Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 400

Li forgot his worries and looked at the unconscious Li Chengqian lying on the bed, but his heart was sour.

He did not understand what was wrong with this history and how such a thing could have happened.

For the two little guys, Li Chengqian and Li Tai, Li forget worry had a prejudice in his heart. After all, these two guys are not good things in history books.

It goes without saying that Li Chengqian is absurd and colludes with Hou Junji and others in rebellion.

And Li Tai is not a good man, although he pretends to be a good baby in front of Li Er. However, after Li Chengqian rebelled, he actually said to Li Er, "I have an evil son. After a hundred years, I should kill him for my majesty and pass it on to the king of Jin". This shows his character.

So at the beginning, Li Er asked Li forgetful to be the teacher of the two little guys. Li forgetful refused in his heart.

However, the holy life is hard to break. After Li forgets worry and reluctantly accepts the two little guys, he finds that their nature is not bad.

The fact is also true. Children aged eight or nine have only stayed in the palace for a long time. They are flattered and flattered by the chambermaids. They are a little domineering and lack of education.

Now, under the guidance of Li QIAOYOU, both Li Chengqian and Li Tai get along well with the bear children in Dingzhou village, and they don\'t see the previous domineering.

And the two legitimate sons of Li Er are also quite clever. I\'m also very respectful to Mr. Li forget you. How can I make him dislike it?

Two days ago, he sprained his waist and was bedridden. He didn\'t mean to let Li Chengqian and Li Tai go to Dingzhou village for class. Originally, I wanted to go to the east palace to see these two little guys after finishing talking with Li Er, but who thought that such a situation would happen.

Why did Li Chengqian get appendicitis for no reason?

Li forgot his worries and couldn\'t understand it, but he listened to the dialogue between Li Er and Feng Yu of Shangyao Bureau.

"Geng Fengyu, I ask you, why did the prince suddenly have this intestinal carbuncle?"

"Your Majesty, intestinal carbuncle is often caused by improper diet and dampness, heat and evil poison. It depends on what the crown prince has eaten recently." Geng Fengyu quickly replied.

"What did the prince eat today?" Li Er glared at the eunuch in the east palace.

"Back to everyone, I didn\'t eat anything. They were all meals sent by the Shangshi Bureau..." the eunuch in the room was evasive.

Li Er angrily shouted, "tell me what the prince ate. The Shangshi Bureau has records. Do you think you can deceive me?"

The eunuch repeatedly knocked on the ground with his head, so hard that blood oozed from his forehead.

"Go back, go back, it\'s hot recently. His Highness the prince said he wanted to eat ice cream. Nu, nu asked Shang Food Bureau to make it for the prince. Nu deserved to die, deserved to die."

ice cream? Li forgot to worry and was stunned. Eating an ice cream wouldn\'t get appendicitis.

It\'s no secret that Li Chengqian and Li Tai like ice cream. The second child had already asked him for the recipe for making ice cream and handed it to the Shangshi Bureau in the palace. It is said that even Li Er and empress Chang sun like it very much.

He suddenly remembered something and asked, "how much ice cream did your highness eat today?"

"Eight, eight bowls..." the eunuch in the East Palace whispered back.

He was so angry that Li Er kicked the eunuch of the East Palace and turned over several somersaults. He fell on the floor and didn\'t even dare to scream.

Although Li Er doesn\'t know medical skills, he also knows that overeating is not a good thing.

What\'s more, Geng Fengyu has just said that the crown prince\'s intestinal carbuncle is caused by improper diet.

"Somebody, drag this dog down! Stick to death!" Li Er\'s tone was cold and chilling.

The Chamberlain of the East Palace dared not even cry for mercy. He was so frightened that he looked straight into his eyes and fainted. Immediately, an internal servant came forward and dragged the internal servant of the East Palace down. The outcome was self-evident.

Li forgot to worry, stunned and speechless. He even ate eight bowls of ice cream. It\'s strange that he doesn\'t get sick!

These damn waiters in the East Palace obviously flattered Li Chengqian and connived at a nine-year-old child to eat so many cold drinks!

He was really killed. He was not wronged at all.

He had a glimmer of insight in his heart. Li Chengqian\'s sudden illness was different from history. It seemed to be related to him.

The ice cream he made, like the wings of a butterfly, fluttered gently, but changed the original track of history.

There was no such delicious cold drink in history. Naturally, Li Chengqian would not overeat like this, so there was no sudden appendicitis.

The cause and effect of such twists and turns seems to be that Li Chengqian\'s responsibility for appendicitis lies with Li forgetful?

Li forgets to worry to want to understand this, the facial expression also becomes quite ugly.

Empress Chang sun, beside her bed, looked at Li Chengqian in a coma and cried bitterly, which made Li Er more and more anxious.

Now the empress changsun is pregnant. If anything happens because of excessive sadness, it will be even more unfortunate.

"Guanyin maidservant, go back to the main hall of Li first. Chengqian, just have me here."

"No, I won\'t go!" empress Chang sun couldn\'t hear Li Er\'s words at this time.

Li Er did not dare to let her stay in the Xiande hall again. If it was true as Feng Yu of Shangyao Bureau said, there would be no cure for the intestinal carbuncle. Let empress Chang sun watch Li Chengqian die. I don\'t know what will happen.

"Somebody, send the queen back to the Lizheng hall! Serve carefully, but I\'ll cut you alive if there\'s anything wrong! Geng Fengyu asked the doctors of Shangyao bureau to go to the Lizheng hall to check the Queen\'s body."


Empress Chang sun was helpless. She was carefully supported by a group of maids and waiters in tears and returned to the Li main hall.

Li forgets worry at this time, but his heart is tangled. Looking at Li Chengqian\'s current situation, it is obvious that Feng Yu of Shangyao pharmaceutical Bureau and the doctor have made a correct diagnosis. It should be because he suddenly ate too many cold drinks and caused acute appendicitis.

He vaguely remembers that he once read a report that a hospital received more than 20 patients with acute appendicitis in just two months, mostly teenagers aged five to 15.

The reason is that too many cold drinks are eaten in summer, so citizens are reminded not to give children too many cold drinks in summer.

Later acute appendicitis must be operated on, but this is in Datang. Who can operate on Li Chengqian?

Li forgets worry and thinks he doesn\'t have the ability.

He saw some cross-country TV dramas. The protagonists, regardless of three, seven and twenty-one, could open their belly and use a knife, which made him feel absurd.

If so simple can save people, does the clinical major of medical school still need to study for five years?

If you give Li forgetful a scalpel and let him on the operating table, it would be better to inform the patient\'s family directly and have a funeral.

But without surgery, Li Chengqian\'s chances of survival are extremely slim. Let him do nothing and just watch Li Chengqian die. Li forgets to worry. I\'m afraid he has a hard conscience in his life.

This is neither left nor right. Li forgot his worries and almost wanted to hit his head against the column.

When he was struggling, his hand suddenly touched his waist without comment, and the objects contained in it reminded him.

Li forgot to worry and his eyes lit up