Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 401

Li forgot to worry and felt that there were several crystals in the steps.

These crystals were entrusted to him by the medicine King Sun Simiao and asked him to help make a microscope. When I came to Chang\'an city today, Li forgot to worry about it. After leaving the palace, I planned to go to the East and West markets to find out if there were any shops specializing in grinding crystals.

When he touched these crystals, he thought of the old Taoist Sun Simiao.

Although Sun Simiao won\'t have an operation for appendicitis, he knows that at least Sun Simiao has a certain skill in surgery.

Moreover, since Sun Simiao knows even the debridement, suture and bandage of intestines, he may not be able to try it. Let Sun Simiao operate on Li Chengqian. At least it\'s better than watching Li Chengqian die painfully in front of him.

However, the risk is also great.

In case Sun Simiao\'s operation fails, Li Er blames him. He can\'t afford it. What\'s more, it\'s unheard of to open a person\'s belly for surgery. Can Li Er be willing? Sun Simiao must agree?

Li forgot to worry and hesitated again and again. He opened his mouth for a long time, but he didn\'t know how to tell Li Er what he thought.

While hesitating, I heard Feng Yu of the Shangyao Bureau whispering to Li Er: "Your Majesty, your majesty, your majesty has given the prince a golden needle, and the soup medicine has been taken down. However, your Majesty\'s pulse is getting weaker and weaker, I\'m afraid... I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to have the power to return to heaven. If you die, please make preparations as soon as possible..."

Hearing the speech, Li Er couldn\'t help shaking his body, and a line of muddy tears rolled down.

He heard that Feng Yuhe, a doctor from Shangyao medicine bureau, said that his eldest son had suffered from intestinal carbuncle. In fact, he had guessed the result in his heart.

Li Er sadly sat down next to Li Chengqian\'s bed, reached out his hand and held Li Chengqian\'s hot hand because of fever. After a long time, he hoarse his voice and said, "if the crown prince Hong, don\'t tell the queen for the time being. The queen is pregnant, so she shouldn\'t be excited at this time. Do you understand?"

"Promise." in the Xiande hall, the eunuch and the maid knelt on the ground, and there was a cry from time to time. There was an air of mourning in the hall, as if Li Chengqian had died.

Now, Li forgot his worries, but he couldn\'t think about it. Suddenly he opened his mouth and said, "uncle, Chengqian is still saved!"

His words made Li Er suddenly look up, stare at him and ask, "Ziyou, what are you talking about?"

"I said Chengqian could be saved!"

"Ziyou, do you know medical skills? How to treat? Speak quickly." Li Eryi grabbed Li forgetful\'s shoulder and said urgently.

Li forgot to worry and shook his head: "my nephew doesn\'t understand medicine, but the old immortal Sun Simiao does! My uncle forgot that the old immortal sun is now in the microscopic view of Dingzhou village."

Li Er was stunned when he heard the speech, and then rejoiced: "Ziyou, why didn\'t you remind me earlier? Come on, hurry to Dingzhou village, Huxian County, show the micro, recruit Sun Simiao into the palace and treat the crown prince!"

"Uncle, I\'m afraid others are not familiar with the road and waste time. My episode is outside the palace. Let him go."

Li Er nodded: "I\'ll let the palace guard and the Chamberlain go with him. Hurry! Be sure to run horses in the palace and drive along the road on Zhuque street!"

Li forgot to worry and nodded: "little nephew, there are still some things that need to be brought by my episode to cure Chengqian."

After that, he pulled a waiter, asked for paper and pen, quickly wrote something he needed on it and handed it to the waiter eunuch.

With Li Er\'s order, the palace guard and the eunuch rushed out and rushed outside the palace gate.

After meeting Niu Wu, several horses ran directly to the spacious royal road in the middle of Zhuque street and ran all the way south.

"Uncle, don\'t worry, old immortal sun will be able to save Chengqian." Li forgot to worry and comforted.

"I hope so, eh..." Li Er Chang sighed. In the face of intestinal carbuncle, even if Li Er was the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he had no choice but to place his hope on Sun Simiao.

In the Xiande hall, Geng Fengyu\'s face became a little ugly after Li forget you said the name of Sun Simiao.

As the highest officer of Shangyao Bureau and an official under the zhengwupin of Datang, he has no good feelings for Sun Simiao.

On the one hand, his peers are enemies, and Sun Simiao\'s reputation among the people is much higher than that of him; On the other hand, Sun Simiao once threatened his position. In the ninth year of Wu De, Li Er once recruited Sun Simiao into Chang\'an City, wanted to grant Sun Simiao the title, and handed over the Shangyao bureau to Sun Simiao, but Sun Simiao refused.

Since then, Sun Simiao, for Geng Fengyu, has become the last name he wants to hear.

Now the crown prince is critically ill and the Shangyao bureau is helpless. Huxianzi unexpectedly recommends Sun Simiao to Li Er at this time, which makes Geng Fengyu feel blocked.

He couldn\'t help saying: "Your Majesty, I\'m afraid even Sun Simiao can\'t cure the crown prince. This intestinal carbuncle is incurable. Apart from the legend that Hua Tuo, a miracle doctor, can cure intestinal carbuncle, I\'ve never heard of anyone who can be saved from intestinal carbuncle. According to the divine prescription of Hua Tuo for intestinal carbuncle recorded in the medical book, my officials have decocted and taken it as a patent medicine for the crown prince, but it has no effect. I\'m afraid ……”

Before he finished, Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t help interrupting: "shut up! You\'re just incompetent. Your Highness the prince has been saved. What do you mean?"

Geng Fengyu was always like a crow. He said that Li Chengqian was hopeless and asked Li Er to prepare for the funeral in advance. Li forgot to worry and was very upset.

Now he asked someone to invite Sun Simiao, and he chirped here. He said that Sun Simiao could not cure Li Chengqian. It really made people want to beat people.

Originally, Li Er kicked Geng Fengyu. Li forgot to worry and thought that the old man was not easy. Now he thinks that Li Er kicked too lightly.

"You, how can you humiliate me like this? Huxianzi, I\'m also a top-ranking official. I\'ve been a doctor for more than 30 years. There are countless people alive. Isn\'t it incompetent!" Geng Fengyu immediately blew up his hair when he heard Li forgetful.

He knelt down to Li Er again, and was so wronged that he burst into tears: "Your Majesty, I dare not relax since I took over the Shangyao Bureau. I naturally hope the crown prince will be healthy, but the medicine stone is difficult to cure this intestinal carbuncle. I\'m not incompetent. Please see it clearly."

Li Er was upset at this time. Even though he knew that intestinal carbuncle was an incurable disease, as Li Chengqian\'s father, how could he not have a glimmer of hope in his heart?

Naturally, he expected Sun Simiao to save his eldest son, just as Li forgot to worry said.

"Well, what\'s the use of saying this at this time? Continue to treat the crown prince. We\'ll discuss everything after Sun Simiao arrives."

Li Er\'s words made Geng Fengyu speechless and could only shut up. However, looking at Li forgetful\'s eyes, he brought some resentment.

Of course, Li forgets to worry about Geng Fengyu. He walks aside, reaches out his hand to recruit an internal eunuch and whispers orders.

His words made the waiter\'s face hesitate. But looking at the restless Li Er, he didn\'t dare to report. He had to answer and turn to the outside of the hall