give birth, he is no different from his ordinary father and is equally nervous.

Li Er and Li QIAOYOU waited anxiously in the Lizheng hall, but there was no news from the Lizheng hall where empress Chang sun lived, which made them anxious.

The two people sat until noon, and the color of doubt on Li Er\'s face was already reflected in his words. He looked at Li forgetting his worries several times and wanted to stop talking.

Li forget worry naturally knows what Li Er wants to ask. He is also distressed.

Damn Li Zhi, how long are you going to stay in your mother\'s stomach?

He even wondered whether he should give Li Er advice and give his daughter-in-law a caesarean section to dissect Li Zhi\'s little child in case the empress Chang sun still had no pregnancy reaction at night?

Naturally, Li forgets worry and just thinks about it. Empress Chang sun is not dystocia.

In order to win the bet, he proposed to cut open the stomach of empress Chang sun. I\'m afraid Li Er would slap him to death

They were staring at each other. When they were speechless, they heard the sound of hurried footsteps outside the hall.

"Everyone, everyone, the Chamberlain of Lizheng hall reported that the emperor and queen had a pain in the abdomen. Wenpo had rushed to say that the queen was about to give birth!" without paying attention to the ceremony for Li Er, Mituo rushed in and breathlessly reported.

Li Er suddenly got up: "seriously? OK, OK, come on, go to the main hall of Li again, and order wenpo to be careful and ensure the safety of mother and son. Let all the chambermaids in the main hall of Li serve carefully. I will give you a lot of rewards when the child is born!"

"Promise!" Mito immediately turned his head and ran out again.

Li Qieyou was also excited. It seems that the historical records are true. Li Zhizhen was born today. Wow, haha, I\'m developed!

It\'s really fast to think that when Li Zhi is born later, he can go to the Yongyi gambling house to slap his face and transport gold home by the way!

"Congratulations, uncle. I\'m going to be a father again." Li forgot to flatter Li Er.

"Ziyou, what you said is true! But I won\'t reward you. Ha ha, you won 50000 liang of gold, and I don\'t have your money." Li Er was in a good mood and joked with Li forget you.

In a happy mood, Li Er directly asked the waiter to bring drinks. They had a drink in the hall with Li forgetful and waited for the birth of their prince.

Empress Chang sun is about to give birth. Not only Li Er and Li forgetful are waiting.

Today, all the dignitaries and people in Chang\'an city are paying attention to the movement of the Lizheng hall in the east palace.

After Cheng Yaojin and other national leaders gambled with aristocratic family leaders, there is no secret about this matter. With a large population, it has been widely spread in recent days.

On that day, Wang Renyou ordered people to go to the market to publicize Li forgetful\'s heavy betting on the Queen\'s childbirth, which had already been talked about by the people in Chang\'an city.

For Huxian Bo, he threw ten thousand gold to bet that the queen gave birth, but the people in Chang\'an were very calm.

After all, there is the baptism of building Polo courts and issuing lottery tickets. Now the people of Chang\'an are used to the "loser" of huxianbo.

The focus of public discussion is not how huxianbo loses his family, but whether huxianbo can win the bet.

Different from aristocratic families, most people in Chang\'an City think Huxian boken will win.

The aristocratic family learned the way of Confucius and Mencius and "Zi Bu Yu, strange forces and gods". They didn\'t believe the rumors in the market, let alone the rumors that Li forgets to worry about the dead pregnant woman and cast magic to save the baby.

They don\'t believe it, but the people of Chang\'an believe it.

Since Huxian Bolian\'s dead pregnant women can be saved, what\'s strange to be able to determine whether the queen has a male or a female?

After Cheng Yaojin, these national leaders, went to the gambling house to bet, the secret would not become a secret.

Almost half of the people in Chang\'an city now know that Bo Li forgets his worries in Huxian county and concludes that Her Highness the queen has a son today and gives birth to a prince.

As a result, countless people flocked to gambling houses in Chang\'an city to place bets.

Unfortunately, since the banquet at Zheng\'s house in Xingyang on that day, the aristocratic family leaders were in doubt. All gambling houses cancelled the bet on whether the queen gave birth to a man or a woman, which made the people of Chang\'an very regretful.

In the Lizheng hall, Li forgot to worry and Li Er drank grape wine, waiting for the good news from the Lizheng hall. The two people tasted slowly, very comfortable and in a good mood.

"Big, everyone, your Highness the queen has given birth." Mito stumbled in from outside the hall, but his face was a little ugly.

"Ha ha, OK, OK! Let\'s go and set up the Jiali main hall. I\'m going to see my Kirin!" Li Er dropped his glass and stood up laughing.

But Mituo\'s next sentence made Li forget his worries, such as being struck by lightning, and his body stiffened directly.

"Everyone, the emperor and queen gave birth to a male and a princess..."