Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 399

The East Palace, Xiande hall, has become a pot of porridge at this time.

Under the command of the doctor of Shangyao Bureau, the internal attendants and palace maids were in a panic everywhere.

When Li Er led Li forgetful and a group of eunuchs to Xiande hall, empress Chang sun arrived first with a big stomach.

The servants and maids hurriedly saluted Li Er. At this time, Li Er was in no mood to take care of these. He waved impatiently to the people and looked at the empress Chang sun.

"Guanyin maidservant, how about Chengqian? Why does this good woman have pain in her abdomen?"

"My concubine didn\'t know. The Chamberlain of the East Palace just reported that Chengqian had unbearable pain in his abdomen. My concubine hurriedly asked someone to recruit Feng Yu and the doctor of Shangyao Bureau. Now Feng Yu and the doctor are still in diagnosis and treatment."

Empress Chang sun also seemed very flustered. Originally, she was pregnant for seven or eight months, and her body was inconvenient. At this time, he suddenly heard the news that his son was ill, and his face turned white and haggard.

Li Er felt sorry for his daughter-in-law. Seeing the appearance of empress Chang sun, he quickly asked the palace maid to serve empress Chang sun and sit down first.

"Guanyin maidservant, it\'s inconvenient for you to have a body. Why don\'t you go back to the Li main hall to have a rest first. I\'m here. You don\'t have to worry."

"No, my concubine won\'t go. Chengqian\'s condition is unknown now, and how can my concubine leave." empress Chang sun naturally refused to go. Even though she had two sons and a daughter and was pregnant in her womb, Li Chengqian\'s eldest son is still her heart.

Seeing empress Chang sun say so, Li Er can only compromise: "OK, OK, Guanyin maidservant, don\'t panic. Chengqian will be fine. Maybe he has eaten bad. It\'s no big deal."

Li forgot to worry and comforted: "don\'t worry, aunt. Chengqian auspicious people have their own heaven. What\'s more, my little nephew knows a little about physiognomy. Chengqian is not a desperate face and will be fine."

He dared to say so, naturally because Li Chengqian lived well in history.

Although his life is not long, he only lived 26 years old, but now Li Chengqian is only nine years old. Of course, Li forget worry doesn\'t think his life is in danger.

There are many reasons for the child\'s abdominal pain, but when Li forgets his worries, it is probably the same as Li Er\'s guess. It is estimated that he just ate his stomach.

Looking back on history, it seems that Li Chengqian had a serious illness in a few years.

According to the old book of the Tang Dynasty, "it is very difficult to carry out the work because it is sufficient to carry on the work."

At this time, Li Chengqian had sound limbs and no leg disease.

Looking at the historical analysis of later generations, Li forgot to worry and guessed that Li Chengqian was not sure that it was the illness of Zhenguan for seven years, which led to leg disease and inconvenient movement.

But anyway, Li Chengqian lived at least 18 years in Zhenguan before he died of depression in Guizhou. Now it\'s only two years since Zhenguan. Li forgets worry and naturally dares to say such words.

But something that surprised Li forgot to worry happened.

Shang Yao Feng Yu of Shang Yao Bureau, with a bitter face, came out of the hall and knelt down directly to give a big gift to Li Er and empress Chang sun.

"Tell your majesty and your Highness the queen that your courtiers and ministers have found out that your Highness the prince is suffering from intestinal carbuncle. Your courtiers are incompetent. There is no medicine for this disease..."

The Shangyao was named Geng Hong by the royal name. He was in his fifties. He was the highest officer of Shangyao Bureau and the official product under the five grades.

Shangyao Fengyu is generally served by doctors proficient in medicine recruited by the royal family, who are responsible for Royal medical treatment. Geng Hong is also a famous doctor in the Tang Dynasty. Although he is not comparable with Sun Simiao, he is also known as a famous doctor.

Geng Fengyu said that her son had intestinal carbuncle. Empress Chang sun\'s face was as white as paper.

She shook her body a few times and was about to fall. Li Er hurriedly reached out to help her.

Li Er was also staring angrily at this time, as if he wanted to choose someone and bite him fiercely: "what do you say? My crown prince came to me today and asked me how to get this intestinal carbuncle? I ordered you to treat the crown prince quickly. If there is any difference, I will cut you alive!"

"Your Majesty, this is the disease of intestinal carbuncle... I will obey your orders." Geng Fengyu also wanted to explain one or two, what is the disease of intestinal carbuncle. But seeing Li Er\'s appalling appearance, he didn\'t dare to speak any more. He ran back to the hall and discussed with other doctors of Shangyao bureau how to treat the prince.

With a cry of pain, empress Chang sun broke away Li Er\'s arm and ran into the hall.

Fearing that she might lose her body, Li Er hurried after her, and the group of Chamberlain eunuchs and palace maids behind him rushed after her.

Li forgets to worry and listens to the words of Shangyao Fengyu clearly. If he is struck by lightning, he stays on the spot.

What the hell? What happened?

How could Li Chengqian get any intestinal carbuncle? There is no record in the history book!

Intestinal carbuncle is appendicitis, which was incurable in ancient times. Although there are vague records in many ancient books that it can treat intestinal carbuncle, in fact, Huaxia traditional Chinese medicine has no such ability.

Although appendicitis is only a minor operation in later generations, even senior interns in medical school can easily complete it. But in the era of no Western medicine operation, intestinal carbuncle is definitely a incurable disease without medicine.

But how could Li Chengqian have appendicitis?

If Li Chengqian had appendicitis in history, how could he live 18 years in Zhenguan and collude with Hou Junji to commit rebellion?

Li forgot to worry. His mind was blank. It took him a long time to recover. He hurried to Xiande hall.

At this time, in the bedroom of Xiande hall, next to the incomparable bed, the empress changsun had cried into tears.

Next to the bed, there were doctors, eunuchs and palace maids kneeling all over the ground, and the atmosphere was extremely depressed.

Li forgot to worry and took two steps at once to check Li Chengqian\'s situation. But he saw that the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty closed his eyes tightly and did not move. His forehead was full of sweat from pain. He was already unconscious.

He didn\'t care so much, so he grabbed Geng Fengyu\'s skirt: "you really diagnosed that his Highness the prince is suffering from intestinal carbuncle? You, you won\'t be misdiagnosed?"

Up to now, Li Qieyou doesn\'t believe that what Li Chengqian got will be appendicitis, which is simply not in line with history.

"There must be no mistake. Your Highness has pain in the right lower abdomen, muscle tension and rebound pain, accompanied by cold, fever, vomiting, abdominal distension, redness, yellow and greasy moss and pulse flood... This is definitely the disease of intestinal carbuncle. I have been practicing medicine for more than 30 years and am determined not to make a wrong diagnosis. Moreover, this is the diagnosis of many doctors in the pharmaceutical Bureau."

The doctors of Shangyao Bureau kneeling on one side also nodded repeatedly, indicating that what Han Fengyu said was not wrong.

Li forgot his worries and let go. Geng Fengyu knelt down again and said to Li Er: "Your Majesty, the ministers have given the prince a golden needle and are ordering people to boil the soup. But... However, the ministers have nothing to do about this intestinal carbuncle, so they can only see the prince\'s life..."

Before he finished, he saw Li Er in a rage, gnashing his teeth, rushing over and kicking him to the ground.

"My eldest brother, if there is a good or bad, I want you all to bury him!"

Li Er\'s words are naturally angry. According to the medical level of the Tang Dynasty, if the patient can\'t be cured, he will have to be buried with him. I\'m afraid there are not enough heads to cut off in the pharmaceutical Bureau.

However, no one dared to speak out in the face of the angry Li Er. All doctors, internal attendants and palace maids were silent