Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 432

Seeing that he had no chance to take advantage of the aristocratic family, Li Er was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at Li forgetful.

But now that the matter is over, he can only give it up.

As a great emperor, he can\'t pull down his face and rush to bet with Cheng Yaojin?

But thinking that his third legitimate son would be born in four days, Li Er couldn\'t help laughing on his face.

"Ziyou, your literary talent is brilliant. Tell me. How can I name my son?"

Name yourself again?

Don\'t you know you\'re incompetent? Li forgot to worry. He couldn\'t help thinking that carpenter Liu asked him to name his grandson. He hasn\'t done so yet.

But if someone else comes, what else can we consider to name Li Zhi?

Li forgot to worry and blurted out, "uncle, how about naming it Zhi?"

"Governance? Great governance in the world? That\'s good. The name suits my heart very much! Li Zhi, Li Zhi! This name is very good and appropriate. I like it very much."

Li Er said, walked quickly to the imperial case, picked up his pen and wrote the word "Li Zhi" on the paper. The more he looked, the more satisfied he felt.

"Ziyou, you really have eight talents. It suits my heart to get this name."

Li forgot to worry and laughed in his heart. Nonsense, who are you satisfied with? Isn\'t that what you got your son a name?

Li Er walked excitedly in the hall and said, "a few days ago, Guanyin maid told me that she dreamed of a bird catcher and caught a lot of pheasants. In her dream, there was a child who bought all the pheasants and released them. Maybe the child is my child. I have to give him a nickname, pheasant slave."

Li Er\'s words calmed Li\'s worry free heart.

It seems that he has not affected history. Li Zhi\'s nickname is still taken as a pheasant slave by Li Er. It\'s just that the small wings of butterflies have not affected Li Zhi.

He could not help but make complaints about Li Er\'s bad taste in the heart, and what he had to do for his three favorite sons and daughters.

Li Tai\'s nickname is green bird, which is a kind of bird; Li Zhi\'s nickname pheasant slave means little pheasant; The youngest princess of empress Chang sun, Li Er\'s favorite daughter, Princess Jinyang, is nicknamed Jizi, which means rhinoceros

Although the Chinese tradition is cheap and easy to feed, as the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Er has no such nickname for his three most beloved princes and princesses.

Tucao finished Li two named ability, Li Wangyou make complaints about Li Erdao: "when uncle, aunt when the birth of a son, little nephew thought it best to not tell your aunt."

"Oh? Why?"

"My nephew is afraid that my aunt will be excited after learning about this, but it will not be beautiful. It\'s better to wait for the flowers to bloom and let it go, so as not to happen in case."

Li Er nodded: "yes, it\'s Ziyou. You\'re considerate. Mituo, don\'t let the Guanyin maidservant know what\'s going on today. In addition, don\'t let the wind out of what Huxian uncle said today."


At this time, there were only three of them in the legislative palace. They were heard by the Chamberlain eunuchs and palace maids.

There are aristocratic family\'s eyes and ears everywhere in his Tai Chi palace. In fact, Li Er knows it well, but it\'s hard to stop it.

In the Taiji palace of Nuo Da, after Li Er released the maids twice, there are still more than 9000 maids and more than 6000 eunuchs.

No matter Li Er or his confidant Mituo, they don\'t know how many of these 15000 people communicate with the aristocratic family, or they are the people sent to the palace by the aristocratic family, which is impossible to distinguish.

When Li forgets sorrow and Li Er talk in the palace, there are a large number of carriages driving into gambling houses in Chang\'an city.

Cheng Yaojin, these princes, made a decision yesterday and naturally will not go back.

Early this morning, each family gathered gold and copper money. According to the agreement of the people, they shipped gold and went to those gambling houses to place bets.

Wang Renyou of the Wang family in Taiyuan also hosted a banquet in the house last night in honor of Zheng Yuanshou and other aristocratic family leaders.

During the dinner, he naturally told a joke about Li forgetful\'s taking 10000 liang of gold to bet, which made those aristocratic family owners laugh.

If you bet to guess whether to have a child or a daughter, you still have a 50% chance to fight.

But if you add the specific production time, you\'re really giving money to Wang in Taiyuan. Let alone bet one for five, even if they bet one for ten, they dare to bet.

These aristocratic family heads can only envy Wang Renyou\'s good luck and win bowan gold in Huxian for nothing.

Who knows, this morning, the owners of various families unexpectedly got a report from the gambling shop shopkeeper.

The Duke of a certain country wants to come to the gambling house and bet that his Highness the queen will give birth to the prince four days later. He asks the owner if he will take the bet. What is the odds?

For the heads of these aristocratic families, it was sleepy. Someone gave pillows. Without much consideration, he immediately nodded and agreed.

As for the odds, it\'s the same as Yongyi gambling house. Bet one for five!

The same scene was constantly staged in more than 40 gambling houses in Chang\'an city.

Cheng Yaojin and his family bet thousands to thousands of taels of gold in these gambling houses according to the influence of the gambling house and the aristocratic family behind them.

All the aristocratic family leaders thought they were as lucky as Wang Renyou and were proud of it.

This evening, after the evening drum sounded, the Zheng family in Xingyang hosted a banquet for the aristocratic family leaders.

During the banquet, the head of an aristocratic family proudly said that he was lucky today. So and so went to his gambling house to bet 1000 liang of gold and bet that his Highness the queen would give birth to the prince four days later.

As a result, as soon as he said this, those aristocratic family owners spoke one after another, saying that the gambling house in his house is the same today.

The owner of the family who thought he was lucky suddenly became stiff.

At the moment, even fools know there must be a problem.

The aristocratic family leader sitting here counted all the gold bets, and everyone was a little silly. Including the ten thousand taels of gold that Li forgot to worry about betting, a whole hundred thousand taels of gold were all bet. Four days later, the queen gave birth to the prince!

"Wang Gong, what\'s going on here? Is there anything fishy in it?" the owner of an aristocratic family panicked and asked Wang Renyou.

Wang Renyou\'s face was also cloudy and sunny at this time. He didn\'t understand what went wrong. A haze flashed in his heart. Does that li really know when the queen will have a son? Do you know whether your birthday is a prince or a princess?

If so, isn\'t their family going to pay 500000 taels of gold?

Thinking of this terrible possibility, Wang Renyou shook his body and almost fell.

"No, it\'s impossible! How could he know such a thing!" Wang Renyou roared.

"But, what if it\'s true?"

"Yes, Prince, those people on Cheng Zhijie are not crazy? There must be a problem!"

"God, if I lose, I really don\'t have to live! Duke Qiao bet 5000 liang of gold in my gambling house. If you bet one for five, I\'ll lose 25000 liang of gold?"

For a moment, in the Zheng\'s lobby in Xingyang, everyone was crying, as if the end had come.

"That\'s enough! It\'s not proper to be noisy!" Wang Renyou shouted violently, calming the aristocratic family owners.

He looked at Zheng Yuanshou and several other family owners with five surnames and seven hopes, and their eyes showed a sinister and cruel color.

"Please be relieved, the queen hasn\'t given birth all day. We haven\'t lost yet. What\'s the panic? The sky can\'t fall! Well, this is the banquet today. Please come back!" Zheng Yuanshou also stood up and sent back these aristocratic family leaders.

After the crowd dispersed, several aristocratic family heads surnamed Wu Qiwang stayed.

Zheng Yuanshou invited several people into the elegant room in the house, held back around, closed the door, and secretly plotted this thing